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Archive for the Irina Shayk Category




Irina Shayk in a Slutty Cat Suit of the Day

Irina Shayk in a Slutty Cat Suit`

Irina Shayk put on a catsuit to celebrate Halloween, because it’s still Halloween in Russia, or at least it is for a hired vagina an actor as commissioned to make him a baby -girl’s gotta be ready to get in catsuits, lingerie, clown suits, whatever the weirdo actor is into on call, everyday of the week…because that’s what being a high paid escort who is giving a dude the girlfriend experience…he could be like – take out the trash dressed like Jay Leno in Crotchess panties while peeing yourself and girl would…like the strategic sex worker she is…

Especially now that she hasn’t recovered from her baby weight…she’s gotta work extra hard to keep him roped in, you know so she gets a second kid with hi, the payout doubles..

STRATEGIC….sex worker..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Workout of the Day

Irina Shayk, the cold Russian who may or may not be involved in the US Election that used Russian spammers to advertise to the general retard public at a discount, but who is definitely as dark as those Russians tend to be…is working out her mom ass and posting slutty video of it to instagram…

Because if there’s one thing this girl knows, it’s how to use her looks to manipulate men into giving her what she wants, which I guess in Brad Cooper’s case, was 18 years of Child Support, always protected, even if the model shit dries up, but it probably won’t because she’s disciplined like she is in her seduction – and at the gym trying to get hot to make that comeback….since childbirth may be the end of many vaginas, it’s been proven to not be the end of a model career a girl needs to keep her rich man interested in her…

The whole thing pretty basic, rich guy likes hot chick, hot chick performs for rich guy to give him what he wants so that he is compelled to give her what she wants, before she slaughters him and takes it all…Tactics…we don’t need to worry about while staring at the ass.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Bra in Pajamas of the Day

Irina Shayk Bra in Pajamas

Irina Shayk may be a soulless, communist Russian babe, but she gets it. She used her Russian chick spy tactics…you know her cold manipulate the cock that can feed you for the rest of your life…and get what you want out of it. She took her communist discipline and applied it to being a hot chick. She aimed high, she knew she could have been mail order or an escort, she knew she could have been a cam girl, but she also know that she was too hot for that and but instead went the find rich and famous people to leverage herself into the mainstream, to find more rich and famous people to knock you up because you are in the mainstream..

It’s a cold war era OLYMPIC gold motherfuckers…and her tit is out in a bra from a few days ago in pics I may have already posted by I just saw them a minute ago and thought I should post them…I always listen to my instinct..

Here’s some sugar baby / model / gold digger / mom of a celeb baby tits in a bra at an event from last week – revisted.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Lingerie Model of the Day

I recently said:

Irina Shayk gets it. She was a Russian chick who didn’t fuck around. She took her communist gymnast training to heart and applied it to being a hot chick…she didn’t go the traditional escort route, she was too hot for that, but instead she went the new escort route, find rich and famous people to leverage yourself into the mainstream, that will embrace you because you’re hot, and eventually closing in on your target, a womanizing celebrity with a lot of money named Brad Cooper around the time you’re 30 and almost expired as a model – have his kid – start that family – guaranteed income for a long time…like communist rationed bread but way more luxurious..

I feel the same way about Irina Shayk today, a soulless eastern block babe with a dream, one of the hottest models the last few years who managed to climb the ranks from A-List cock to A-List cock and thus being considered A-List by association…

Now a hollywood wife and baby momma, not bad for someone slated to be a sex worker at the local communist mafia stripper bar…

These are from some “lingerie” shoot, that suck and that I assume I’ve already posted.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Russian Bride in a Bra of the Day

Irina Shayk Russian Bride in a Bra

Irina Shayk gets it. She was a Russian chick who didn’t fuck around. She took her communist gymnast training to heart and applied it to being a hot chick…she didn’t go the traditional escort route, she was too hot for that, but instead she went the new escort route, find rich and famous people to leverage yourself into the mainstream, that will embrace you because you’re hot, and eventually closing in on your target, a womanizing celebrity with a lot of money named Brad Cooper around the time you’re 30 and almost expired as a model – have his kid – start that family – guaranteed income for a long time…like communist rationed bread but way more luxrious..

