I'll Make You Famous…

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Jennifer Love Hewitt's Spicey Relationship


Funny that celebrities can’t even buy lingerie without people like me taking pics and making them available to the world. It is funny that anyone really cares, cuz I know I don’t really, I just kinda fell into this and feel obligated to keep this up. I get emails all the time stating how I saved people’s lives, and although I have 4 readers a day, I feel a need to give you all that I can.

Now Jennifer Love is probably the most boring celebrity. She’s a good girl who probably isn’t a good good girl, the kind who takes it up the ass and begs to get fucked behind closed doors, she’s more of the girl who wants to play scrabble with you. Anyway her man obviously had enough and made bitch go sexy lingerie shopping. I am sure he thought fuckin’ Love Hewitt would be a lote more thahan it tuned out to be. I love when that happens, sucker.

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Haylie Duff's Busted Face

You know when you’re drunk and you accidently knock over the empties and a couple of them break. That’s Haylie Duff. The face version. I have seen ugly, accidented and retarded, and this bitch is some kind of hybrid Corky with a terminal disease, bad genetics who has been hit by a bus. That’s my story….

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Haylie Duff’s Busted Face

You know when you’re drunk and you accidently knock over the empties and a couple of them break. That’s Haylie Duff. The face version. I have seen ugly, accidented and retarded, and this bitch is some kind of hybrid Corky with a terminal disease, bad genetics who has been hit by a bus. That’s my story….

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Britney Spears in Water

It is 3 am, and I just realized that I cropped pics of Britney in water to put up on my site. My life consists of finding pics of celebrities in their bathing suits/compromising postitions and I am not even fast or good at it. It makes me wonder why I do what I do. I would tell you a funny story about how one of the girls I used to date was jealous of how hard my nipples would get. She was one of those bitches who always rocked ice cubes to look sexy, and she couldn’t stay with me, because she was jealous of my nipples. I would also write about how this slag is swimming in cut off jeans and a tank top. I would say how it reminds me of the day I fucked my sister. It’s redneck on a hot summer day, after a long day asphalting the dirt road, but why bother. This is my life and I suck at it.

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Paris Hilton's Underwear Pic of the Day


Paris is showing her panties. She wears panties to keep her uterus from falling out. Like a person wears a sling when they dislocate their shoulders. Paris has a dislocated uterus and I would have no problem trying to mend it with my tongue, cuz I am like coke heads, I don’t think of the consequences when pussy is involved. Cool people everywhere have no care about their underwear, they just show the fuckin world. I like that trend. I remember in highschool, trying to get a bitches jeans off was the biggest fuckin deal. Now I can finger some stranger on the bus and she won’t even notice. The world is an exciting place.

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Paris Hilton’s Underwear Pic of the Day


Paris is showing her panties. She wears panties to keep her uterus from falling out. Like a person wears a sling when they dislocate their shoulders. Paris has a dislocated uterus and I would have no problem trying to mend it with my tongue, cuz I am like coke heads, I don’t think of the consequences when pussy is involved. Cool people everywhere have no care about their underwear, they just show the fuckin world. I like that trend. I remember in highschool, trying to get a bitches jeans off was the biggest fuckin deal. Now I can finger some stranger on the bus and she won’t even notice. The world is an exciting place.

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Harold Hunter Dead at 31


This is a touchy subject because a lot of people are closely tied to Harold Hunter. I am not gonna lie, I have heard of him and saw him in the movie Kids. I was always a fan of the movie Kids, there’s something about teenagers fucking that puts me in the mood, throw Aids into the mix and I’m fucking multiple orgasming like the bitch on Grey’s Anatomy. Yeah, I watch that shit, I live with 3 chicks and I like it.

Harold was found covered in cocaine, death of a champion, a drug overdose, alone in your apartment before your time. There’s something about coke overdoses that make me think coke is the lamest shit, even though it’s trendy as hell now, and kids are railin lines at the age of 14. No one understands the consequences and I am sure no one told Harold to stop when he was rippin into that 8 ball. Point of the story is that cocaine is not cool, it kills, and if you want to be an ignorant punk kid who thinks you’re invincible, you should just kill yourself now instead of boring us all with your existance.

You can be a part of his funeral by donating some money to his foundation. I think it’s a good enough cause. He’s been good to the skate scene and New York, people loved him and I am guessing he didn’t have much money and that Zoo York, a multimillion dollar skate company hasn’t got the budget to help pay for a funeral of the guy who helped build the business’ street cred, helped the business sell to Ecko for a ton of money but not enough to pay for the fucking funeral. Good work Zoo York, you should start rippin’ lines with the 14 year olds who read my site, or maybe you could just kill yourself too, like the cunts you are.


Visit the Site Here, Donate if you Can

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Band T-Shirt of the Day


Get a t-shirt of a band you probably never listened to, of a concert tour that happened before you were born, or when you were too young to realize what a concert is cuz you were too busy getting molested by your babysitter/dad/uncle/neighbor. If you were old enough to attend this concert, you were probably too socially inept/scared/ lame to go. You know, your mom was making you brush her hair that night or something equally creepy. Either way. 80s tees supports this site and you should us/them too, so…..

Get Yours Here

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Catherine Zeta Bikini

As women grow older, they turn from tight bodied little sluts that we all wanna get with, but
are too hot for the average guy into moms, that have thick bodies, drive mini-vans and jiggle in places they aren’t supposed to. As men grow older we get flabby, we get grey, we get wrinkled, we become dad’s, but there is always some fucked up young slut who’s father ran out on her when she was growing up and is drawn to an old guy to support her and knock her up. There’s a whole theory of men agining gracefully…I think girls are just drawn to old men because they are perverts, and you know what, that works for me, cuz the thought of fucking a 35 year old mom totally turns me off….maybe that’s how I became impotent, it’s self induced or someshit….anyway like my granny always said, maybe when I am 60….until then it’s all fresh tail for me. Oh and by the way, that baby has sucked on her tits and you never will. Just reminding you that you are a loser. G’night.

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Paris Hilton's Ass


Paris Hilton still has an ass, not a very good one, but one to poop with. That means the infection wasn’t bad enough to get the doctor’s to sew that shit up, strap bitch up with a colostomy bag, and send her on her way. It does however mean that she will continue to rock short skirts with no ass-covering panties. Yes, I just said panties. I never understood why girls found that word so gross, I guess it reminds them of when their dad’s used to dress them or undress them growing up….well just because you have repressed fucking issues about your dad taking off/putting on your panties, doesn’t mean I can’t drop the word…Point of the story is colostomy bag or not, I’d still fuck Paris’ ass…I can’t lie…there’s something sexy about girls who shit in a bag…..and not from her anus…

Bonus:Paris B-Day Pics, bitch looks knocked up,you know, fat in the Uterus

For more Nipple/Ass Pictures go to TaxiDriverMovie.com

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