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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Pretends to be Clean for Shape Magazine of the Day

Bella Thorne red and white striped bikini

Bella Thorne’s persona on social media is very different than the persona they give her as an actress starring in some bullshit fluffy crap no one should watch on TV….

There’s nothing “health” or “fitness” about this crackhead who posts DJ Booth raving videos with some weirdo hipster loser androgynous boyfriend mooch who worked his way into her feed for his own personal game by playing overly nice, instead of calculated to get followers off some famous for tits Disney Kid with PTSD from a life of abuse…

She’s trashy, sleazy, greasy, acne scarred and aggressive…shameless and annoying…but since she has a movie coming out, the people have decided to position her like this…

Reminding us that everything on the internet and in the media is nonsense…marketing to sell product or something…and all of us are idiots who buy into it..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Titties Still Exist of the Day

Bella Thorne Titties

I know Bella Thorne is not that interesting or exciting….if anything she’s repetitive, played out, over exposed, her whoring dull, and her boyfriend and her living this weirdo life unfomfortable at best..

But she’s still got them FAKE tits and that counts for something….I’m not sure what that something is…but it works for all these other TITTY whores who don’t have a Disney Kid legacy, and don’t get work as an actor or weird RAVER DJ..so you’d think she’s winning at life…and I guess that’s the hope for when you get yourself some fake tits….

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Titties in a Red Dress of the Day

Bella Thorne ugly with big tits

Bella Thorne brought out some titty in a red dress because Bella Thorne has titties…I am not sure if her titties are real, people say they aren’t but whether they are or not, they have been a good marketing tool, and if anything it’s nice to see that tits, fake or real are a good marketing tool…it’s nice to know that even with this MeToo movement and feminists and fat girls getting loud about being people too…which I am not sure if they genetically are….a set of tits can still be used as a marketing too…and in a lot of ways…I hope her tits are fake because it will mean that girls still think they need big tits to prosper and are getting tits to make their dreams come true…like the 90s….because you can change the conversation about tits, and women rights, but ultimately, we are still primates and love tits.

[jwplayer mediaid=”570025″]

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Makes Her Own Music Videos of the Day

Bella Thorne realized from dating her bootleg mooch rapper boyfriend who no one ever heard of, except maybe a bunch of new generation scene kids, that don’t like real music, but prefer idiotic stupidities with catch phrases that they can hashtag and make viral, you know a product of the chemicals in the water making the fish gay….and making everyone genderless….that she could be a social media / vine star / with a soundcloud or whatever app the kids are making music on too…cash in from every angle…from TV, NETFLIX, Movies and SOCIAL MEDIA…

So she’s producing music videos in her bikini set to her own songs that are horrible..because this is what the scamming is all about…young kids cashing in off nonsense other young retards buy into.

I am old and don’t care about the content they are producing in their scamming, I just like that they do it in bikinis, underwear, topless…because that’s what matters.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Rockin’ Body is Still Rockin of the DAy

Bella Thorne may look like a tranny thanks to the amount of shit she’s injected into her face….

Her tits may be fake…her voice annoying to listen to…her boyfriend a mooch cashing in on her celebrity that is a celebrity partially because of Disney, but mainly from whoring on the social medias….with pics like this, that aren’t actual whoring, but whoring enough on the cusp of whoring, because tits get hits…

She does this whole raver identity crisis molested as a child thing…and I’m waiting for the breakdown or the heroin overdose…

And while I wait, we get pics like this…an Olympic dream really.

Here are some more of her in a bra and her kissing a girl – so shocking..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty of the Day

Bella Thorne Booty in a Leather bikini

Look – it’s a Bella Thorne photoshoot of Bella Thorne in slutty outfits posing slutty like some kind of sex worker, which makes sense considering most sex workers were molested as children, and Bella Thorne, not officially a sex worker, at least not in the traditional sense of the term…she doesn’t do porn, she doesn’t do hookering, but a sex worker by my standards because Instagram titty hustling is porn to me, as is being a Disney star of a Disney show, it’s fucking perverted as fuck and the reason wy this girl sexualizes the fuck out of herself…when she’s not showing off her gross acne, or hanging with her muppet boyfriend mooching off her celebrity to get himself ahead, the K-Fed no one notices because Bella Thorne doesn’t matter, despite thinking she does….

Here’s her young fit body.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Tits of the Day

Bella Thorne Tits Out in jeans and white shirt

Hey remember Bella Thorne ….

Yes, of course you do. That is essentially all the she does…I mean other than drugs with her freakshow, who is trying to be a freakshow, boyfriend weirdo, who looks like he was coddled by a rich family, that allowed him to not get a job, and instead be this “entertainer” raver, who is mooching and leveraging her, by talking directly to her broken soul….easy to do if you’re in her circle…

We can hope this tranny face with fake tits and no talent has a drug overdose, but we can also look at her tit she’s posting to the internet in the meantime…

She’s just too lame, uninteresting, boring and played out for me…

Posted in:Bella Thorne




Bella Thorne in Panties of the Day

Bella Thorne in Panties

Bella Thorne’s panty picture would be more interesting if it was some kind of feminist statement where she either shat herself, or was having a heavy flow on her first day of her period, the older I get, the more disgusting my demands for these girls producing content has become….

I’ve seen it all, often times from the same people, let’s collectively produce some better shit to jerk off to, this cocktease content is too softcore and flimsy, basic I guess…I think as a people, we can put our minds together and get some spread ass pics out there, but then again, I guess she’s not trying to offend every possible job, with all that social media coverage, you don’t want to overdo the asshole pics….even if you’re a drugged up raver…who may or may not be on opiates….child star suicides may not be a thing anymore thanks to social media…because they can never be forgotten anymore…annoying really…I like them when they actually fall off….they are more desperate like that even though she’s pretty desperate.


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne is Revisiting Some Sleazy Pic of the Day

Bella Thorne  naked in a long blonde wig

The key to being an instagram attention seeker with a TV show / Disney credibility is to have a catalog of pictures of yourself to post whenever you feel like you need to post something but are too lazy to shoot something new…

You know that catalog of pics you think are hot, and when you are a vain, egotistical and delusional freak show like Bella Thorne who we anxiously await her overdose, makes it hard to select those pics, since you think every single picture ever taken of you is amazing – but you manage

This is Bella Thorne managing..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Topless of the Day

Bella Thorne Big Fake Side Tit showing her Tattoo

Bella Thorne the instagram sensation, who is dating some mooch idiot that she’s been promoting aggressively for his weirdo music, that is the retard kid music, or viral music, that is all the rage, where these soundcloud weirdos who have no business doing music are putting out music, that for the most part is pure shit, and since the kids of today have no depth, substance, taste, and just like catch phrases and other low level half retard shit, they play it on repeat and go to shows…and buy the shirt…because we live in an instagram world….

An instagram world where Bella Thorne, Disney Kid turned self promoter, self producer, door mat for some idiot, possibly drug user, or just a poser looking for an identity and purpose…posts topless pics.

Bella Thorne Big  fake tits in a white t shirt in the snow

Posted in:Bella Thorne