Allowing her and her ripped out gunt that looks like a mom gut to go to events showing off her tits like they matter – because they do – they are wonderful.

Just look at that winning smile, girl knows she won, this is the model Olympic gold, no cold water flats for her or her family ever again…..magic.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk is on Vacation of the Day

Irina Shayk may have sold her uterus off for her retirement plan…with an A lister, after with being with a series of other people who helped take her out of Russian concrete block to become a “top” model

I am a fan of her both pre and post opportunist uterus being put to good use…I mean why else do you have a uterus…to bring your stability in your life that’s been unstable…especially at 30…when it is theoretically coming to an end….even though she’ll keep looking good…it’s a Russian thing…the ugly ones all died off during communism and that’s why we’re left with these soulless robots and their seduction..half naked…money grubbing hustle…

She’s on vacation, because her life is a vacation now..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Post Pregnancy Photoshoot of the Day

Irina Shayk may have sold her uterus off for her retirement plan…with an A lister, after with being with a series of other people who helped take her out of Russian to become a “top” model..who I was a fan of because I though she was hot, because she is hot, and not just because I have a Russian fetish, into the sex workers, into the soulless opportunists trying to get ahead…after generations were oppressed…but because it seems like all the ugly ones were killed off, making a prime genetic pool of strong, beautiful terrifying women.

That said, here’s Irina winning at life after making babies…the shoot not so hot…the pics not as racy as I’d like..but she exists, she’s won, and I appreciate that probably a lot more than Brad Cooper who was just in it for the anal…dropped the ball on that one didn’t he.

I guess this for Mario Testino…a real photographer…long gone are the days of webcam shows…

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk in a Underwear Selfie of the Day

Irina Shayk posted a slutty selfie post pregancy, because she’s Russian, a Sex Worker at a high level because her uterus was filled with A-Lister cum….living the American Dream her mom probably dreamt of when smuggling in Michael Jackson tapes in 1985….and now her daughter is dating someone like Michael Jackson…in Hollywood…bright lights big city…

I know you can’t believe anything on social media with all the apps, making bitches look nothing like they look in person….especially when it’s from a Russian sex worker spam bot…I see this shit all day everyday…but I guess you can never believe anything a woman says ever…so it just makes sense to take it for what it’s worth…and pretend…it’s everything…since she’s hot…even with a broken / shredded / ripped apart pussy.

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk’s Unpublished Titty Pic for Instagram of the Day

I guess Irina Shayk was feeling a little unattractive, or unloved, being a mom is a disgusting job even with all the staff that you know her and brad cooper can afford…and she put out a throwback thursday of her topless to get some of what she misses…because she’s just a typical girl who values her looks more than anything, it’s really why she exists…and she wants you to value that too…and I do…even though I know the truth is a totally different Irina Shayk exists now that she sold her uterus off for her retirement plan…you know a baby feeding, even though she’s just playing the part of mom, as Russians have no soul…is as depressing and this toplessness that comes from a sad place…

Here she is in some shoot that is post pregnancy and hardly slutty enough – because she’s a respectable woman….so sophisticated and classy knowing she has child support for life..

Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW




Irina Shayk Mom Ass in Panty-Dress of the Day

I know that this isn’t really erotic to most, a celebrity wife who is probably not even married, baby momma, who is probably just really strategic…at Cannes doing all the things her access and now higher profile in low level Swimsuit model, who happened to be one of the hottest models to me over the last 4-5 years of a career….which is why her panty outfit…all though typical, conservative for a whore…in a world filled with nipples…

But I find it wonderful…

I don’t know why…it’s dull, red carpet photos…nothing scanadalous here and the whole outfit looks like it’s holding her broken pussy back together…as some new moms need.

But I’m all about it…keep bringing me the Irina content…she represents hope, an inclusive world where Russia and America are friends…and all things good…like being hot enough to seduce rich men…a childhood dream of mine…but not really, rich men can be so annoying…and being rich takes work….so I’ll just stay on my couch…and watch it slowly disintegrate or morph into me…to become the first living couchman…

Dreams…we all have them, Irina Shayk is just better at making them happen due to uterus.


Posted in:Irina Shayk|SFW