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Archive for the Halsey Category




Shit Faced Halsey of the Day

Here’s a piece of shit popstar named Halsey who has scammed a lot of people doing a new beauty ritual of spreading feces all over her face…

This is not Halsey being racist like Howard Stern, because she is black, or has a black father and likes to remind us how black she is whenever she gets the chance..which makes sense when you’re as white as Candace Owens’ baby…you gotta wear a sign or something so the WOKE pieces of shit know to talk on your behalf as the white ally, instead of assuming that she’s a white ally speaking on behalf of minorities like the ignorant woke heroes they are….

That said, I should think about feces more than I do…but I generally hate shitting, I’ve never experienced POO-PHORIA, which is not Sydney Sweeney’s new show to flash her tits on, but should be….If anything, I’ve never even shit myself when drunk…it’s probably one of those slow metabolism things…..but I should talk more about feces especially when talking about shit faced Halsey, the kind of girl who would probably let you shit on her chest back when she was first selling her soul to the industry for that fame and fortune she always wanted…because it allowed her to buy FAKE TITS…but now that she’s famous, she’ll SHIT on her own damn face…THANK YOU VERY MUCH….she’s an INDEPENDENT WOMAN you see.

Is this kind of shit face is a different kind skid mark than you’d expect to find in your underwear, but really not all that different really…but that’s more to do with the person the shit face is on, then the shit face itself, since I don’t think Halsey is all that impressive….


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bolt Ons of the Day

I think Halsey recently had a kid, so her bolt on tits are currently full of milk, making them exceptionally larger than they were when she first bought them….and I guess when you breed, even when you’re a popstar, it is only natural for you to assume the role of wife who has been married 20 years, going to the mall for a boudoir shoot to keep her husband happy now that they’ve given up…you know since everything is moving faster and faster 20 year marriages have turned into 12 month relationships where 9 months of it was spent knocked the fuck up thanks to a good old fashioned creampie because it makes the relationship feel more romantic, more intimate, when everyone’s an oversexed freak…

Then again, I know nothing about Halsey and maybe her middle aged mom in her 40s boudoir shoot from the mall in the 90s…like that episode of Roseanne all those years ago…which forever traumatized me before realizing that ladies who looked like Roseanne were the key players in amateur internet porn for a solid 15 years before hot chicks realized they could be naked on the internet and it would only improve their lives taking away from those early adopters because people into amateur nudes were able to jerk off to hot chicks instead of 40 year old moms…

ANYWAY…Halsey the mom’s got big tits that she paid for some of, got cummed in for the rest of….and that’s all I have to say about that..


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Weird Nipples of the Day

Halsey’s got some big ass nipples being sucked on by what I assume is a sex toy, unless you subscribe to her whole pregnancy being real and that breast feeding, the natural purpose for tits besides jerking off on them, even when they are unnatural tits…is to nurture the offspring…

Whenever I see a woman breast feeding, I wonder if the mother is on Anti-Depressants, since 90 percent of the population have been prescribed anti-depressants, and I wonder what that does to the kids…

That’s not to say Halsey is on anti-depressants, but I remember her having some sort of mental illness she marketed, which isn’t that shocking since everyone has mental illness, which makes for a great excuse to get out of things….”I am crazy”….

So that’s not to say Halsey’s nipples looking juicy is anti-depressant milk to help make baby sleep…

I just wonder as a general concept when a population is so hopped on anti-depressants…whether that does good or bad things to the baby…

Not to mention, have you noticed, that everyone on anti-depressants is still depressed, don’t they take medication for that, go on a walk or something you nuts…

As someone who has never tasted breast milk, not even as a child, my mother wasn’t into that kind of perv shit, I can say that this kind of dairy alternative is what all the Starbucks need…STRAIGHT from the tit…..engorged nips and all….I don’t think their overly, almost cartoon level of woke will appreciate that as much as I would as I’d masturbate with the latte art in my mouth….you know….not too unlike my normal Starbucks behavior.

I guess what I am saying is that this selfie is wild….celebrating new motherhood right!


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bush of the Day

I think Halsey is a load of bullshit, but I also think everyone is a load of bullshit, and that doesn’t take away from her ability to sell herself to the rich and elite decision makers out there, to get them to subscribe to her bullshit and pay her….and there’s nothing wrong with that hustle, get what you need to get..

