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Archive for the Bella Thorne Category




Bella Thorne Tranny Bikini of the Day

Bella Thorne Tranny Bikini

Bella Thorne is some identity crisis, really popular or followed on social media for having a skinny / fit body with some rocking tits that she likes to expose, post up, celebrate, be masturbated to….because all kids her age are very into this DIY celebrity….after her mom whored her out to the entertainment world, getting her on Disney and making sure she “matters”…

Now she’s a raver, being the weird EDM party monster that I guess is finally mainstream. I’ve seen these costume wearing weirdos at the parties for pretty much my entire existence…in the 90s it was weird and funny, in the 2000s it was weird and weird, in the 2010s…it’s mainstream and the Disney kids are doing it…

How far we’ve advanced as a people…the mainstream has officially gone from GAP wearing, Top 40 listing, suburbanites and they have become the half retard – E- TARD – raver idiots who will all have mental problems 20 years down the road…but that’s ok because they have mental problems now….

I don’t know about this social media thing, or what it is doing tbut I think it’s gonna stick…because that’s what all these people are into…

Here she is in public with her boyfriend / guy she manages

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Trans Raver Weirdness of the Day

Bella Thorne is some mainstream raver chick, who is so Disney about all things, and who is into her raver music, like all these other LA rich kids without a real clue, doing things so contrived and not actually crazy but very LA….because MDMA feels good on a broken soul…and rich kids are prime target for broken souls…

She’s consistently in a bra, or half naked, dancing to shitty commercial EDM….or starting in music videos for these people that make the music her crackhead brain loves so much ….because I guess the DJs all lame and cashing in on a trend are into getting anything with a lot of followers to get half naked in their videos but more importantly to reach the mainstream kids who buy songs on their mom’s iTunes account…it’s the only way to make 100 million a year as a DJ you know…

So milk the disney kid who gets half naked all the time – as hard as you can until she pretty much breaks…

EROTIC really…but I am into her finding anything to fill the emptiness that is her soul…from Penis….to her half naked….put it on your instagram story girl..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Puffy Nipple of the Day

Bella Thorne Puffy Nipple

Bella Thorne and her puffy nipples were out being crachead, E-Tard, Raver attention seekers because she’s a media manipulator, like all those vine-stars, who ended up getting very famous because they figured out how to manipulate young people into buying into their shit, and in turn they get all the execs trying to reach those young kids to buy into them, motherfuckers getting bought from every angle like a discount fresh to the agency escort who doesn’t realize that 50 dollars a fuck isn’t a lot of money for a fuck…because she’s 18 and her last job was working at SUBWAY…

I know three girls, hot girls, one who is a pornstar now, I don’t know her porn name….but before she was in porn, she was fucking 10 dudes for 100 bucks a dude making 1000 dollars a day…instead of realizing that she could have pulled off that 1000 dollars from just one dude…because she didn’t care that she was just a vehicle to have dicks shoved in her, she also felt she was empowered and the last porn I saw her in was Stepfather themed and I felt a part of something wonderful….and what I am getting at is girls know how to whore out to creepy dudes…to get what they want..it’s hard coded into them…some animal survivalist shit..

That has nothing to do with Bella’s hard nipples, but it’s gotta do with something..I’m just not sure what…

Hot tits though…

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Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Hard Nipple of the DAy

Bella Thorne's Hard Nipple

I don’t know why I am still posting this nonsense, but here’s Bella Thorne’s hard nipples and some slutty video compilation of her in lingerie “acting” not that “acting” really means anything…it’s more just her existing and getting in front of the camera to act a fool while perverts watch, or because perverts will watch and that in and of itself is all she’s good for..and with her body looking like this…I am all for it…but that face, it’s getting more and more jacked up and tranny….she’s shit, useless, but having a good time…and I guess not giving a fuck what anyone really thinks as long as she keeps getting paid and making that money…it’s all a joke, it’s all a troll, and we are the suckers being blinded by the probably fake tits…

I just think there’s so much more to the world than being a vapid, mall brand of a human…why isn’t she saving AIDS babies, even if AIDS isn’t a death sentence..there’s more that she could do with her day and audience than show off tits…but why would she…because America celebrates and rewards this shit.

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Erotica of the Day

I was sick in bed, aids or scurvy, with a stolen Netflix account, that I accidentally used for media manipulator Bella Thorne’s new movie The Baby Sitter, where she plays a cheerleader who complains about her tit and nipples for half the movie, the other half of her role includes her french kissing some Australian slut, in what is not erotic or hot, but that is something I watched and thought…talentless or not..girl’s figured out some kind of scam that allows her to make the fucking money because kids are dumber and dumber these days and pretty much buy into anything….while old dudes like me who are out of touch and not relevant or in the Bella Thorne scene can still feel part of the movement by watching her half nakedness…because it adds to her follower number…which adds to her earnings…which is all tactical these clever fucks know the hustle better than the decision makers at brands and are all cashing in….they are all into making viral video songs that kids are buying on itunes to support makinb them all the more richer..it’s a wild DIY world we live in and good on these kids for watching celebs and thinking “I can do that on my own, fuck the creeper exec, I got this”….I could never pull it off, but I like that a whole group of psychopaths with Bieber haircuts did….you know get your dirty hand out of the pocket pervert exec manipulating young talent to think they need you when they don’t…they have social media and you need them to keep on earning…you shitty humans….

