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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk Erotica of the Day

Irina Shayk Erotica

Irina Shayk, who’s actual name by the way is Irina Valeryevna Shaykhlislamova posed for some photoshoot shaking her ass…

Dressed like a Motorcycle you’d premature ejaculate if you ever had a chance to ride…which isn’t saying much…you premature ejaculate when you put your underwear on…it’s just too much for you to take…the sensation…over the top…in an era where you read people reference over the pants handjobs…knowing you’ve never had one and if you did…you’d probably bust like a 13 year old being molested by his hot 27 year old married teacher…

Point being, she’s married to Brad Cooper, a horrible human,…and horrible singer…who is manipulating hollywood with his junky fucking movie and fake Lady Gaga relationship, and that alone is enough reason to praise this hot Russian, who is really just there for a paycheck and who probably barely deals with the guy, who is rumored to be a total fucking Actor…which means a total fucking baby, bitch, whining, queer, girl…which would explain why he likes GAGA….Irina Shayk for Show…the beard…Gaga to really fag the fuck out on….cuz there’s no way Gaga isn’t a Drag Queen she’s ripped off all these years…

Russian..No Soul…hard working for for the money..there for the money….willing to do whatever it takes for the money….now set for life with that child support check…and still able to bring her ass out…NOT bad hustle…she’s good…even great. I am a fan.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Thong of the Day

Irina Shayk Thong Mirror Selfie

Irina Shayk the Mail Order Bride of the Day was the alternate title, or Irina Shayk Backpages Image of the Day…because that was the life she could have been living if she wasn’t a trained Russian spy who used her hotness to infiltrate the American scene and wind up knocked up by an A-Lister, as much as I don’t like Acknowledging Brad Cooper as an A-Lister, I’m like the Academy Awards up in here, and he’s just some dude from The Hangover who’s been able to polarize things…while being roped in by a Russian model who knows how to poke holes in the condom cuz theoretically her life was over at 30 and she had to make a move…but clearly isn’t over based on this thong pic…you know still doing big Russian things…hard working and soulless and hot.



Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Butt Shot for Montreal of the Day

Apparently Irina Shayk was cast to promote some exhibit at our local Montreal Art Gallery…which is very fucking important…and exciting mainly because pre Brad Cooper wallet fucking that A Lister which resulted in an internal cumshot or CREAMPIE if you’re more into standardized porn categories….making a little Brad Cooper baby….she was amazing….pretty much the beacon of hope, the reminder that Russian pussy is amazing, that during Communism they likely killed off every ugly chick….she was focused, she was masterful, strategic…and she made it where she needed to make it….

Pre Brad Cooper Irina was amazing, but now it’s kind of done for me because mom’s don’t interest me….they kind of gross me out…with the whole shitting out a living creature that grew inside them…through her vagina…gross.

But flashing her ass in pantyhose for the City I pay tickets for indecent exposure in…it is like I helped pay for this because the museum is funded by the government. Socialism. So it is pretty great…it’s almost as good as her showing her mom ass to me, for me….which I guess that’s how I feel about all these pictures when I look at them, because I’m experiencing them as if I took the picture even if I’m so far removed from it…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Lingerie of the Day

Irina Shayk Lingerie

Irina Shayk may or may not be the hottest mail order bride sex worker to manipulate her way into America…where she turned a bullshit modelling career into an A List baby…with Brad Cooper the soon to be Oscar winner who gave Lady Gaga a chance in her new shitty career as an overhyped actress even though her whole pop artist career was a bullshit act….

The world is retarded…everyone is a robot including Irina Shark the post pregnant mom out there using her skills and uterus to pay the bills cuz when you look as good as she looks it’d be a tragedy if she wasn’t living this life…you know you’d almost feel bad getting lap dances from her at the strip club knowing she’s capable of so much more…sex worker sympathy you get sometimes when even you feel inadequate with your sex worker – like she is too hot for you…which isn’t saying much you loser but it’s saying that some sex workers are too pretty to pay to shit on unless you’re very rich….


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Fucks the Floor of the Day

Irina Shayk Bikini by Carin Backoff GLAMORAMA

I have a hard time believing that this is what Irina Shayk looks like when she wakes up. She looks pretty fucking airbrushed, like she was starring in some Russian mail order bride catalog she avoided starring in when she secured Ronaldo the Rapist and played his beard until getting knocked up by Brad Cooper…

She is an immigrant, from Russian, moving in on your turf, stealing your men and your jobs, killing your America, but destroying the values the country was built on, by being a communist, making communist babies, like some kind of sleeper cell…..attack from WITHIN…

I do think she’s still one of the hottest and I appreciate her fucking the floor like she was a cam girl sex worker…even though she’s too high end of that shit…

I do not know what magazine this is for, but I like it…Nothing like a good old fashioned spread leg humping the air photoshopped mom who is still a whore…


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk in a Slutty Mom Sugar Baby Dress of the Dya

Before Ronaldo, the Portuguese star you thought was a homosexual, but that the Portuguese call a metrosexual, because they don’t want to accept that they worship and cheer in celebration to a gay dude making them gay by association even though they are gay becuase they like soccer…

What I am trying to say is before he was out raping Vegas hookers he paid off…she was his beard…she went off to other rich cock to get the baby inside her…she needed for security cuz she was getting old…and now she’s got her mom tits out…not needing to do anything anymore she’s set for life. Thanks brad Cooper and all your hangover money.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk VS Stairs of the Day

Irina Shayk, agent of Putin, straight from Russia to collude and rig your election, via celebrity and rich dude erection…

Russians like to fucking win, they are ruthless and they do whatever it takes to win. I say Icarus, I know….

They are dopers, they have no real morals or values, they are competitive and they are strong and they have no souls….so guilt doesn’t factor into their strategy….

So as Irina Shayk posts up these bikini pics of her walking up the stairs from 300 miles away, we are forced to look past the mom trying to stay hot because it’s her weapon and reflect on how she got that A-Lister rich as fuck celebrity baby….

All it took was being hot, being half naked, being in magazines, and being at all the right parties…

Some KGB shit….basic manipulation and now she’s set for life…

Long gone are the days of the USSR rationed bread….bitch has her own fucking chef….and all it took was being hot….

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Bikini of the Day

irina shayk tits and ass in a pink bikini on vacation

I am like most of you, who lives in the past, I mean I have a fucking blog, who has a fucking blog, no one has fucking blogs, not even teen girls have blogs, there’s this thing called social media that allows people to blog without having to run a website of their own to drive traffic to it, which is old school…when you can just give this dude with aspergers all your content to make billions off of…cuz you’re lazy.

That said, these Irina Shayk pics, since I live in the past, are ones I posted yesterday but figure, since I live in the past, and yesterday was the past, experience this with me….


We can not accomplish anything thanks to being debilitated by our ghosts of our past haunting us….

While this girl, accomplishes everything, thanks to having no soul and a vagina rich men like to fuck….

irina shayk tits and ass in a pink bikini on vacation


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk’s Bikini of the Day

It’s always a sad day when you realize you missed to Irina Shayk in a bikini pictures that have been popping of around the internet – because you don’t really give a fuck about Irina Shayk or any of these sluts and posting their pics is tedious.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t appreciate this sex worker’s laser sharp focus on making her dreams come true….which was going from some Russian babe, to a soccer girlfriend to a queer, acting as beard, to Sports Illustrated to A-List rich as fuck actor’s baby momma…strategy and execution…the russian way….from rigging elections to taking the sperm of your heroes their competitive and ruthless approach – gets results.

It’s hard to not be a fan, plus for a while, she was the hottest thing Sports Illustrated had going for them…but that could just be my Cold War loving, Communist Block appreciating, rationed bread supporting….perversion….cuz I am just drawn to that USSR shit….


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Tits for Fashion of the Day

irina shayk big tits black bra

Irina Shayk may be older, a mom, locked down in her A-List fucking and getting knocked up hustle…that apparently worked out for her. She may have had a lot of work done to her face and body and whatever else to maintain that look we all liked so much when she used Ronaldo to get to America in Sports Illustrated, where she became famous, paid and jerked off to by the masses, not bad for some Russian chick who was likely raised poor but had a Russian work ethic to make things happen for her…thanks in part to looking like Irina Shayk…

But I still think she’s wonderful….especially holding her tit in a bra…it’s perfect. How you’d want any and all sex workers to be really.

irina shayk topless covering her tits with shells


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW