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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk Hot As Loves Carbs of the Day


Irina Shayk the hooker who never was…when she first started out, she got a good, high profile client…who appreciated her amazing body….because he was gay and she was Russian, unknown and didn’t know anyone or the language so that she couldn’t tell his secrets, but then she turns around and decides it is time to become famous, I guess she got Greedy and convinced the guy to get her into American Magazines…and now onto the cock of American Icons like Brad Cooper…

Here she is hugging statues of carbs…because she’s probably making a basic joke of “I love carbs”…as dumb models do…or maybe she just wants her ass seen but without being obvious….while being obvious…so round that it needs to be fed more than just Brad Cooper protein…even though his protein pays so well…maybe laying off the carbs until getting pregnant is key…Russians are scheming…because they have no souls…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk for LA CLOVER LINGERIE of the Day


Irina Shayk is probably one of the hottest models to come out of Sports Illustrated to have a celebrity cum inside of her…

The other models out of Sports Illustrated are fat chicks like Kate Upton, who pretend they aren’t fat chicks, even though any client who hires them or dude who sees her knows she’s a fat chick, and that doesn’t mean they won’t fuck the fat chick, it just means she’s a fat chick….and/or the gold digging wallet fucker, I guess something they are all by default…it’s like Sports Illustrated is a casting for rich guys to find pussy to fuck and knock up…like John Legend, only I think he had Chrissy Teigen before she was in Sports Illustrated and that was just part of her levaraging his wallet through “love” and being there before he was famous…that has ended in BABIES…that we call her career being over, but her securing a solid child support for life…

Not that this has anything to do with the Russian import, who got here via a homosexual soccer player and his powerful agents that has parlayed that into fucking Brad Cooper, the model fucker, and probably biggest actor in Hollywood under 50, besides maybe Leo DiCaprio…and I guess what I am saying is that…I support her hustle as a souless opportunist russian, because she’s far too hot to be a traditional mail order wife…she’s too hot to just be sent to a brothel…her modeling career although paid for and manufactured doesn’t offend me…because look at this fucking body…and face…my god..she’s great…and not just at manipulating job…but by manipulating practicially homeless marrried guys with a stupid blog in Canada…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk at an Event of the Day


Irina Shayk is pretty substantial…

That’s why celebrities, who can fuck anyone, pass her around and don’t even care that so many other dudes have fucked her before them, just so long as they get into her Russian, thus soulless womb…with their mouth and or penis…depending on how much they pay her, or offer her in press, work VISAs or jobs…

But the fact is, she’s pretty much one of the hottest girls out there getting press, despite not getting much work, whether she’s a model, or sugar baby, or not…doesn’t matter…because all these girls model because it offers a fun life, a good life, and rich as fuck boyfriends when it is all said and done…that they can pull the Chrissy Teigen and try to get knocked up by. It makes fiscal sense…

ALl this to say…Irina Shayk is pretty substantial…


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shyak has Been in a Bikini for the last Month of the Day

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Rumored prostitute Irina Shayk has been in a bikini with her famous actor boyfriend….

She has taken the opportunity to pretend she’s in love, to pretend that she’s all about this motherfucker, while being all over him…

Since Russians have no souls, are incapable of love, it is safe to say that this is:

1- Photo Op – get that press
2- K-Fed opportunity previously discussed, trap the motherfucker, he’s A-List and will get you in movies, great for career…but more importantly…financial security…

I trust none of what’s going on here, but I guess a hustling Russian model knows that there’s a timeline to what she does, and that now is time to get pregnant…it’s just a matter of who to get pregnant with, and America / hollywood, is the real Russian dream…

It all makes sense…and the softcore porn is barely erotic, I’m bored of this garbage, but she’s still good…



Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk Beach Porn of the Day

Irina Shayk is a rumored hooker…..

