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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk’s in a Dress for Vogue Turkey of the Day


Earlier today, I was watching some Turkish Oil wrestling, which is one of the gayest displays in heterosexuality in terms of wrestling, even gayer than regular oiled up half naked wrestling….and now we’re looking at Vogue Turkey’s Irina Shayk spread, because she’s pretty perfect, just not to Brad Cooper who was probably tired of paying her 100k a week for sex, and played off their recent breakup as his mom not liking her. That’s way more sweet and cute to his female fans who probably hate Irina Shayk for being perfect and with their man, you know distracting them from the fact he fucks Russian hookers, and refocusing it on him being a Mommy’s Boy….moms love that shit..

Clever marketing…and it works for Irina Shayk also, I mean rich dudes love fucking girls A List celebs have fucked, it makes them seem worth the price, you know the higher quality client list she’s got, the more she can command…becuase looks alone don’t make the whore, there’s a whole science behind their work, career, social life, vacation spots that set the pics..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk’s Titty Grab for Givenchy of the Day

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Irina Shayk is the leader of the Russian Muffia…..pretty much the top notch in the group of Russian models who were tall enough and hot enough to be taken out of the sex trade, working as hookers and webcam models, and put into the higher end industry.

So rather than being killed by pimps and john’s being human trafficking, they get to go to higher end events and fuck higher end rich guys, making them live the good life, while the rest of the world doesn’t see them as hookers at all…

So she’s leveraged a relationship with a very rich and famous Gay athlete…into a career in America and now she’s with an A-List actor…she’s made it…and deserves to make it because when you’re a superhuman in terms of looks, might as well use it to win than some other bitch…

Well, she’s topless for Givenchy ….and I like it..makes me wish I could find a Russian to import of my own, who uses me for citizenship and money, because I don’t mind being used when it looks like this…

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A video posted by irinashayk (@irinashayk) on

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk is Pretty Much Everything of the Day


Irina Shayk is perfection….Sure, I don’t really like the fact that she’s a soulless Russian, because soulless Russians break fucking hearts on their soulless quest to find richer guys than you, after you’ve imported them from Russia and they only care about their own security and future, I guess thanks to a generation or two of total political unrest..it’s like “look out for yourself, or you’ll become a sex worker on cams, instead of Brad Cooper, yes that brad Cooper, the A-Lister Brad Cooper’s, vagina he fucks”…and in exchange she has the opportunity to have his baby and guarantee child support from him, but she’s calculated, brilliant and working it for more than just babies…she’s probably even playing hard to get and making him work…which i guess is a far cry from when Russians were smuggling Levis and Michael Jackson albums into the country that was also their prison…

It’s safe to say that I wish the geotag info was posted in this pic, so that I could show up and offer to wash her bathing suit for her…with my mouth…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk’s Instagram Bikini Pic of the Day


I like Irina Shayk. I think she’s the perfect level of calculated, brilliant, Russian spy model…you know lacking a soul, out on a mission, all while having one of the best faces and bodies around…that A-Listers who aren’t Leo DiCaprio are fucking…and that will likely knock-up and get pregnant, because it’s security for a girl like this..who I believe will bounce back, because she’s like some kind of model wizard who made some kind of deal with the devil, or communist leader…to happen….

Seriously…what a solid fucking selife…it speaks to my soul….and by soul I mean…prostate…but that could just be the cancer.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Perfect Squat of the Day


Irina Shayk is my favorite model, not just because she seems like she’s humble after all her hustling and sugar babying that has allowed for a life that she probably deserves…straight from the slums of Russia to the beard of a huge athlete to a life as a Victoria’s Secret model…to the wife of an A list actor…not that they are married, but they probably will be, because if that motherfucker Brad Cooper doesn’t get this thing pregnant, he has no understanding of genetics and how when something this good, clever, hard working and ambitious comes a long…you make babies with it…in hopes of creating a super human….because she’s pretty much a super human…

These half squat pics are what all girls should look like. She’s amazing…a Christmas miracle…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Day 4 of Love Magazine Advent Calendar of the Day

Irina Shayk may be old news, but she’s the fucking future…

A sugar baby / mail order who made it…hero to us all…with A list rich boyfriends..because her ass looks like this….

I repeat….Her Ass Looks Like This….

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I don’t hate Love Magazine or their Advent Calendar…that is why I rip off their content and repurpose it with valuable commentary…like “Look at these jerks, where do they get off being such jerks, using top paid models and celebrities to bring in holiday cheer, in videos….with half nakedness and dancing..”…such jerks…and commentary like “look at them using it-girls and people who people actually care about because they want to get the publicity as publicity makes them money”….those jerks…unacceptable…

I love Christmas…and I like that Love is pulling it off in this Christmasless world we live in….so to see the rest of the now annual Advent Calendar HERE

Posted in:Irina Shayk|Love Magazine|SFW




Irina Shayk Demonstrates the Bradley Cooper Dick Suck with her THumb of the Day


All Russian girls I know are soulless, they are crazy, they are opportunist…and they fucking LOVE money…but all Russian girls I know…are also so fucking hot that you don’t care about their personality flaws…you don’t care that they are soulless or crazy or opportunist…you just fuck them as much as you can…because their look that good…knowing that they’ll move onto a richer guy, or a guy with more to offer than you…because you can offer very little…the second she’s done using you..