But I never believed her oppressed for being half black bullshit, because she’s whiter than white, despite being black…no one in their right mind would be racist towards her unless they actually knew her and it was an easy angle….but SYSTEMMIC racism man, that shit’s ingrained in society….right….so just because she looks white, doesn’t mean that people aren’t ALIENATING her with their white privilege, I mean it makes for a good excuse for any failures that happen, you know for the victim mindset that everyone celebrates, because they like having excuses too.

I never believed she was a homeless drug addict, who stayed up for days to not get raped…..or whatever her stupid line was….

I am more about her being a party girl in her city, getting backstage cuz she’s cute, sucking the right DJ, an dropping a track that went viral…because these DJs are well paid, accidentally seen as celebrities, when being socially awkward nerds who try too hard…I know DJs…I knew DJs…and I know the kind of girls they fuck….

Anyway, it worked for her, she bought bolt on tits, and now she’s nude and likely pregnant, because her waist-to hip ratio’s a little boxy….and she’s got her black bush out, that could be a MERKIN, or actual bush, but we’ll assume it is actual bush…and that is amazing to me…

If you’ve read this site, I’ve been about BUSH the entire time, I never subscribed to bald pussy unless it was someone I was fucking shaving her bush as a “gift” to me to switch things up….in which case it was “new”….but that was mid-90s…before every troll bitch was playing her best Kardashian with a bald pussy….when I knew it was ALL designed to sell hair removal products and make an industry…

BECAUSE…guess what….THEY CREATE INDUSTRIES FOR PROFIT out of THINGS no one NEEDS…it’s called marketing you assholes..


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Ass in See Through Pants of the Day

Halsey See Through Ass

I guess Halsey hasn’t shat out her shitty child yet. but she’s still fucking white trash and disgusting, despite having a black dad and identifying as black, in this world where we have to where our race on our label like we’re at an AA meeting or porn conference so we know who’s fucking who…which as far as I’m concerned is fucking racist…

I guess she’s like all pregnant chicks….Fat….

I guess she’s also like all pregnant chicks because her hormones are all fucked up and she feels the need to show off her fat ass for the people, cuz she knows as soon as she fucking can, that baby weight is getting sucked out of her…or danced off of her…which is convenient, since I just saw her trending on twitter because her fans are pumped she releasing some fourth studio album produced by TRENT REZNER…edgy…

Halsey’s always annoyed me because I saw her as a DJ WHORE who fucked the right DJ after being in the VIP room with him and thanks to her fucking skills, the kind that would eventually get her knocked up, potentially cuz she wants the kid, or maybe cuz she can’t afford another abortion if she wants a kid….he let her lay down a vocal track and they all got rich…

I don’t hate other people’s successes, because I’ve come to terms with people being undeserving of their successes….most of the rich people I know are idiots who fell into it because they are idiots…so it’s not really a measure of much besides MONEY…but since money controls the world, I guess it matters more than being interesting, smart, hot, etc.

Point being, she pulled this whole story about being a homeless drug addict living the streets for the party, who almost got raped, any angle she could to get people talking, so posting her fat ass in sheer pantyhose is pretty on brand…

I am typically scared of asses too big, but I can handle looking at them…and so should you because you’d rather handle handling them….


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Got Knocked Up of the Day

Halsey Pregnant

Halsey is an attention seeking dick sucker, who I guess also allows for internal creampie cumshots, as that is what the kids are into these days to have any semblance of intimacy…in their empty and meaningless sex filled lives thanks to porn….I say this because I see how hyped people are on creampie porn and there’s gotta be a reason for that..because cumming out is now out of style, it means you’re scared to be a fucking man, scared to want to knock a bitch up, even if the whole purpose of sex for most men is to not knock a bitch up…

The real question you must have is how does a shaved head dude who looks like one of those trannies on Oprah or Dr Phil who have beards and UTERUS, who decided to go off hormones for 9 months to make what will be a totally fucked up baby….MAN-Pregnancy weirdness…it happens….but yeah how does she get knocked up, well it’s a pandemic, she’s a whore, and one more abortion may put her over the edge, or making babies may seem like the right thing to do to expand her brand and mooch off the attention of people…

But yeah, will the MILK make it through the IMPLANT…or will she has a wet nurse for that because like all these other young mothers, they have staff to handle the whole baby thing when the baby isn’t being used as a prop on instagram…

Halsey is always with the clickbait.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bolt Ons of the Day

Halsey is as bullshit as her tits…if you need a reference of how bullshit her tits are…here’s the before and after

She has this fake overinflated bullshit storyline about being some homeless drug addict party girl who miraculously got a record deal and a vocal track on some successful DJs song…putting her on the map…

