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Archive for the Halsey Category




Halsey Cleavage of the Day

Halsey Bald Cleavage

I saw these pictures of Halsey showing off her fake tits on her social media as girls with fake tits tend to do, I mean why the fuck else would you get fake tits if it wasn’t to share them with the world, especially when you’re some bullshit popstar with a bullshit storyline…who milks any angle she can for attention despite having already gamed the system with her lies…it’s just never enough for these people….MORE MORE MORE…that’s all they want…they can’t be happy with taking what they got and riding it, instead they need to ride harder to get more….and this is her way of riding harder…

Since the tits are fake and not her actual tits, you’d think shed be more of an exhibitionist with them….this is weak titty flash in an era of Free the Nipples and tits being thrown up everywhere…they are just tits, get onto that activism…

Her shaved head is not my thing, it reminds me of lice ridden crack whores who had to shave their head to save their business…you can’t be giving all the dicks you suck lice….

Her shaved head is also a reminder of her big reveal that her dad is back a few years back when she went on a rampage about how Hotels, since she’s bougie and a celebrity doing the Hotel thing, but yeah….hotels don’t have shampoo for black hair, which made her mad because she’s black…clearly some posturing, not because she’ not black but because when people set up neon signs to point at themselves as whatever the trending activism is, so that they can hop in on it as one of the victims of things like racism, or sexism, or tranny hating, they are pandering…they are begging and basically on a loud speaker saying “I may be light skinned, but I am black, look at my dad”….and the whole thing seems anti-progressive…if you’re about inclusivity, announcing that you’re different, is cheapening the being different…the people crying racism are turning non racism into racism because they like attention…and clearly Halsey likes attention, any angle she can, just not showing her full fake tit, which is the only angle she should be taking.

Halsey Bald Cleavage


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey and Kelsey Ballerini Reverse Cowgirl of the Day

I was just asking myself, since I am my only friend, where the kid for the BOMFUNK MCs – Freestylers video at now…

I think he may have grown up to be Halsey….

The mooch fuck who is getting in on country, even though you know she’s more about cunt trees, the roots just grow out of her vagina and she can’t figure out what the strain of HPV is or where she got it…was it that night she fucked a dirty beer bottle for a DJ before she was famous, or was it from fucking the dirty DJ….we’ll never fucking know….

What we do know, or what I’ve decided I know, so it’s true to me…Halsey was a bar star in the era of these EDM DJs being “rockstars” something that I’ve always found dumb…but they’d roll through town making their 10k-100k per show and have groupie 18 year old mainstream girls waiting on the sidelines to suck their dicks…I remember DJ AM (who hated me) DJ for rooms of 100 people who didn’t know who he was…to doing these massive college parties that were sold out…and that was EARLY in the DJ trend…so I’ve met 100 Halseys trying to get backstage to show their “singing skills”….

Anyway…she’s a mooch fuck, with a mooch storyline about being homeless and finding celebrity…a hero story…then she’s been seen doing drugs in Miami and none of her sponsors dropped her…because look how far she’s come….then she started mooching off her black heritage bitching at hotel shampoo not being black shampoo…activism….for people who didn’t know she had a black dad…it was confusing activism…and now she’s on the country trend…because it’s an opportunity to be a slut doing her best PIPER PERABO COYOTE UGLY…or maybe it’s an opportunity to get into country…music you know 5 years ago she’d piss on for attention….but now she’s into it…get the fuck out of here with your trash…


Posted in:Halsey|Kelsea Ballerini




Halsey Slutty Bikini of the Day

I remember the first time I heard about Halsey, it was a bunch of years ago and someone I knew in the “industry” told me this story about how I need to look out for this new generation popstar who has this really inspirational story about being some drug addict part girl who lived on the streets….to which I rolled my eyes…as I do….classic Jesus Martinez….and said “you believe that bullshit”….

I mean it’s an angle, a really weird angle, but my version of Halsey’s Origin story, despite not knowing shit about Halsey, besides that she’s got some fake tits…is that she was a bratty teen who wanted to party and not work…and who may have been kicked out of the house for being a degenerate for like a night or two…this whole living on the subway because it ran all night is far too dramatic to be reality….and when she was out at the parties…the DJs who in case you didn’t know are HUGELY famous, rich and all that, but DJs therefore try hard losers….no DJs are cool…and when a hot chick in every city tries to get near them like they are rockstars, they usually take advantage of that, and in Halsey’s case it allowed her to lay down a vocal track that went viral, put her on the map, and allowed her to get fake tits she can do stripper poses in a bikini with.

She’s not hot, interesting, if anything she’s just a lame ass whiner, but she’s in a bikinis slutty posing, so there’s that.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey See Through Swimsuit of the Day

Halsey See Through

There’s a rumor that Cara Delevingne and Halsey are grinding cooters, not the way a serial killer would grind cooters, but more the way Ellen would grind cooters, because their exes are dating and this will be a clickbait storyline to get some viral press about themselves as even when they get relevant, they need to maintain relevance, otherwise what’s the point of getting relevant in the first place…

Entertainment industry is based solely on soulless attempts to stay relevant as pay days and egos rely on it…

I’ve called Halsey bullshit from day one, but she has this storyline the Hollywood industry love, because they are all cheesy elitist fucks who like the disenfranchised type….”oh she’s half black, was homeless and on drugs and now she makes hits, put that on a t-shirt, some liner notes, tell the media her origin story that makes her seem interesting….despite her music being videogame level of deep….and I’m not taling GTA which has a good soundtrack, I’m talking 8-bit early nintendo level of me on my keyboard as a kid trying to learn a real song while playing with the pre-set beats instead”….level of shit..

My theory is if Halsey was so deep, so broken, from such an interesting background, why does she seem like cotton candy served at the fucking mall…..assuming malls still exist with this COVID thing…

She’s fast food level of dog shit, but people like dog shit, so it works out nicely for this clickbaiter…who is also a DJ baiter, because she got her start by being put on by some DJ who was like “I’ll fuck you” after his gig in her hometown where she pretends she was homeless…

Either way, lots of bullshit, but also fake tits in a see through dress.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Bikini of the Day

Halsey Bikini

Halsey posted up this bikini clickbait, because she doubles as an instagram whore, it’s part of her image of party girl who seduced a shitty overhyped viral DJ to make her a star by laying vocals on one of his tracks, allowing her to push this lie about being some homeless, party girl, drug addict backstory that she’s modified in recent Black Lives Matter protests to push that she’s half black and clearly is a victim of racism because no one knew she had a black dad, they call them passable, and we only know her heritage because she doesn’t shut up about it..

My big question for her is why the pussy is cropped out, is it because she’s got a fat pussy, maybe it’s an addiction to sticking the vacuum to her twat for sexual purposes, I’ve seen videos of the pussy pump….or maybe she’s just been so banged out it’s Lady Labia everywhere…unless….there’s just a wet spot from whatever bacterial infection, gynecological disorder that comes with being a popstar who climbed out of homelessness..or it could just be her being subtle…you can’t show pussy definition for free…keep some mystery when you’re a whore…it’s the cardinal rule of whoring…who cares.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey See Through of the Day

Halsey Fake Tits See Through 4

Halsey saving the environment with plastic bags and her plastic tits…

So next time she posts some environmental bullshit post that she’s either paid to post or as part of her deal with the Illuminati that allowed her and her bullshit to exist…REMEMBER THIS MOMENT…

This bitch isn’t into biodegradable….or banning single use plastic…fuck her tits when she dies will be seeping plastic into the ground for the next 1000 years….which funny enough will be her biggest legacy…assuming people will realize she makes shit music for a clickbait A.D.D. meme generation of retards with no taste…viral hits…like her pussy hole.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Sucking On a Magnum of the Day

Halsey Live Magnum Pink Wig

Halsey is some trashy over-signer who has a lot of hype despite being caught by the paparazzi snorting a mystery powder a few years ago, which for whatever reason didn’t turn off the sponsors or the mainstream, because if we can learn anything about Hollywood and celebrity, they practice favoritism. Demi Lovato is prime example of a crackhead who almost died of her addiction and will die of her addiction but because of her Disney fame and power, she polarized the story to being a health issue or a mental health issue that she can’t control, cue the sympathy card, and everyone was on a GET WELL SOON, SING AT THE SUPER BOWL kick…fuck that noise…people get FUCKED all the time for addiction, everyday people lose jobs, but these idiots go on with no consequence. It is bullshit.

ANYWAY, Halsey pretends she was a street kid, she plays up the fact her dad is black, she just manipulated the public with the help of the industry, and she didn’t even do a great job about it, but she’s an earner, is part of hit songs and that’s what matters….

As far I am concerned, her fake groupie opportunistic ladder climbing tits are the most interesting thing about her…but you may be into seeing her getting paid to put things in her mouth, like this ice cream bar that is her sponsor because they don’t care that she snorts drugs, she had a prescription alright….and she’s famous alright….