That aid she was in a bikini…and it was ok….if you like busty young tight bodies with tranny faces…which apparently I do.

Here’s that face..

Some Toplessness

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Drugged Out Demon of the Day

Bella Thorne Drugged Out Demon Tits

Bella Thorne’s looking a bit too much like a broken down Ireland Baldwin…or a Rumer Willis…with a bit too much of a potato head going on….

She’s also looking a little too much like the Rave Bathroom floor where some raver shat out a glittery rainbow of ecstasy for everyone to eat up….

She’s wearing some bold not so period friendly pants…and her what could be a fake tit, or what could be just a 20 year old tit…in a corporately sponsored paparazzi shoot she’s likely getting paid for…and it’s not so magical..it looks like shit, like a demon, like a horror movie…and whether she’s followed or not..she’s not that great at all..

I just post about her everyday because I don’t mind demons when they have good tits…I’m so conflicted…


Here are some pics from her birthday sleazy…..

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Slutty in a Netflix Movie of the Day

It was Bella Thorne’s birthday, she’s 20, no longer a teen, and the Hollywood Reporter listed her as Top 10 Actors on Social media, I guess in terms of followers, and all it took was acting in a Disney show once, taking the vinestar approach to social media, hanging with vine stars and posting slutty fucking content..

She’s not that interesting, exciting, or hot, she’s got a tranny face, she’s got a good body, great tits and is just fucking living the cheesy LA Disney kid, fame hungry life being lazy and capturing it all like an entitled cunt…and there’s nothing wrong with that…

Some people just go viral, and unfortunately, all social media has done is allowed people who would fade away, to maintain some level of relevance because people don’t unfollow…and now…instead of new blood, we’re forced to deal with the same shit over and over and over again…because Hollywood only cares about social media following

Here are videos of her Birthday cheesy shit – where she’s doing cheesy shit…but TOPLESS.

Here’s her terrible skin at some bullshit she shoulda stayed in for…or at least worn a mask for…nipples out..

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne’s Zombie Erotica of the Day

Bella Thorne posted some bullshit to her instagram story of her smoking weed – it’s recreationally legal and she’s likely got a prescription – that’s why she makes a spectacle of it like a high school kid smoking his first joint – thinking he’s a rapper or some shit..but rather a 19 year old who never went to high school because she’s stunted on all levels but her tits – thanks to her mom whoring her and her sister out to Disney.

Well, she’s one of the more relevant VINE style people in LA who have these massive audiences and can command these massive views…and she’s milking how retarded the world is by making and participating in shitty music that come with silly music videos…in what looks DIY…but is actually what’s going on in the world…

She had zombie make-up and showed off her youthful, relevant to the young audience, hanging with vine star tits…and they good dawg…they good….even if they useless dawg..they useless..


Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW|Videos




Bella Thorne Erotica Won’t End of the Day

Bella Thorne Erotica

The second most important question you must ask yourself today is:

The most important question you must ask yourself today is…

“Do I care that Bella Thorne is shamelessly promoting herself in a seductive way on social media because she likes attention, her tactics work, and she learned at a young age how to sexualize herself in a non trashy way, an accessible way people will still sign onto and give her money…..Do I really think she’s that hot or interesting and worth my time to look at in a world of hot chicks…and why am I doing posts on her everyday…knowing I don’t jerk off to her, I won’t jerk off to her, and that she’s just using all of us…and we’re letting her….am I just a pawn in the equation that the media wants me to be”..

The answer is yes…a pawn…I should re-invent myself and find a better hobby that whatever this idiotic behavior is.

I don’t know ANYONE who knows who Bella Thorne is or who cares who Bella Thorne is, it’s some insular local Hollywoood shit…none of this matters….but here I am posting it…becuase it’s click bait to me…so get clickin’

Posted in:Bella Thorne|SFW




Bella Thorne Titty Grab Dance of the Day

Bella Thorne may not be as hot as she might have been thanks to face fillers. She may not be as stable as she could have been thank to a mom whoring her out to the industry…being robbed of her childhood and forced to face all kinds of hardships like being paid lots of money – and being coddled and sucked up to – by people you can’t trust as friends because they are using you..leaving her alone, forced to medicate with the POT, and post it on her feed because it’s recreationally legal and not the 90s when you had to pretend you didn’t smoke pot…but more intrestingly..she’s doing a topless dance, hold her titty, and jiggle and it’s not that hot, it’s almost boring at this point but would I be a site if I didn’t post it..

NO…I wouldn’t be..

Not that I am one..but you know what I mean….and that is that the world needs more Bella Thornes in it.

Posted in:Bella Thorne