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Archive for the Elsa Pataky Category




Elsa Pataky Ass in a Weird Diaper of the Day

Fast and Furious Elsa Pataky is pretty fucking old and a mom…so this weird extra ass cheek fold in her ass shouldn’t be an imperfection to mock, but rather one to celebrate, since her Spanish genetics, have allowed her to breed without as much damage as most white people have after they breed, because I guess Spanish people need to breed, it’s culturally in their DNA, survival…and in their religion…Catholicsm…where white people just do it so they can eat whatever the fuck they want for the rest of their life because they are done being attractive and virtually throw in the towel…where as Elsa Pataky has a career to continue…these Fast and Furious movies will go on forever…and at 40…she’s gotta work to keep those paychecks coming in…

All this to say…weird bikini choice….


Posted in:Elsa Pataky|SFW




Elsa Pataky in her Bra for Some Bullshit of the Day

Elsa Pataky @ Mujer Hoy 11.2015 (3)

This is all so stupid..but here’s some Elsa Pataky doing some bikini shoot…for some random bullshit..

She’s 39 and was in Fast and the Furious…so that means a bunch of the lamest motherfuckers in the world, who sit through movies like Fast and the Furious, like you…love her..

She’s too old for me, even if she’s fit…she died at 25…and she can keep trying, and she does keep trying…it gets her in movies…and movies make her money..so who gives a fuck about what I have to say about another girl getting in a bra to appease the male audience..by objectifying herself to get ahead because she feels it is the only way in the Patriarchal world we live in…where I am king and you are my minions…

Posted in:Elsa Pataky|SFW




ELsa Pataky Bikini Ass Picker of the Day

Chris Hemsworth, Elsa Pataky

Elsa Pataky is old as fuck…she’s from Spain, which means she has a “Hope Solo” USA! USA! USA! pussy … because I haven’t met a Spanish girl with an inny pussy…but maybe I just hang out with moms of two or more..

Not that this is about her pussy, but rather her old as fuck ass, in a bikini, on Vacation with her green card Chris Hemsworth…who she has a dozen or more kids with…it’s a Spanish thing….and who wasn’t the first actor she burned through, and probably not her last…

I don’t think this is exciting stuff, but I figure she sued a magazine for publishing her tit pics from a paparazzi, and she won 310,000 Euros for it, meaning she either loves or hates paparazzi, as it makes her more money than her bullshit acting job, she was in the Fast and Furious movies to reach a hispanic audience…who cares… so she’s out there reaching for another win…this time about to finger her asshole invasion of privacy..who cares…I guess I do…but only because I’m in this deep so here it is…


Posted in:Elsa Pataky|SFW




Elsa Pataky for Women’s Health of the Day


Elsa Pataky is an actress…best known for her appearance on Snakes on a Plane…

She’s Spanish and I love Spanish food….so I guess by default I love Spanish women..since they are the ones cooking it….

She’s old…and I don’t love old, but I don’t mind old when it looks like this in a bathing suit…especially after having 3 Chris Hemsworth babies…

From what I’ve been told about Spain, other than that the women are “passionate” and by passionate I mean insane and will cut off your dick if you look at another girl…is that they don’t wear bathing suit tops, so I don’t know what the fuck is going on here…but clearly somewhere down the line we are being lied to…

But based on google, she’s not into being topless, or maybe she’s really into being topless, because she sued a magazine for posting topless pics of her and got 310,000 Euros for it…probably a better pay day than anything she’s done…

Making her not very Spanish at all…but I guess it’s a good marketing hook.

Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky Weird Pregnant Belly Button Photoshoot of the Day

Elsa Pataky, an actress I don’t know and I’m not going to do the google, because I don’t really care who she is, I just know she’s pulling some Sports Illustrated body paint weirdness on her pregnancy, that may be attractive to someone, you know let’s use my wretched spawn that is growing inside me like some kind of fucking alien, as a canvas to distract from the fact that my belly button looks like it’s about to blow the fuck up…and the funny thing is, I assume people find this hot…you know someone somewhere has jerked off to this…weird.

Either way, oh so clever….


Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky See Through of the Day

I don’t know who Elsa Pataky and I don’t care…but I did google her and she’s pushing 40, married, and from Spain….she’s a mom and she’s all European on the red carpet of some bullshit, being all European, not in a bra, wearing a see through shirt, because that’s how red carpets should be done when you are either craving some male attention to feel hot, or when you trying to get noticed for your career…and I support that hustle, but only when they do it without pasties…cuz that pasties shit offends me, it’s if you’re gonna do that shit, own that shit….like Elsa Pataky…

To see the rest of the pics CLICK HERE

Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky in her Bikini for Women’s Health of the Day

I don’t know or care who Elsa Pataky is – but Women’s Health does and they decided to strip her down into a bikini and share her with the world, and I’m not complaining, I feel like every girl needs to be celebrated for her accomplishments by being stripped the fuck down…

Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky Pregnant Bikini Pic of the DAy

Here’s pregnant 35 year old Elsa Pataky looking hot in a bikini – she’s married to some actor who played Thor and prior to him she dated Adrien Brody…which I guess was her groupie move to propel her to such great roles as the hot girl in Snakes on a Plane…..

Now I normally hate pregnancy for all the obvious reasons, but realize than when the pregnancy is on a fit bitch….and it is her first pregnancy….so I know her body and pussy isn’t ruined…I can appreciate it more than the mother of 3 I met in the bar talking about how she’s been trying to get pregnant with her fourth kid on the 15, 17, 18 of this month…all pig faced and full of cum…

Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky Pregnant Bikini Pictures of the Day

Nothing like a pregnant chick on a waterslide….to get me excited that she may slip up, lose the baby and thus save her vagina…leading me to believe if I was a superhero, that’d be by quest…vagina saver thru miscarriage enducer…

I feel like this post makes my one female reader happy, but that’s just cuz she had a botched abortion and can’t have babies of her own, so she looks at pregnant chicks as the devil mocking her inadequacies…but it probably upsets all the other girls….cuz I’m a horrible horrible man…

That said, here’s preggers Elsa Pataky in a bikini…

Posted in:Elsa Pataky




Elsa Pataky Nipples in a Slutty Robe of the Day

Here’s Elsa Pataky, some bitch I’m not really familiar with because even bitches I am familiar with I forget. She’s wearing some classy stripper between sets outfit that I doubt any stripper actually wears, you know since strippers are tacky, trash who like being half naked, except when they leave work and squeeze into some ill fiting velour sweat suit like African drug dealers….so maybe this is more brothel wares….shit you’d expect a geisha to wear between sessions.. not that it matters…..who cares about the robe…just be happy her nipples are hard in it..cuz that’s the whole point of silk on braless tits…not that there is enough nipple in these pics….obviously…but it is the best I can do with the resources I have….possibly contributing to the demise of this site… THAT’S WHY I’M STARTING A CAREER IN SMUT

Posted in:Elsa Pataky