I still think she’d be better off getting paid to put other things in her mouth behind the nightclub she’s trying to get into to seduce the DJ into letting her lay down a vocal track, but she’s already BEEN THERE and DONE THAT! It’s not her first time, it never is when you are at her level!

Halsey Live Magnum Pink Wig


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Nude of the Day

Halsey Nude

Halsey, who is some bullshit club dancer or bottle service girl who had access to the VIP room turned pop star because DJs are a bunch of loser simps who believe their own hype as they fuck party girls around the world despite being a bunch of fucking losers…

Anyway, this mooch fuck is mooching with some lame fucking nude pic, like the girls on instagram who are pretending they aren’t sluts, while being sluts, because they think their nudity is “art”….since they are that hyped on themselves..

The good news is that this shoot is so basic and g-rated that there’s nothing to it, she could be in a fucking snow suit and it’d be equally revealing, which is actually pretty fucking rude since she only exists for being a party slut who fucks DJs to get a career..and this is what she does with her career. Pretty weak.


Posted in:Halsey




Halsey in a Nude Bathing Suit of the Day

Halsey is some party slut who sucked the right DJ dick so he put her on one of his tracks and the rest is record deal history…

There’s this point in “fame” or mass appeal where you can basically put anything out to the world and the world will embrace it because they are such deep rooted fans. It doesn’t need to be good.

So with the loophole, Halsey exists….

Sure, some people are probably her fans, because people are generally pathetic and need idols to look up to, even if those idols represent all that is wrong in entertainment…

Maybe some of her vapid songs speak to their souls because they are just as vapid and they speak the same vapid language….who knows, I just know she’s a fucking scam.

I am not going to pull the old guy who’s been around a long time card, but when club DJs transitioned like Bruce Jenner into becoming the deciders of pop music, there was a shift in the quality of music….

That’s not to say dance music is bad, I’m as much of a raver as the next guy, you know getting down to my Jungle music like it was 1996….HOWEVER…the DJs I’ve seen and met over the years were what you’d expect…the insecure losers who had no friends and no one to go to the party with who realized that girls in the club like to fuck the DJs….

Most of the DJs I knew were the biggest losers in the club, but acted all cool with their sunglasses on because they let the drunken dancers massage their bullshit egos that weren’t even real egos…since they knew, like we know, that they were just nerd losers faking it.

The point is, when a girl like Halsey is in the VIP room at her local club because she’s a hot enough regular, the access to the DJs become pretty simple, allowing her to go home with them, befriend them, feed them music..I know girls who have fucked DJs on the regular, year after year, it’s not some exclusive club to break into and thanks to the internet any song they put out goes platinum….allowing people like Halsey who they let drop the vocal track for head…to go mainstream…

It’s all a scam….

But in even funnier Halsey news, she wears “Nude” colored bikinis or bathing suits, not that we are legally allowed to call this color nude anymore….we must re-invent the word nudes because Make-Up brands everywhere have been racist toward black by calling their pallets nudes….so here she is in a “nude” bathing suit, despite her crying about how black she is all the fucking time thanks to her dad being black as she appropriates the plight of the black man as the most bleached out, straight white haired girl around…

Get the fuck out of here Halsey..

Posted in:Halsey




Halsey Fake Artist in a Bikini of the Day

Halsey Bikini Artist

Halsey is some bullshit…but she’s in a bikini and as I’ve been reminded multiple times daily because all these whores love posting bikini pics, even those who shouldn’t post bikini pics, but when they do post bikini pics, they get all kinds of feedback about those bikini pics, leading them to think that bikini pics is the way to get seen and followed and more importantly attention from people telling you how great you look because they want you to post more bikini pics…in a tits get hits kind of logic that I’ve used to keep traffic flowing to this site…..no matter how shit the substance of those bikini pics are…we’re all looking.

So when it comes to Halsey, I can’t stand her media manipulation, she claims to have been homeless in a “Look at her now” kind of overcoming all hardships….she also claims to be some bullshit raver club kid on drugs, even though she’s too young to have actually been a degenerate drug addict party kid, she was new generation drug kid maybe, and she fucked a DJ to get a career, sure…but sob stories for marketing purposes to make her seem less manufactured and shit than she is…annoy me.

Her fake tits doing fake bikini posing…is fine though.

Halsey Bikini


Posted in:Halsey