I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Ashley Benson Category




Big Ashley Benson’s Crotch in Shorts of the Day

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Ashley Benson pussy is hugged by her little shorts…which really shouldn’t be exciting to anyone because she’s sloppy and really if you want to look at her, look at her only really attractive feature, her big tits, that you can look at them from Springbreakers and other paparazzi shoots, since that’s where she peaked…

This wearing shorts, covering the dumpy ass with a sweater shit makes no sense to me, only because everyone knows fat chicks need to be wearing push up bras in low cut shirts and not doing anything that’s going on here…

But she’s really famous to the teens, and teens are all fat and look 40 these days, so I guess this is just her mirror the audience to relate to the audience, as these puppets do…just ask OLIVIA MUNN…the fake geek who played the part to get in geek hearts and is now starring in blockbuster comic book movies…

Ashley Benson



Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson’s Cleave for Golf of the Day

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I know there’s a fetish here. I’m not too sure what that fetish is because I’m not a golf player and I’m not a fat chick endorser, especially not when she exploits her tits for attention,, to divert from being a fat chick….

I know what you’re thinking, “you’re gay”, “you’re a faggot”, “you have AIDS from raw dog sessions in the bathhouse because you’re gay and hate yourself, probably because you were raped as a kid”….”You know Ashley Benson is rich, famous and has big tits, and if you think she’s fat you’re a fucking idiot”…

Well, for the record, I didn’t invite the BMI index, I didn’t invent body fat percentage, I didn’t invent ideal weight, and I didn’t invent “hollywood fat”…

Yes, if she worked at Walmart and/or was fucking you, she’d be fine…but as a famous actress, who may not have much of a career beyond a hit show, she’s still fucking famous…and I expect more..

I don’t think it makes me a gay with aids from the bathhouse for having eyes and seeing chubby bitches using tits to divert. I’ve been faces with this every time I leave my house – especially at bars – because this is what fat bitches do…tits..

I guess what I’m trying to say is Fuck Golf Golf is fucking stupid.

I mean – Look at this Neck Chin…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson Face of the Day


I don’t know if this is Ashley Benson or Amanda Bynes…but I’ve already gone over this Ashley Benson Character and her new found face, so I don’t need to repeat myself, even though I always fucking repeat myself, something that people get mad at me about, but the truth is, the people in the pictures aren’t doing anything different in the pictures they were in last week, and my confusion as to why they are famous and where they came from, or that a shitty show they are on could make them so fucking famous, or that girl who is this famous has been historically 15 pounds too heavy, in an era where that’s marketable, but still lazy….and now her face…her face is aging in some weird fucking way…that could be surgery, or just genetics…because what is good at 18 often times is not good at 25….and by 40 is less womanly than Bruce Jenner…hormones and aging…it happens…


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson Big Tits in a Bra of the Day

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I don’t know what’s going on with Ashley Benson’s face, but yes, you’re a dude and you’re thinking “who’s looking at her face”…because you’re basic…

You see, because her claim is being 10-15 pounds overweight, so not that offensively fat, like a Kate Upton who’s tits you have to question when set against her massive back, in a “are these tits worth all that comes with it, maybe I’d prefer a smaller tit on a smaller body”….

Where as Benson is more the “she’s young, on a hit show, has a big following, and looks like most 20 year olds I meet in a Bar”….

But that face, there’s something weird about it, like it is elongated, or she has fillers, or is growing still…and not quite the cute face it was in Springbreakers…and I wonder how that happens…growing up, hormones, who knows…but it’s weird….but at least she still has tits to stuff into a push-up bra…and that’s all that matters.



Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson in Health Magazine of the DAy

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I’ve been making fun of Ashley Benson and her extreme fame for as long as I known she’s existed, because she’s consistently been 15 pounds overweight, which isn’t entirely obese but if it is what you call Hollywood fat…and with a huge audience she has a responsiblity to be fit, with a lot of Pretty Little Liar famous as fuck money she can hire the best trainers and chefs…so the only excuse is lazy.

I like that her team has decided to rebrand her as a fit and healthy person, despite looking sloppy as fuck, because just yesterday SHE WAS DOING FITNESS ON HER SOCIAL

Today she’s doing Health Magazine…seems like some weird Hollywood wizardry…trying to trick us into thinking she’s just muscular or some shit…

It’s coming at us from left field…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson Fitness Icon of the Day

I am not sure if you know this but Ashley Benson is a fitness leader…I mean that’s the impression I am getting when watching her fitness videos on instagram for her absurd amount of fans, because TV, in the event you didn’t know, still has a stamp of approval on these instagram social media whores that makes them stand out from the other social media whores….allowing them to command bigger budgets when they promote protein powders or skinny teas…

The fact is that Ashley Benson is not actually fit, she’s a tubby thing with big tubby tits and a nice thick double chin….but if she works out on social media like Kate Upton people are dumb enough to believe that she’s actually just muscular in this love your body, no body shaming, body positive world that has allowed her to be celebrated…because dudes jerking off to her are married to fatter chicks…making this seem thin…right..

I just remember being introduced to this character for the first time, it was in Springbreakers because I assumed Harmony Korine would deliver, seeing as I thought he was interesting in 1997, only to see 4 chubby girls in bikinis….everything Spring Break probably is…but everything I don’t want it to be…and apparently 3 years later…not much has changed…but she’s still got the tits. It’s a benefit of being overweight.

I guess what it comes down to is – at least she’s trying, thanks to cyberbullying pushing her in the right direction, and it’s better than her getting fat transfers or wearing waist shaping corsets like all these other instagram sluts.

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Here she is in leggings – looking hot…even though I hate her sloppy..

Here she is for Flaunt magazine:

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Does Ashley Benson Have Cancer because She Looks Disgusting of the Day

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I don’t know…but something weird is going on with Ashley Benson, and that could just be whatever the fuck is going on with her hair, looking like she’s starting to lose it, either by the compulsion some girls have to pull out their own hair, I dated a girl like that and it was terrifying…or maybe she, like Selena Gomez is undergoing Chemoterapy, you know it’s all the Hollywood rage, up on some trendy milk it for press, it’s more interesting than vagina slips, you get more compassion or some shit…because this girl looks fucking horrible…

I mean she’s skinnier than she was, which I guess is the upside of drug addiction, AIDS and cancer treatment. Always look on the bright side…

But she looks fucking Horrible, not that she was ever that great, but she is famous and has fat tits, and that counts for something…or in her case everything…because when the tits aren’t out…all I see is a weirdly shaped monster…

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Maybe it’s just a false alarm…unless this isn’t her, because the girl in a bikini top with no defined chin, mocking wheelchair access to the pool….because they are spoiled rich cunts…who may be her…isn’t quite as vile to look at…


HEre’s some bikini:

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




Ashley Benson Acknowledges What I’ve Been Saying All Along of the Day

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I’ve been calling Ashley Benson fat since I first saw her in Spring Breakers, where I said “Shit, they really went authentic on this one, in a little cinema verite, rocking’ chubby thick college girls in shorts that are too short for her, because that’s what college girls look like”….

I’m old school, and feel like her “size 2” is a walmart size 2, they call them vanity sizes, like Jessica Simpson at her fattest was a size 3, bullshit..

People actually get mad at me for calling this one fat, but apparently Hollywood feels the same way as me…and so does Ashley Benson…

“I was just told I was too fat for a part. I’m a size 2! I cried for 30 minutes, but then you have to let it roll off your shoulders or it could cause a serious eating disorder. A lot of people in this industry hear they need to lose weight more times than they should. It does make you stronger, though. Because if you let that affect you. You can’t be in this industry, you’d go crazy.”

But she’s a new generation, social justice warrior, who is body positive and will fight the evil that is health and fitness and celebrate the donut like she was Kate Upton….

I’d still fuck her big tits because I know that big tits come with sloppy legs…and sloppy everything else…

I am into these randomly famous from a popular show young girls…but more importantly, I guess I want to say, I told you so…

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW




The Cast of Pretty Little Liars Slutty Update of the Day


I don’t watch Pretty Little Liars , but I know it’s a popular show and the girls on the show, have a pretty massive fan base, because I run a blog about these celebrity model bitches, even if I don’t give a fuck and I don’t participate in the scene…or digest their bullshit content…I am too busy sexting…

What I do know is that chubby Ashley Benson’s Got Cleavage of the Day that she was showing off in a photoshoot, and that you can stare at because you like cleavage…even on chubby chicks, especially when they are photoshopped and in black and white so you don’t see anything vile….


I also know that Canadian Shay Mitchell in a Bikini of the Day because she’s got a rocking fucking body, and she wants the world to see it, and talk about it, outside of Pretty Little Liars character, since she’s at that pivotal moment of not being typecast, so that she can continue to work and make money in the industry….it’s like give people jerk off material as Shay Mitchell not as the character she plays…or some shit..


Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW|Shay Mitchell




Ashley Benson Kissing Girls and Tits of the Day

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The only reason I know who Ashley Benson is, is because she was in that Harmony Korine, Selena Gomez produced, movie Spring Breakers, where she was topless and having a threesome, making out with girls, in a pool with James Franco..

So kissing girls, is how I was introduced to this character, the chubby little college looking girl, on spring break, who turned out to be on some huge TV show, with a Huge fan base, being someone you’d want to cast in a movie that she gets naked in, but mainly because of the big chubby girl tits…something a lot of girls have…because that’s what happens with hormones in the food, laziness, computer life…

These are from her snapchats…she’s good…

Tits the Season!!

Posted in:Ashley Benson|SFW