These pictures tell a different story, that she’s just a romantic, as most soul-less Russians who escaped RUssia via the gayest Soccer player in the history of Soccer, to become a bikini model, as it solidified his story are…

She just love loves, this is a great American love story, of a man…with a lot of money, and fame, who bangs out as many young models as he can, because that’s the benefit of being a famous, rich person girls want to fuck….finding love in one of the rumored hottest half naked bitch in Sports Illustrated…you know they defied all odds to make this union happen…and to make it work….so that they could show the world how much they care about each other as he dries to dig clams out of her cunt on the beach…because he paid her to let him do whatever he wants to do to her…



Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk’s AIring Out Her Vagina of the Day

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Every seasoned hooker, needs to give her vagina a break, and air her out, so that she can recover from all the abuse she’s taken, even if it has paid her well and created an actual legitimate career for her…

I like to think that’s what Irina Shayk, the “Model” not hooker, who I am sure doesn’t date people for their money, fame, status or ability to help her career, because I’ve met Russian girls, and none of them are money hungry, money grubbing, soul less sex work…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk in a See Through Outfit of the Day

A photo posted by irinashayk (@irinashayk) on

23 Hours ago…

Irina Shayk posted these pictures of her in a dress…that was a little revealing…but not as revealing as her pissing for some paying client on a webcam in some webcam girl warehouse owned by the Russian mob she is supposed to be working at…

But I guess with the whole Russian Billionaire thing, she managed to escape the communist wake that has made so may of these souless babes…like serious fucking babes…turn to that life…

While instead running off to date celebrities and famous soccer players…because when you’re hot, in the right circle, run the right PR around yourself, all the rich guys want inside you, like buying a ferrari…a used, passed around, Russian, only it it for your money…ferrari..

But these rich people don’t care, they just want the best of everything, and she’s packaged herself like that…

She’s also packaged herself like a toilet papered house at the Frosh or Halloween..

She’s also looking pregnant, or bloated, on her period or knocked up….because you can’t live a life as a sugar baby properly without child support checks…the stupid 20k a kid kind…otherwise, she’s gotta operate as an escort with access to credit card..and escorts have no independence…something Russians who have been oppressed for ever don’t like…it reminds them of their past…but they do like money…

Who cares…she’s hot..that’s what matters.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk in a Bikini of the Day



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Irina Shayk is one of the best love stories to happen in modern times…

You know just some Russian girl who got swept off her feet from a possibly gay superstar soccer player…

Allowing her to move to America without him, while remaining his girl for public appearances, because that is love, not escorting….before eventually securing an A-Lister…

Modern day romance…all while being one of the hottest girl’s out there….

I am a fan…but only because I know Russians have no souls and are out for themselves after decades of communist rule, they feel like they deserve it..and in Irina’s case, she does…because less hot girls are Sugar Babying just as hard…it’s just the world we live in…

Here she is in a bikini..


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Naked and a Snake of the Day


This is a shoot for something called Sorbet magazine, which features Irina Shyak’s cummed on looking matted hair, naked with a snake, which wouldn’t be the first time she has been naked with a snake,… or really naked with anything phallic…as that behavior is really the foundation of her career and everything she’s done with it…like Athletes and Actors and I’m sure some producers….maybe even people at immigration….if you know what I mean..

I’m not a creative director at a magazine I’ve never heard of, but I think it’s logical to say that if you have a Russian hooker naked in a room…willing to have pictures taken…you take those fucking pictures…and make sure they are better than this…

Either way, she’s good, even if she’s the worst…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Busting Out on the Runway of the Day

Look…Irina Shayk is not a hooker..

She was not exported from Russia by a Soccer player to be his contract beard, as his homosexuality would ruin him, Europeans, although very gay in dress and action, hate the gays…and it would ruin him….so why not maker her, turn her into a model, get her in magazines because she’s amazing to look at, only to land an A-List actor the second the contract is up, because she’s hot and rich actors like hot…especially when hot is a published model…it makes their hooking seem less obvious..

Well, apparently…she’s a Runaway model..a real fashion model…not just novelty tits to make a fashion show more interesting or high profile…but rather…real runway modeling…with massive tits…as Runway models are known for…right

More interesting – she just posted her ass on Instagram..

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Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW