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Archive for the Elizabeth Hurley Category




Elizabeth Hurley Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley Bikini Selfie

Old lady Elizabeth Hurley, the bikini entrepreneur thanks to being the bikini model entrepreneur who understood the importance of launching her pussy onto famous rich cock and sticking by it until it got caught fucking a tranny, allowing his success to be her success, that brought her to a place where she could meet other rich guys to mooch off of, and to be desirable for, and to get knocked up by….because rich guys like the pussy that famous guys cheat on with trannies – apparently…..

The aging process is so fucking weird these days….she’s 50 plus, but still putting out the bikini selfies like a college girl trying to make it on social media and it blows my fucking mind…because it’s not overly disgusting to look at…which is terrifying to me and everything I’ve ever known….

I guess posting slutty pics is timeless…and the only hope we can have in this is that she ends up at the old folks home you’re working as a Personal Support Worker at, because it’s the kind of ass you’d want to diaper change, provided she even shits on what must be a liquid diet…


Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Has Gone Racy of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley topless cleavage

Woah simmer down Liz Hurley….

Someone doesn’t realize she’s 100 fucking years old…and that the 90s, when she was a hot model were 25 fucking years ago….

I blame the face injections these people are getting, so that at 100 fucking years old, they can still pull off looking like a Kardashian, so long as they don’t get fat, which these people are too fucking vain to ever do.

From mooching off tranny loving Hugh Grant to get into the movies, to a series of other rich guys, to running a bikini company that I guess she is still the body for…a body that is impressive, if you were changing diapers at the old folks home, you’d want to change this old lady diaper…cuz it is old…

Posting topless selfies….bold…but great…I support this empowerment, feminism, even if we wish it was younger and less damaged.

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley in a Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley in a pink bikini

When I look at Elizabeth Hurley trying to promote her bikini like at 50…I think to myself…damn most 50 year olds don’t look like this…

But then I remember that the only reason I know who Elizabeth Hurley is, is because she looked good enough to be a sex worker to celebrities back when the #METOO movement was more under the radar and no one thought the unknown “model” (a job that instagram has taught us, anyone can have)…..was fucking the famous celebrity for any reason beyond trying to get herself famous…It was one of those KNOWN and understood things.

Now people need to make a big deal about it…

But I guess they don’t know that girls who look like Liz Hurley, you know the kind of girl you want to actually fuck, will not be dating some broke ass loser who can’t make their life better….

She dates money…like Liz Hurley…so #MeToo or not…most people are sex workers.

Here she is clothed at The Shangri-la in Paris’

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley in a Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley  in a Bikini

Elizabeth Hurley is 100 years old and in a bikini – because thanksgiving is a time to show off that you’ve never eaten more than 1000 calories in a day – as it will fuck with your sugar babying tactics… because when you reach a certain age, there is always going to be a dude 25 years older than you who thinks you’re hot, likes your dick sucking experience, enjoys being able to fist a girl with more ease than if she was 20 years old, while not looking like a total pervert misusing his wealth…by choosing a more refined woman than a young hot one…but rather take the old hot one who’s not that old, but has a level of fame and brand name to make her of more value than the other hotness out there scamming…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley Bikini of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley Bikini

Old lady Elizabeth Hurley, the bikini entrepreneur thanks to being the bikini model entrepreneur who understood the importance of launching her pussy onto famous rich cock and sticking by it until it got caught fucking a tranny, allowing his success to be her success, that brought her to a place where she could meet other rich guys to mooch off of, and to be desirable for, and to get knocked up by….because rich guys like the pussy famous guys cheat on trannies with – apparently…

Well, in part of being 50, an ego, pushing bikinis, she maintained that body, and it looks good, even if the age limit for bikini pics is 30….sometimes we can let some of the pussy in bikinis slide…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley|SFW




Elizabeth Hurley is Old, Sloppy and Amazing at the Pool of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley may be melting away…her flesh may be hanging off her while in her bikini…she may not be a tone, fit, amazing bikini model now that she’s 100, but for some reason, a reason I call being a pervert who appreciates what was, and can accept what is because it once was…she’s amazing..

Now trust me, I hate imperfections, fat bitches, disgusting pussy, anything that is not running at 100 percent, and I hate the whole women falling off thanks to aging…but this is one time I’m loving it…in all it’s disgusting glory…

Maybe it is cuz she’s taken ownership of it, when she normally hides it, or maybe I’m just a freak….but whatever it is…I’m down.

To see the rest of the pics FOLLOW THIS LINK

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley Photoshopped Bikini Pics of the Day

Liz Hurley won’t get in a bikini for her bikini store launches in the UK…she hires bitches to do that for her….and she won’t get in a bikini on vacation…she wears one pieces and covers up….but for some reason she agreed to get into a bikini for some bootleg, low quality looking magazine I’ve never heard of, because I guess they agreed to photoshop her so hard that it’s no longer a picture of her anymore legally….and I’m not complaining, cuz seriously, I don’t need to see an old mom, ex model, half naked, I can just look at her pics from when she was at her prime….that’s what matters….not this shit….

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley For Breast Cancer Picture of the Day

Elizabeth Hurley
Elizabeth Hurley For Breast Cancer Picture of the Day

Here’s a classy, amazing, hilarious picture of who I’m guessing is Liz Hurley’s cheating boyfriend grabbing his cock and sticking out his tongue at her during some Breast Cancer Month event she was lending her great breasts to either mock breast cancer, or possibly to challenge breast cancer by hanging this carrot in front of its eyes, like I sometimes do with peanut butter and my dog….or humiliate breast cancer survivors with great natural tits they’ll never have but once had before cancer ruined them…..even the implants covered by their medical insurance can never compare….

Either way, hot old lady. Funny Pic…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley’s Rockin’ Tits for a Breast Cancer Event of the Day

What better way to celebrate tits for Breast Cancer than to show off your tits, I mean provided this breast cancer event isn’t for breast cancer survivors who have lost their breast, only to have a bitch like this walk in and show them her spectacular breasts, you know rubbing it in in a look what I have that you don’t have and mine are so good they made me famous while you’re tried to kill you….kind of thing….cuz old or not, Liz Hurley’s got a great body and even greater tits…and here she is showing them off for a cause…just because she can…

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley




Elizabeth Hurley Hard Nipples on Set of the Day

I’ve decided these hard nippled Liz Hurley pics in a luxurious looking robe on the set of Gossip Girl….is all I really need to post to call it a day…seriously…I’m exhausted from looking at this amazingness..I think all my blood went to my testicles…or some shit and I’m feeling kinda faint…or maybe it’s just the dehydration, diabetes, liver failure, obesity, kidney stones, skin rash, impotency getting the bes t of me…

That’s not to say I won’t post more today…but it is to say..why the fuck bother…mom or not….late 40s or not….she’s fantastic.

Posted in:Elizabeth Hurley