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Archive for the Fatty Category




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

My wife is obese, so I figure that we are one, at least legally, since half of her shit is mine, unfortunately she doesn’t have shit, except actual shit, cuz she’s a fat chick and always on the toilet, and in being half of a fat chick, I have the right to call fat chicks lazy fucking pigs who can still get laid because dudes are pathetic and will fuck anything, you know even as a fat shamer, fat hater, no fat chicks allowed, unless I marry them and spend 25 years with them, to punish myself for being the pervert that I am…..can fuck a fat chick, I just choose part of them that doesn’t repulse me and I never look down…..whether that’s a nice manicure, smile, eyes, hair style, pair of shoes, or tit depends on the fat girl….they are all build different, like their own unique pile of shit….

So yeah, when you have first hand experience with the fatness that is available to us, when you spend as much time with a fat chick as she spends with herself, and when you’re pretty much a fat chick by association, you can say with confidence that fat is lazy, fat is gross, fat is ugly, fat is humiliating and no matter what lies they tell you, or how open you are to try to find a greasy fat pussy between a set of fat knees, you know the kind with the sagging skin over them…..I know the truth…..

So here are some fat chicks for you to jerk off to for inclusion, it’s better than being rooked into taking them out to eat on a date to see their tits, because fat girls, especially those with no shame in being fat….not out to impress you because they are convinced they are hot chicks and doing you a favor…can make you go broke, even when you aren’t already broke……EATERS….not a fetish, not in these inflationary times.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I am a firm believer that being a fat fuck is a choice, sure, some people may have what they say is hormonal, or genetic, but that’s likely a load of bullshit, and sure some people may not be able to eat 5,000 calories a day and not gain weight, while some people can, but ultimately, anyone and everyone can be a fit as fuck machine, if they are just disciplined.

So instead of society saying “fat is gross” or shaming fat people into thinking they are gross, all for their benefit because those who listen will get their act together, they are trying to convince us that fat is beautiful, hot or wonderful, and sure every once in a while a fat girl can be decent looking, can have hot tits, good cleavage or a pretty face, but she’d be a 10 if she wasn’t 200 pounds…

I guess they want people fat, lazy, distracted, tired, sore, chronically ill, lazy, ordering their fast food and take out, eating their junk food, consuming crap they don’t need to feel better about their sadness…..so they normalize the shit…

The we’ve got big girls not cutting calories to 1000 per day, not exercising an hour or more a day, not trying to live their best fit life, but instead feeling hot and amazing because it’s their fat girl time to shine, and luckily they are greasy from all the fast food enough to embrace the shine, their pussies greasy too…which may be why they have a constant line of men willing to fuck them which for some reason they think is an accomplishment, because I guess they’ve never seen those world record gangbang clips with Anna Chong or whatever her name was….dudes will fuck anything, even a blown out pussy with 100 loads from earlier that day in it….you’re not special.

Since I have a no fat chicks allowed policy, I’ll say I don’t mind the exhibitionism as a concept, prefer if they were fit, do this for inclusivity because I like slutty behavior, ,and I’m just glad they have biological female genitals.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

No Fat Chicks ALLOWED is the general rule around here, but I like to have a fat girl post to show to the haters how inclusive I am, like a TV producer putting a black, asian, latin, mexican, native, transgender, gay, lesbian, incel, so long as it is non white it is ok, in their stories….so that you have some weird ass group of friends who look like the getalong gang of rejects…..not to say people of all backgrounds don’t hang out, but when put together in hollywood in a way that is so fake and gay, and is strictly virtue signalling….it’s pretty obvious, hilarious and THE SAME REASON I post this….like FAT chicks are hot when getting naked, I AM NOT THAT GUY, if anything, it’s comedy to me….especially now that the 4 am drunk fatties you once called to fuck cuz they’d show up…think they are valid super model types thanks to BODY POSITIVITY…and nerds over hyping them up….NERDS….RUIN….EVERYTHING…..just ask GATES.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

Here are some empowered big girls who may be too lazy to get to the gym, but who have a lack in self control that I guess applies to their food intake, but more importantly, for the sake of this post, to they posting nudes on the internet for some positive feedback from horny fucks who don’t care that they are fat, but instead see them as potential opportunity to get further with, since hot girls are too hot for most…..

I have a no fat chicks allowed policy here, which is precisely why I post this post, so that anyone who complains of my pushing for what the fat people call UNREALISTIC body expectations, that I call totally realistic body expectations so long s you don’t eat the fridge and everything in it every night when streaming your netflix stories….

You see, if you excercise and eat healthy, your body is totally against you being the pig that you are, but I get it, society want you fat, tempting you with all their fast food, junk food, genetically modified foods designed to trigger your taste buds on an unnatural level, getting you to eat more and more of it….if you don’t eat junk food for a month, then eat a Big Mac, you’ll feel your brain basically explode, which may be part of the reason why some of these girls look like their bodies have exploded over their skimpy outfits.

I do find it weird that the fatties do the hot girl content, but that’s the era we’re in….people so horny they’ll look and fuck anything and everything so long as it is down and if I know anything about fat girls, and I do, I’m married to one….they are always fucking down….it’s just not the 3 am jump the grenade cuz it’s better than jerking off down they once were…such modern diabetic times…


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I say no fat chicks allowed, because as someone married to a fat chick, I know first hand how vile and disgusting fat women are, and sure I did it for the pre-mature death aspect, it was calculated, but being terrible at math being, she’s still with us….because fat death takes a long fucking time and fat death is just a slow and miserable uncomfortable demise where your quality of life and sense of adventure is pretty fucking garbage because you’re always tired or looking for cake….hard to move, hard to sleep, hard to shit, hard to do everything….just all around miserable…

So from my 20 years of research, fat fucks are fucking gross, and if fat fucks out there are like don’t body shame me, ok, you can body shame yourself by pretending it is empowerment, when really it’s just a modern day version of a freak show, no matter how much of the population is obese or how much dudes are willing to fuck fat chicks cuz they are willing to fuck them back…..

That’s not to say I hate these ladies for getting naked, I just find it insane….

That’s not to say I don’t mind looking at monster fat girl tits because they are so fucking big….

It’s just to say, this is my inclusivity for you perverts into this kind of thing, while I’m far more into fitness bitches being naked….and fat chicks being the spectators…that you fuck in the shadows of the night because you don’t want people knowing that you are that kind of guy…..

I never subscribed to the “it’s better than jerking off alone to hot chicks” line people used to give, before they started publicly celebrating fat fuck sex as a form of virtue signaling, or wokeness, or inclusivity, “LOOK AT ME, I AM PRO FUCKING FAT CHICKS”…..like some kind of hero who deserves a medal….when we’ve all been there and know what it takes to get there.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day


But I will say that I did see a fat chick this past weekend who was all done up like she wasn’t fat, it’s a trend thanks to all the positive reinforcement they get from pervert dudes on dating apps and social media in this era of inclusivity and body positivity, confusing them into thinking they are hot, or worthy, all because dudes bone them out of convenience, lack of options, or their willingness to hop on a cock like they are hot chicks…

Anyway, the fat chick I saw this past weekend was dressed like an instagram chick, dressed like she was hot, but had no tits, was totally flat chested….That is the worse possible thing that could happen to a self aware fat chick could be..yet she was still out there owning it because you she wasn’t self aware as you can’t shame a motherfucker anymore…..

As a dude who likes small tits and dislikes fat chicks, the small tits DO NOT override the fat on the fat chick and small tits on a fat chick are a fate worse than death….even if they don’t realize it because even as a fat chick critic, I can still appreciate a giant sloppy tit when I come face to face with one…..

So here are some fat chicks for inclusivity, because we’re not being body positive, but rather willing to look at a fat chick being racy in hopes of monster tits, or just to have a weird internet adventure through pictures…..this is not for them to feel shamed by misogynists like us but rather to feel jerked off to by people looking for something that feels totally possible to have sex with, if only they didn’t have those damn egos thinking fat is hot….damn you propaganda!


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I don’t know about you, but I am a firm believer that we need to bring back the 90s ideals for beauty back, because I may be old and out of touch, an I may not hang with enough fat chicks to realize that their tits are so fucking big, they cancel out laziness, overeating and overall sloppiness..but I have a no fat chick policy for a reason.