There’s no way that Irina Shayk would have got to this level of fame without the A-Listers that she fucked along the way…but let’s remember a lot of equally hot Russians are out there and not fucking A-Listers…who we will never know…and even some of the girls on Mail order bride sites…are legendary…and available at an affordable rate…meaning Irina Shayk is just average thanks to communism killing the uglies…but there’s something solid about this Irina hustle that’s clearly working for her…

Either way, thumb sucking pic for the win…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar of the Day


I am so on the ball, I posted the cover picture of Irina Shayk in Harper’s Bazaar yesterday….and to quote myself, because how much can one motherfucker say about this bitch….here’s what I said…

Irina Shayk is one the Cover of Harper’s Bazaar…I’m not sure if it is the America issue or an obscure market issue, I don’t do all that much research into these things, especially when it comes to Russian hookers, who I am just impressed, but not really, because she’s Russian, and Russians are bright, the fact they have no souls, means emotions don’t get in the way of these things, like strategically finding a way out of the Iron Curtain, to live the American dream with all the McDonalds and Levis she can imagine, all by using any means possible, which in her case was being the beard for what has been rumored to be a gay as fuck soccer star in a homophobic European market…use hot RUssian, she knows better than to talk, her people know about keeping secrets, she’ll be good…especially if we put her in Sports Illustrated to make the story more legit…a task that takes one phone call when you’re a huge soccer star trying to pay off a girl by getting her in a magazine that your team pretty much control…

Now she’s dating an A-List actor, and covering magazines, and she is really fucking hot, so I don’t care, and she’s jumped through the hoops to make this happen, so she’s deserving, I just like knowing that I know the scam she pulled, it makes seeing these pics feel like the ultimate troll I’m in on…but maybe that’s just because I created all this in my crazy mind, like some kind of personality disorder delusion…

That’s probably what it is…I’m crazy…and she’s a supermodel who did it the same way other supermodels do it…with hard work ethic and not fucking A listers…right…that’s gotta be it.

And I am reposting this, because all the pics dropped….

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk for Harper’s Bazaar of the Day



Irina Shayk is one the Cover of Harper’s Bazaar…I’m not sure if it is the America issue or an obscure market issue, I don’t do all that much research into these things, especially when it comes to Russian hookers, who I am just impressed, but not really, because she’s Russian, and Russians are bright, the fact they have no souls, means emotions don’t get in the way of these things, like strategically finding a way out of the Iron Curtain, to live the American dream with all the McDonalds and Levis she can imagine, all by using any means possible, which in her case was being the beard for what has been rumored to be a gay as fuck soccer star in a homophobic European market…use hot RUssian, she knows better than to talk, her people know about keeping secrets, she’ll be good…especially if we put her in Sports Illustrated to make the story more legit…a task that takes one phone call when you’re a huge soccer star trying to pay off a girl by getting her in a magazine that your team pretty much control…

Now she’s dating an A-List actor, and covering magazines, and she is really fucking hot, so I don’t care, and she’s jumped through the hoops to make this happen, so she’s deserving, I just like knowing that I know the scam she pulled, it makes seeing these pics feel like the ultimate troll I’m in on…but maybe that’s just because I created all this in my crazy mind, like some kind of personality disorder delusion…

That’s probably what it is…I’m crazy…and she’s a supermodel who did it the same way other supermodels do it…with hard work ethic and not fucking A listers…right…that’s gotta be it.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk is the New Face for L’Oreal of the Day

If you’re a Russian Hooker…a really fucking hot Russian Hooker…and you can’t afford make-up because you only make 30 dollars a week in your communist destroyed home….

Find an agency that will find you an A List European athlete, who is covering up his homosexuality with you, and in exchange gets you into Sports Illustrated….because you’re hot and it keeps your fucking extorting mouth shut…

Continue Sports Illustrated until your contract with the Athlete is up, and turn that to vagina over to an A List Actor…like Brad Cooper…

It’ll pay off – people will take you seriously…you will be legitimized…you will not be seen as a hooker opportunist….but you will instead book spokesperson for a massive cosmetic line…like you matter…because you do matter…you worked hard for this…navigating the world like the clever spy you are……take it in…and then fulfill your commitments…before getting pregnant to full circle this wallet fuck….close out this hooker life…get paid…

Life Lesson…be hot, get press and things will happen for you.

A video posted by irinashayk (@irinashayk) on

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW