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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits Out in jeans and white shirt

Hey remember Bella Thorne ….

Yes, of course you do. That is essentially all the she does…I mean other than drugs with her freakshow, who is trying to be a freakshow, boyfriend weirdo, who looks like he was coddled by a rich family, that allowed him to not get a job, and instead be this “entertainer” raver, who is mooching and leveraging her, by talking directly to her broken soul….easy to do if you’re in her circle…

We can hope this tranny face with fake tits and no talent has a drug overdose, but we can also look at her tit she’s posting to the internet in the meantime…

She’s just too lame, uninteresting, boring and played out for me…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne in Panties of the Day

Bella Thorne in Panties

Bella Thorne’s panty picture would be more interesting if it was some kind of feminist statement where she either shat herself, or was having a heavy flow on her first day of her period, the older I get, the more disgusting my demands for these girls producing content has become….

I’ve seen it all, often times from the same people, let’s collectively produce some better shit to jerk off to, this cocktease content is too softcore and flimsy, basic I guess…I think as a people, we can put our minds together and get some spread ass pics out there, but then again, I guess she’s not trying to offend every possible job, with all that social media coverage, you don’t want to overdo the asshole pics….even if you’re a drugged up raver…who may or may not be on opiates….child star suicides may not be a thing anymore thanks to social media…because they can never be forgotten anymore…annoying really…I like them when they actually fall off….they are more desperate like that even though she’s pretty desperate.


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is Revisiting Some Sleazy Pic of the Day

Bella Thorne  naked in a long blonde wig

The key to being an instagram attention seeker with a TV show / Disney credibility is to have a catalog of pictures of yourself to post whenever you feel like you need to post something but are too lazy to shoot something new…

You know that catalog of pics you think are hot, and when you are a vain, egotistical and delusional freak show like Bella Thorne who we anxiously await her overdose, makes it hard to select those pics, since you think every single picture ever taken of you is amazing – but you manage

This is Bella Thorne managing..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Topless of the Day

Bella Thorne Big Fake Side Tit showing her Tattoo

Bella Thorne the instagram sensation, who is dating some mooch idiot that she’s been promoting aggressively for his weirdo music, that is the retard kid music, or viral music, that is all the rage, where these soundcloud weirdos who have no business doing music are putting out music, that for the most part is pure shit, and since the kids of today have no depth, substance, taste, and just like catch phrases and other low level half retard shit, they play it on repeat and go to shows…and buy the shirt…because we live in an instagram world….

An instagram world where Bella Thorne, Disney Kid turned self promoter, self producer, door mat for some idiot, possibly drug user, or just a poser looking for an identity and purpose…posts topless pics.

Bella Thorne Big  fake tits in a white t shirt in the snow

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne Mid Breakdown of the Day

Bella Thorne has fallen off… since getting that weirdo K-Fed boyfriend…..and I’m not saying that like

There was a period of time, not a very long time, where she was shamelessly posting nudes and half nudes, anything for attention, with her rocking body and massive, likely fake tits….doing fitness and other typical instagram whore things…which ended up getting the Disney Kid exploited by her parents, even before she was famous apparently, as she was sexualized at a young age by whoever used to molest her, a story she announced over the last few weeks and that would explain why she’s some broken down sex worker….

She looked hot, she seemed like a dumb Hollywood Vine star type person, totally annoying, but overall good energy and tits…

But she decided to become some raver, date some crackhead, and try to be extra weird to make up for being so fucking commercial, mainstream, basic, and boring…except for the tits…

And now, she’s just garbage, acting exceptionally weird, confused for being profound or interesting and it’s all so candy coated nonsene..but I’m ready for the real breakdown / the real overdose / the real end. It’s more interesting.



Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Bloated Face in Lingerie of the Day

Bella Thorne Coke Bloat Face in Vintage Lingerie

Meth Bella Thorne who hasn’t died of a fentanyl overdose yet, and really who is such an identity crisis may not even be doing raver drugs, or any drugs….but is just playing it up like she is because she thinks it makes her cool…is in her underwear looking all bloated in the face on social media….

She’s clickbait, you know a set of fake looking possibly real tits that the Disney star is into promoting her tits, because it made her matter on social media, which is mattering in life, thanks to being provocative….and the social media companies being popular…ZUCKERBERG brainwashed properly…

She still gets naked, but is far less interesting, and a lot more tranny and hard faced looking….but most importantly….lame

I am not into this weird selfie erotica, or the personal brand that is seeing success that is Bella Thorne, she’s been overexposed and is now boring…but I’ll still post the panties because why not right…what else am I doing today…it’s not like I have a job.

Here’s BELLA and her Raver Weird Meth Sister filming a music video, because you don’t need talent to self produce hits yo CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Dirty Room Fetish of the Day

Bella Thorne stands in her own filth wearing a bra and smoking a blunt

Bella Thorne is some weirdo, aspiring weirdo, trying to be a weirdo, because she was robbed of her childhood when her mom exploited her to the industry….one of those Disney Kids who ends up dying of a drug overdose before the drug overdose…who may not actually die of that drug overdose thanks to the nature of media and the fact that people can’t just forget about you like you’re Dana Plato, but rather are forced to see you everyday you post pics of what must be fake tits in a bra, in your dirty room, like a bad girl, who the dirty room fetishists love, or maybe the dirtbag loser boyfriend’s love, because you can see the mooch boyfriend’s feet in the pic as he lays in her room, mooching…as mooches do….

When you score some lost, trying to connect with people, unable to connect with people like Bella Thorne, you move the fuck into her room, so that you can mooch harder and better…and hopefully if you’re lucky you knock her up, so your slacker life can be fulfilled…

These people are really fucking lame….but slut posing, tranny jacked up face out of the picture, in stupid raver pants, is still worth loooking at for a few seconds, I mean what else are you doing with yourself.

Here’s her trashed face…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is the Queen of 2017 of the Day

Bella Thorne Naked on a chair

It’s the day before New Years Eve, it’s two Days before 2018, why not celebrate 2017, the year of Bella Throne clickbait, cuz bitch put out slutty pics daily, with a picture of her naked, scared, backed in the corner in some submissive way, for the perverts into girls who are scared and backed into corners, you know like they’ve just been Weinsteined.

Even thought we know she’s just playing up the innocent girl, really a dirtbag, who invites all the Weinsteins she can to her dressing room, so long as it gets her paid…

Here are her legs…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Christmas of the Day

Bella Thorne, when not naked, like most women you know, except for the rare cool or funny one, is annoying as fuck…

Whether it’s her street drugs that haven’t taken her out yet, or the fact that she’s a cheesy lame idiot who was raised in a bubble…encouraged to have a big personality…or just ego from having this career and following or not…the point remains..

If a bitch, like Bella Thorne, is half naked…she’s far more tolerable than when she’s running around like Jim Carrey in what looks like an adult diaper…

It’s funny how tits make us tolerant…

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Vintage Christmas of the Day

Bella Thorne in a bra and panties for christmas

Bella Thorne may not be a Christmas miracle…but she’s a slutty gift from the internet that keeps giving…over and over and over – that is at the point of tedious…but that still happens…and I keep looking….waiting for the heroin overdose…opiates in the street raver drugs you know…to kill them tits off…it will happen, but today, it’s vintage lingerie, fake lips, jacked up face…magical…to keep you merry and white…on this Christmas day.

Do they know it’s Christmas? After all.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW