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Archive for the Christie Brinkley Category




Christie Brinkley’s 70 Year Old Tits of the Day

I guess this isn’t really news since it was posted 2 days ago and all the women’s blogs that target old diaper wearing ladies on FB have already celebrated Christie Brinkley. even though you’d expect those diaper wearers to get mad that one of their peers, equal in age, is still flaunting her tits like it was the 80s….when they hated her for being hotter than them then…so they can hate her for being hotter than them now…which is’t saying much since they’re 70…

She’s clearly MOOCHING off Billy Joel’s comeback tour, you know since she was his UPTOWN girl who is probably still living off his money….

Or maybe she’s just a titty model who only knows how to be in content with her tits…

Either way, it’s a test of your desperation, your perversion, your commitment to a cause…because in no world should anyone be jerking off to 70 year olds, unless they are 85 year olds in the same home as them on BONER pills.

For anyone willingly admitting that they’d fuck this, myself included, you’re demented….but the INTERNET made us this way….WHO CAN WE SUE FOR COMPENSATION…

Posted in:Christie Brinkley




Christie Brinkley New Year New Hip of the Day

I saw 300 year old Christie Brinkley in some tropical destination because COVID doesn’t get in the way of rich people, when people are going into lockdowns and facing government sanctioned curfews, all because a handful of people are in hospitals, instead of just letting people die the way nature intended…it’s really one of those peanut allergy in the school so no peanuts for anyone situations…but that’s a whole other debate on whether the government should let us get any virus we fucking want to get if we choose to get it…but that’s a whole other discussion..

This is about old as shit Christie Brinkley still living the overpaid bikini model life, this time showing off her hip replacement she said she needed due to her helicopter crash, but that she probably needed cuz she’s old as shit….despite all the plastic injected in her…she’s old as shit..

So as poor people are struggling to survive, Christie’s out getting hip replacements and going on boat trips at her Caribbean home, because life is better for the rich, obviously…

I’d just like to see all these travelling idiots get cancelled, black listed, fired, forced to resign, because it’s irresponsible and it’s showing the fuck off and no one likes a show off…fuck em all.

Posted in:Christie Brinkley




Christie Brinkley is in a Bikini of the Day

Christie Brinkley is on vacation at her luxury, 10 million dollar home in Turks and Caicos where she’s brought out the bikini model body in its 60s to tell other 60 year old women that they aint shit…because when you’re Christie Brinkley and can afford a 10 million dollar home…getting some maintenance updated body and face with injections and modern advancements in technology isn’t that hard to pull off..

I am not buying that any of this is natural..but it’s still probably worth jacking off to…because let’s face it….you’ve jacked off to way worse..

Posted in:Christie Brinkley




Christie Brinkley and her Daughter Sailor Moon Brinkley in Swimwear of the Day

Like mother, like daughter means a like mother and daughter fetish…

One of these has crawled out of the other’s vagina….and now you want to crawl into both of their vaginas…it is magical on some level…if you are a pervert into that..

I know a guy who used to fuck a mom, and the daughter when the mom was at work…both over 18 so not that perverted…just funny….

I know a lot of guys who are into fucking the hot daughter of the woman they are banging – cuz 60 something year old woman are a terrible fetish in and of itself…but often times you are forced into….

People say Brinkley looks hot…for her age…I say she looks a little dumpy, but she knows that – otherwise she’d be in a bikini…her daughter is more interesting though…rich, half naked in bikinis, following momma’s footsteps….alright…this is how the rich live….


Posted in:Christie Brinkley|Sailor Brinkley|SFW




Christie Brinkley Granny Tits of the Day

Christie Brinkley is a freak of nature, and by nature, I mean she’s a vapid, vain, image conscious model, who hasn’t allowed herself to get fat, but has allowed herself to get the best hair and make-up, as well as BOTOX and other cosmetic procedures, because she’s not fooling me…there’s still a grey and dead pussy under this smoke and mirrors…

I am all for everyone being robot, freaks of nature, thanks to modern science and cosmetic procedures, because I like to judge the book by the cover, I like to think the surface is more important than the substance inside, and I figure women are all sugar baby hookers regardless of what they look like, so they might as well look good doing it.

Right. Right. I always like wanting to fuck creepy zombie women pushing 100 years old looking like this. It’s magical – or as magical as magical is – all trickery sent from the devil…

Either way, let’s celebrate how she is outlining what is important…Always look your best girls…with your freaky model smile…..that you can’t stop giving because you’re sewed up that way…


Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW




Sports Illustrated Make a Story About Christie Brinkley and her STDS of the DAy

This Christie Brinkley and her daughters video for Sports Illustrated swim, trying to remember the last time their magazine really prospered, back when Christie Brinkley was one of their girls….and not 63 years old and looking pretty amazing, maybe too amazing, like we’re being lied to, because there is aging gracefully, and their is not aging freakishly…

I understand why SI is going Nostaligic and doing a shoot with Christie Brinkley, I get why they’d feature her daughter Sailor Cook, who is a young billionaire heir who has been doing the daughter of a model hustle like the Hadids, the Baldwins…the Crawford Gerber, the Depp, the everyone with a mom who was a model or dad who was an actor, or in the Jenner’s case a dad who cut off his dick….trying to become instagram models, because IT allows them to feel validated in their vapid existences….where they want to be the most popular and paid…and their parents support them…because they made a career being as vapid…

But Alexa Ray Joel? Really…That’s clearly just a sign of Christie feeling guilty that her relationship with Billy Joel exploded and that she went off to have a cuter family with a rich guy, leaving her freakish head case daughter, who I remember from being on a reality TV show years ago, so broken, damaged a whiner…spoiled and jealous with no need to grow up because she’s babied by her rich parents who just don’t know what to do with her….clearly from this interview, her mom is as shocked as everyone else that Alexa is in it, but she knows she can’t let 16 year old Sailor succeed because it could be a trigger since you can tell, despite the circle jerk of how normal and in love they all are – she hates the cuter younger version of herself, because they eliminated the JOEL DNA from the equation, which isn’t an anti semetic statement, unless you want it o be…you can come up with your own racist conclusions, I’m just going to say there’s a mom daughter fetish in this….and that’s all that matters…not to mention the weird broken one…is probably the more interesting one to be around….and she looks hotter than ever…I’m not hating it….

Either way…weird feature Sports Illustrated….like some Chrissy Teigen Post Pregnancy nonsense where she tries to be funny, disses being a bikini model, because she’s on TV and her Husband she wallet fucked in her LONG CON…is making millions and is in movies that is all half hers…

Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW




Christie Brinkley Lookin’ Alright for 100 of the Day

Christie Brinkley keeps things real, by having a ton of plastic surgery done, but at a certain age, like when you’re in your 70s, looking like this, all semi-clown faced, but not overly clown faced, whether we are talking about this ex swimsuit model, or Dolly Parton, or really anyone post menopausal, I fully appreciate, if anything get turned on by their mangled plastic faces, because they are old as fuck and it’s better to cum on a smooth surface than something that looks more like my ball sack.

If you know what I mean…

It’s the teens and twenty year olds filling out their cheeks and lips that offend me….while this one’s a beacon of hope that we will all find a Christie Brinkley of our own…to carry us into retirement, but as someone who has only fucked one woman over 30 and it wasn’t by choice, it was a marriage for convenience situation that meant free rent if I did it, I hope that happens for me, once my fat wife dies prematurely from obesity….but I doubt I’ll be living to 90, the time needed to turn a 29 year old into a 70 year old, who looks like this…so maybe the better strategy is to just keep fucking the under 30 year olds until I die…that way you don’t feel in prison with one bitch…even if that bitch looks like this…

Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW




WTF is Christie Brinkley of the Day

Celebrity VIPs arrive for Target + IMG NYFW Kickoff Party in NYC

Uptown girl Christie Brinkley is a lot hotter at 62 that her her ugly kid she’s got with Billy Joel…the suicidal, dark, gothic one named Alexa Ray Joel….but then again she’s a lot hotter at 62 that most 20 years old…and it’s creepy…

Clearly, she’s had plastic surgery, clearly her tits have been lifted or implants have been put in, her hands tell a different story than her face…but she still looks insanely hot…and it’s confusing me…someone who thinks 30 is retirement age for a bitch…

It’s safe to say that she’s just a really vain LA based person who truly believes that her looks are all she’s worth, which is probably true, I mean she was a busty Sports Illustrated bikini model…so in her downtime – all she does is fixate on her looks…and work on her looks…because what else is she to do with that pile of fucking money…and why wouldn’t she…

She makes being menopausal as erotic as it should be, you know not being able to get pregnant is something that could be erotic for those of us into cumming in bitches but never trusting the bitches we cum in, always planning to legally change our names, while keeping enough money for a plane ticket to get to another country fast….the second after she tells you “I’m pregnant and keeping it”….it’s just most menopausal chicks are terrifying…and in ways…I call Peter Pan syndrome…Christie Brinkley is fucking terrifying…it’s just so unnatural…but amazing…


Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW




Christie Brinkley in a Bikini at 500 Years Old of the Day


If you’re like me, you jerked off to Christie Brinkley back in the 70s…when she was a Sports Illustrated model married to Billy Joel..back when Sports Illustrated bikini models meant something…more than just the name these current SI models are riding or diving into the fucking ground…

If you’re like me, you’ll jerk off to these pics of Christie Brinkley at 500 fucking years old in a bikini, because she looks like fucking same…

I like to think this is just good plastic surgery that doesn’t decompose…or biodegrate..or it could be good living…thanks to millions of dollars in work, child support and alimony…

Either way, this makes zero sense…she looks better than her daughter…who is 16 or something…just creepy…in a good way.

Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW




Christie Brinkley is a Freak of Nature of the Day


I think this went around last week, but I didn’t really bother with it, even though I think Christie Brinkley is great, so great that I’ve jerked off to her in Sports Illustrated in the 80s….when she was in her 40s….

People are shocked that she’s in her 60s and still looks like this, so she’s decided to put out a book on it, why not make money on it, because if you follow her regiment, you won’t look like this…but you can pretend, or she can pretend, because why not make the money on this freakish condition she has called being hot in her 60s….This is abnormal, this must involve plastic surgery…

If you look at her genetics tainted by Billy Joel, who wrote Uptown Girl about her..in a girl named Alexa Ray Joel..you’ll see how these freakish Christie Brinkley looks ruin lives….

The only hope I have for this is that when the current Sports Illustrated models turn 60, no one will care…because they are such bottom feeding, glamour model quality now, I’d hate for them to milk it as hard as Christie Brinkley did…

Posted in:Christie Brinkley|SFW