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Archive for the Elizabeth Hurley Category




Elizabeth Hurley Not in her Bikini Promoting Bikinis of the DAy

I hate these bitches who make a living off being in a bikini when they were at their prime, now make a living off selling bikinis as a mom pussied bitch, but who feels all insecure or some bullshit, and won’t lift those mom pussy lips off the ground and tuck the shit into a bikini, to show the world she still got it going on, cuz girls with bodies like this, 40 years old or not, deserve to be seen half naked, especially when the shit is their livlihood…. We get it you’re old, you’re a mom, get fucking naked already. True story…

Either way, here she is opening another one of her bathing suit stores that makes her millions and millions…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley Not in a Bikini Promoting a Bikini of the Day

This is kind of a scam, if you want me to believe in your product, you have to come across in a way that makes me think you believe in it too, it’s just not good sales to be fully clothed, dressing up random whores to promote your shit, when you’ve got the tits and mom body to do it your fucking self….If anything it just makes me hate her clothing line…cuz I feel like she’s just slapping her name on it for a paycheck…instead of slapping her pussy on it and getting wet….

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley’s Tits Hang With Her Rich Husband of the Day

The funny thing about Elizabeth Hurley is not that she was dating Hugh Grant back when he got busted for trying to fuck a tranny. It is not that she has an illegit kid with some billionaire notorious for knocking bitches up and pretending the kids aren’t his. It is that he married herself a slumdog millionaire.

Sure, there’s probably nothing wrong with Indian people, I am sure they are lovely and every single Indian I have ever spoken to at an outsourced call center or an Indian restaurant has been alright….I guess it’s just weird to see an Indian dude with hot white pussy. I guess he doesn’t mind a 45 year old with baggage because she’s Liz Hurley and has great tits….and she doesn’t mind his curry smell cuz his money is a great distraction…But you can’t put a price on love…who cares if he owned the factory she was getting her swimsuits made in…but you can put a price on great natural tits…especially if you’re a stripper, pornstar or prostitute…

Pics via Fame

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley with Some Bitches in a Bikini of the Day

There’s something sketchy about about a bitch peddling product she hires bitches to wear so that she doesn’t have to put it on…It makes the consumer think, if she doesn’t wear it and goes so far to hire a motherfucker to wear it for her, there must be something wrong with it….maybe her bikini line causes rashes, or maybe it causes yeast infection, or maybe it causes skin cancer, fuck I don’t know, that’s gotta be the only reason why she wouldn’t slip into the shit, when she knows all people care about when they buy her bikini line is seeing her wear her bikini line, otherwise people would buy the non-Elizabeth Hurley bikini line….

I mean unless she’s just self conscious of her old, tired, saggy, sloppy, disgusting body that was once prime and loved by everyone, and if that’s the case, she has no business using her name to market the shit…cuz a twat who avoids bikinis isn’t really a relevant expert on bikinis no matter how hard she rocked them in the 90s….

Either way, the whole thing is very upsetting and confusing, but at least the bitches in the bikinis with her are worth lookin’ at….

Pics via LFI

Posted in:Bikini Bitches|Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley Doesn’t Like You of the Day

At first I thought this picture of Elizabeth Hurley was just her giving the paparazzi the finger because they are invasive cocksuckers who never seem to go away, kinda like herpes when you have a weak immune system, only the annoying immigrant that stalks and snaps off pics of you version.

The whole thing that bothers me about these cocksuckers is that they do spend money getting the pictures I post, but that money they spend is on stalking a bitch, I’m talking airline tickets, hotel rooms, car rentals and zoom lenses that to put the immigrant with a camera in the right place at the right time to capture the moment, but they don’t actually pay for the production of the pictures like a photoshoot would, and they aren’t paying the talent in the pictures, even though the illegal immigrant is the one who shouldn’t be getting paid and not the subject of the fucking picture, then they come to me demanding money or lawsuits for pictures they claim are theirs but never prove are theirs and it just doesn’t make sense to me.

But then I realized Liz Hurley isn’t giving the paparazzi the finger, she’s giving you the finger, because along with the rest of us, she hates you too.

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|Finger




I am – Elizabeth Hurley in Some Photoshoot of the Day

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Elizabeth Hurley

These pics of Liz Hurley are from some fashion shoot which may or not be new, and I don’t know enough about fashion to be able to tell or not, and in the end neither do you. What I do know is that when you get as little action as you do, hot women are hot women, and as much as you would like to hold out for that blonde bikini model who lives up the street from you, we both know thats not going to happen, ever, and it makes more sense to beat off to these photos, old or not.

I’ve always liked Elizabeth Hurley because when you here her formal British accent everyone automatically pictures her sitting at home in a formal floral dress, drinking Earl Grey Tea with her pinky in the air. Truth be told, she’s actually from a pretty shitty neighborhood in Britain and had it pretty rough growing up. She’s filthy rich now, especially since marrying that Hindu rich guy. So I guess on some days she probably does sit at home in a floral dress, drinking Earl GreyTea with her pinky in the air, or she just gets naked and rolls around in all her money. I prefer to think of the latter.

hugs and kisses
Marie-eve Martinez

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Elizaebeth Hurley’s Topless Sun Bathing From 2000 of the Day

Here are some pictures of Liz Hurley from the year 2000, she is a model who I think is fantastic to look at….especially in some topless beach pictures showing off her topless natural titties….because I guess after dating Hugh Grant, you kinda have that need for male attention….cuz he’s less into natural tits and more into chicks with dicks….true story…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizaebeth Hurley's Topless Sun Bathing From 2000 of the Day

Here are some pictures of Liz Hurley from the year 2000, she is a model who I think is fantastic to look at….especially in some topless beach pictures showing off her topless natural titties….because I guess after dating Hugh Grant, you kinda have that need for male attention….cuz he’s less into natural tits and more into chicks with dicks….true story…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley