I typically have issues with girls who confuse being pregnant with being beautiful, it’s like bitch that’s the worst kind of STD, it sucks your fucking soul harder than HIV….
I’ve had a chance of heart, in part because I found god over the last year and realize that there is something pretty great about women who choose to do the whole family thing, even if they were married to another motherfucker less than a year ago….because GOD FAMILY AND COUNTRY…motherfuckers…even though I am in Canada and it doesn’t work like that in our socialist, soon to be communist run state…
I’ve also had a change of heart because at Christina Ricci’s age, the whole getting pregnant is pretty impressive, she’s in her 40s, making babies in her 40s is freakish….so let’s do a shoot to document this freakish thing….
I am not sure if this is her first kid, but getting to this point required getting cummed in, and it wasn’t the first time, but since she didn’t abort it, she probably had a feeling it was some gift from God too…at least that’s how she’s acting with this alien creature growing in her cunt.
Anyway, Christina Ricci even at 40 is so dreamy, or nightmare-ish, you know 40 year old pregnant ladies make retard babies…because they aren’t supposed to be making babies….but yeah, Christina Ricci’s an icon, I mean late 90s indy movies, she brought the tits…and I’ve been a fan ever since…I watched her flight attendent show, I’m watching her girls in a plane crash show called Yellow Jackets right now, I even watched her on Ally McBeal after she chopped her big sloppy tits off and did the anorexia..
WELL…those tits are back baby…which just goes to show you, that you can TRY to kill a good thing, but you CAN’T kill a good thing.
Posted in:Christina Ricci|Christina Ricci