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Archive for the Britney Spears Category




Britney Spears Bikini Dance Video of the Day


If you’re done with Jennifer Lawrence, a supposed 25 year old looking like shit despite being one of Hollywood’s number 1 in her bikini in the Bahamas….

Here’s Britney Spears who isn’t in mid to late 30s destroying in her bikini…because popstars from the 90s clearly have more to offer than new generation Hollywood…designed to be accessible and regular…

I mean I guess there’s something to say about emotionally unstable puppets forced to do what they are told…because when they are told to get to the gym, they do it…where as Jennifer Lawrence is the one calling the shots…because kids these days are so entitled…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears in a Towel of the Day


Britney Spears is amazing…she’s my kind of puppet…she did PHOTOSHOOT FOR V MAGAZINE shot by Mario Testino, who has a weird behind the scenes fetish for girls he shoots in Towels, which I guess Britney participated in….despite it being one of the dumber fetishes or even “artist” projects for a photographer with this kind of access…but it’s become a thing…

I am more interested in better fetishes but photographers are weirdos, even though they don’t really exist anymore thanks to instagram, where perverts who call themselves photographers get girls naked after loosening them up with booze…all for fun…which I guess is a fetish in and of itself…it must be…t’s all over instagram, lure young girls for followers instead of money, even though followers dont’ pay the bills until you have a lot of them, and getting naked on the internet for free is just dumb…with the whole “let’s make art”….stupidity…

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Here she is doing the splits….more interesting than the towel…

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Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Not Naked for V Magazine of the Day


When I saw the V Magazine Covers featuring Britney, not looking like Britney I was hoping that the trashy handlers who own Britney, would have her go naked.

Not that I am some virgin werido who still jerks off to Britney Spears, or any celebs or models really, but because I am a pervert weirdo who like the rest of the world, wants to see everyone naked, especially super famous people like Britney Spears, even though I’ve already seen her pussy….years ago…back when she lost her mind…before her parents go repossession of her…

I figured V Magazine is all fashion and pretentious and fashion and prentious has gone the way of everyone naked always..but she’s got kids and Christian fans to appease to, so I guess this is as racy as a near 40 year old, medicated, dancing monkey gets….

What it comes down to is that she’s still Britney…bitch….(I hate that I just wrote that)…

Here she is shopping like a white trash vision that she is..


Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Porn’s Up V Magazine of the Day


The other day, Britney Released a bunch of mom in her panties dance videos to her social media, ( TO SEE HER PANTY DANCE VIDEOS CLICK THIS HIGHLIGHTED HYPERLINK – THAT IS WHAT THEY ARE CALLED – HYPERLINKS )to which I said “damn, I’d like to K-Fed that Like I was K-Fed, even though when K-Fed K-Fedded Her she Was Hotter”….because girls in their mid 30s just aren’t hot to me, especially when they all try to stay young with caked on make-up and botox, especially the rich ones, and with their fake tits, and faces, it becomes this porno look, and I hate porn, but then again, I like down on their luck hookers, who also look like this….because even good surgery is bad….

This is just the cover, but it looks like it may end in spread ass pics!

I mean she’s been sexualized since she sucked off Mickey Mouse in the 90s, this is all she knows, so being a veteran, well paid sex worker / sex doll, puppet to her family…getting sleazy…sees so good…because it is.

I guess what I’m saying is – I don’t want to leave Britney Alone.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Bra and Panty Dance of the Day

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I guess Britney’s handlers are in the mood to release a new video, the time has come to replenish the funds, and what better way than the only way they know how, throw her into her underwear to dance around like the soulless monkey they’ve turned her into…

I was always weirded out by parents who throw their kids into generating revenue for the family, exploit one for the benefit of many but it happens all the time at strip clubs, whore houses and porn, the kids are the answer to the parent’s dream.

I’d almost feel bad for Britney but she obviously doesn’t know what’s going on thanks to the meds and she’s been at this since she was a kid…so why the fuck not keep it going…

But I don’t feel bad for anyone, I just stare at them in their underwear…




Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears wants a Hot Nerd with a Big Penis of the Day

Britney Spears is looking for a hot nerd, who is also a really hot guy, with a real big penis.

I figure that I’d put this out there, but I am sure it’s more like dealing with a woman with dementia at the old folks home, so medicated, confused and all kinds of crazy that she doesn’t realize what the fuck she’s saying.

I am just hoping her next episode involves her stripping down and sticking things in her vagina and ass screaming bloody murder….

You know, she’s had one small scale episode before – we need more, with more mom pussy lip in it…

I think this is a preview of what that could be, but her team of handlers would never allow the actual fun, pervert Britney out, they need that money she makes them…and that’s the saddest thing of all in her Britney Spears story.

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




What is All This Bikini About Britney Spears of the Day

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Britney Spears posted some bikini erotica set to non-Britney Spears songs…and depsite being 35 and a mom of two…I loved it.

I don’t know if this is a product of being crazy, or certifiable crazy, under the conservatorship of her pimping parents who like the money their genitals were able to make…or if this is a product of being used as a puppet…

I just know that it’s Britney Spears in a bikini moving around like some kind of instagram model…and she looks pretty fucking good, except for the prison tattoos, the broken dreams, the emptiness in her eyes…but it is like an old stripper giving her all in a stage show amongst the youth…there’s a passion, drive, fight and experience that makes it all so good…

Three videos:




Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Makes Art of the Day

Britney Spears is a fucking crazy person and watching her painting in her medicated state reminds me of being an orderly at a mental institution, only in her case, her mental institution is some mansion where she has everything she needs, rather than being institutionalized, the institution comes to her…while her parents keep pushing her into her song and dance…cashing the fuck in…

I am just sad that this crazy person painting video is not Britney Spears painting with her period blood like a feminist…or with her feces like a real fucking crazy person her parents claim she is because it gives them power of attorney to run her shit…

Here she is Dancing…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears Yoga Pose of the Day


Here’s a midday Yoga break with Britney Spears, who is kissing her daughter in this picture, but I cropped that shit out, I don’t need to encourage internet creeps to further delve into their internet creepiness…I assume it’s her daughter, but I can’t be too sure since her parents haven’t robbed her of her youth and thrown her into the entertainment industry like they did with Britney yet…but she hasn’t turned 18 yet, but luckily, she will and as they did with Britney, they’ll be able to find a loophole to keep her earning, something we all know her dad K-Fed is all about, while her mom, is too medicated to know what day it is…

But this isn’t about Britney’s kid I cropped out mouth kissing her, it’s about those thighs and ass cheek…mid 30s and worth looking at…and not because it’s a train wreck…but because it brings hope…

Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW




Britney Spears is Erotic to Me of the Day


Britney Spears is still a magical creature….

She gives me hope with that “If I even had kids, I’d want to exploit the fuck out of them, so that they make me millions at the expense of their childhood, only to figure out a way to make her lose her mind at 19, so that I can keep ownserhip on her, if you have a crop yielding farm….you don’t sell it until it stops”….concept of parenting..

Something that books should be written on…”how to whore your kids out”….but that no one will ever write it, as they like to pretend they aren’t whoring out their kids, as they cash they checks…

So Britney Spears is more than just a mom in a sports bra…she’s more than a performer with a legacy….she’s more than a Vegas show…and she’s more than a human…she’s an inspiration to parents everywhere…a case study, if you will.


She’s also in a white Dress:



Posted in:Britney Spears|SFW