I don’t care that fat girls celebrate being fat doing the same whore shit that skinny girls do without being ashamed of themselves, I know there are a lot of incel dudes who pay to see random sluts nude, instead of hustling real life random sluts to get them nude, the way nature intended who celebrate the fatty and that’s fine.

I am not saying KILL all fat chicks, I just think they should maintain their underground fetish and keep it to themselves as to not taint other girls from having eating disorders to look hot, the way unrealistic body images was meant to do.

But since this is my FAT POWER post, you know for INCLUSIVITY, so people can’t tell me I’m not WOKE….I figure if you have a vagina, no matter how huge it may be thanks to fast food, you should be showing it to the internet, it’s the whole point of being born chick…the act may be hot but the output itself doesn’t have to be….


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

This should be FAT FUCK FRIDAY, for my NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED post, but instead I do it on a Wednesday, with a more diplomatic name, since looking at these piggish bitches you’d probably take to the all you can eat buffet on your first Tinder Date, assuming you’re one of those shameless fucks not ashamed of being seen with some subpar woman, because if you just bring her over to order in, you may go broke. Clearly these girls eat.

You kinda have to appreciate how bold they are, how confident they are, how they can exhbitionismist like a non-fat girl….making me wonder if they are delusional, or is it too much positive reinforcement from perverts going “SHOW US YOUR TITS”….as targeeting the fit hot girls is more competitive…..or is this just the everyone gets a participation prize…

Because where I’m sitting, I remember all the fatties I ever knew, ashamed of being fat, not willing to bikini while fat, always making excuses to no go to the party or the waterpark, because they knew they were disgusting, but clearly that’s all thrown out the window…because everyone’s too self absorbed to care…allowing fatties to shine like non fatties…

Sure, it’s always been a fetish, my friend loves being smothered by fat ladies, it’s his thing, his very very weird thing, but for it to be so public, how strange.

It’s like a horror movie, Dystopial WALL-E….we’re here.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I have this no fat chicks allowed policy, because I am a dinosaur who remembers when fat chicks were the last ones chose for both gym class and to fuck, and when the beer goggles got thick enough, the fat chick never became more desirable, they may interpret it as becoming more desirable, rather than being the heavy duty table scraps they actually were, but when a motherfucker is still hungry, they’ll eat that grissel off the steak like some rabid stray dog….so the same thing applies to the old school approach to fat chicks….they never got hotter, they never were something to brag about, but rather more a Jackass level stunt your friends would tease you for…thanks to a moment in standards dropping and taking what you can get….

I do this fat chick trying to be hot chick post as part of my no fat chicks allowed policy, to remind me of why no fat chicks are allowed, no matter how insane society skews into making fat chicks embarrass themselves as they pose hot, instead of turning to health, wellness, fitness and other mechanisms to get themselves hot.

I do not endorse LAZY, even though I am lazy, and my whole existence is lazy.


Posted in:Fatty




Weight Watcher Wednesday of the Day

I’ve been slacking today, why the fuck not, I don’t get paid to update this shit and no one actually reads it.

I should write each post like a millennial communicates, with emoji and accroynmns.


I blame the weight watcher Wednesday post for being totally demotivating, just looking at them trying to do fatness like it’s hot, exhausts me, gives me diabetes that I probably already have, and premature death I am expecting…

The fact is that fat isn’t hot, it’s fucking average, not worth celebrating and takes zero fucking effort to achieve, so celebratin a fat, dumpy walmart chick like she’s a supermodel, like you were Sports Illustrated is both irresponsible because it pollutes the mind of potentially not fat chicks, pollutes the minds of people trying to be inclusive and jerking off to this shit like it’s ok, when it’s not.normalizing it…and lower our collective standards, expectations and dreams.

The fall of society is happening, and this not being a niche fetish but being mainstream norm, feels like a parody, but is real since we’re either just that horny, perverted, or misguided..

Either way, this is my INCLUSIVITY post, my BODY POSITIVITY post, on this NO FAT CHICKS ALLOWED life I want to live.


Posted in:Fatty