I don’t doubt that she was a party girl and knowing DJs being a girl who fucks the DJ as he rolls through, one of his pitstop girls, as they all have…I mean they tour town to town they need pussy to get their dick wet with…pussy that is into being with the overpaid nerd at the center of the room….pussy that doesn’t care that they are the side bitch, they just care they they get to drink backstage….I know these types, I’ve seen these types…it’s not an accomplishment, and for the most part, it’s not even the hottest girls at the club….hence Halsey’s success with it…

I am sure she believes her own hype, her own story, she basically plays any angle she can and figured out that rich people like stories of homelessness, it seems edgy and interesting…like out of a movie…because that’s likely where the story originated…

She uses any angle she can to get any level of attention, basically what you’d expect DJ whores to do…I’ve seen them…looking for purpose, attention, celebrity and sometimes it works…

I mean when BLM happened and diversity was being pushed, she was the first to fight for the right for black hair shampoo options in hotels, since she’s half black…something else to exploit….

So now she’s got tits that she bought with her celebrity money and if fake tits impress you…you’re an idiot…dudes can literally buy a set of the same tits….and look the fucking same as this bitch…but if you like fake tit cleavage…you can fucking have it.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Topless On Instagram of the Day

Halsey is some bullshit, even her tits are fake….I am pretty sure she’s just some club slut who lurked in the VIP area and fucked DJs that rolled through town, as girls do…it’s an artform as old as time, or at least as old as DJing, where these girls are just drawn to the man in the room making the music they stripper dance to…

I am from an era of DJs not making millions of dollars or selling out arenas, I mean there were a few EURO RASH Djs who are likely still around at 64 years old, that made the millions of dollars, but at the local level, those “raves” were monthly or less, so the local DJ was more of a thing…and those local DJs were local celebrities and in being local celebrities they’d have line-ups of the hottest pussy in the room waiting to fuck them because they were DJs….it was some moth to light bullshit…but hey, that’s how humanity works….

Even the local DJs who lived in shitty lofts getting paid 100 dollars a gig were pulling young models….because that’s how it worked…then in 2010, the DJ became the Rockstar and all these shitty DJs became gods making 10s of Millions of dollars a month doing the same old nonsense the Local DJ was….but the local pussy stayed the same level of thirsty, just for higher profile people, the kind of higher profile people that could make all their dreams come true if they put her vocals on one of their tracks…

So Halsey, the bitch who pretends she was a homeless addict, a story that the industyr fucking loves because they are all rich people and can’t imagine the suffering or torment from being homeless…I mean they are such creatives from their mansions, imagine being poor…yucky…

So in them buying her bullshit, she’s forever some club but no longer a club slut….but she’s posted some bolt on titty pic where you can’t really see her full titty scars thanks to the dumb make-up she’s got on, which I guess we can assume is part of one of her high concept music videos where she pushes her lies that aren’t high concept at all…but more a cash grab…cash grabbing…


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Dirty Tongue of the Day


Here’s some Halsey tongue all dirty to remind you of all the DJ ass she would eat back when she was getting her start as a club slut party girl wherever she was from who was able to get to the right DJ to give her a chance at doing the vocals on one of his hit songs so that they could together create bullshit pop music with a bullshit origin story about how she was homeless to make her money to get some bullshit tits to try to heat up her otherwise boring try hard look, because pop stars are zero edgy, interesting, compelling, but rather all bullshit…even when they try to play hard…they’re fucking DISNEY bro…and I’m sure Halsey would have fucked Disney or eaten Disney unshowered ass to get where she’s got.

Here are those titties…


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bra and Panties of the Day

Halsey Bra Panties

Halsey posed some thirst trap, attention seeking, post because I guess she wasn’t nominated or invited to the AMAs….so she had to make the night about herself or at least make some noise so people think of her and the best way to do that, even though it’s the same way all girls are seeking attention now, is to strip down for social media….I mean she got the breast implants for a reason…that suburban club slut with her suburban mind…

I’ve always thought that Halsey was some bullshit…I remember when she first dropped and she played her whole origin story of being some homeless girl with a drug addiction to make her artistry seem more legit, meaninful, purposeful….the tormented artist who produces mainstream videogame music for a retard generation…looking for depth with some bullshit lie….but the industry bought into it because these rich and famous industry people can’t fathom poverty or being homeless and it seems so interesting to them that they go with it….and endorse it….throwing money at this bitch like she was a stripper even though she should have been a stripper….

I am sure she was a club slut who fucked the right DJ who gave her a track to sing on and that origin story, like her tits, a lie….but who cares.

Halsey Bra Panties


Posted in:Halsey