I realize that the average age of the DrunkenStepfather viewer is in his 60s, in part because I’m pushing 60 and I’m the only motherfucker around these parts.
So in failing to reach a younger audience with my smutty commentary that doesn’t matter, I am forced to document the rot of celebs you may have jerked off to in the 90s and Gillian Anderson is one of the prime players.
I was one of the only people I knew who didn’t watch X-Files because I thought it was pretty fucking dumb, so I didn’t really understand the Gillian Anderson hype that followed for decades like she was some hot set of tits….but nerd culture is committed to the same pussy thanks to their serious lack of wanting to grow up and move out of mom’s basement.
So in no0t finding Gillian Anderson hot in her early years, I’m not finding her hot in her senior citizen years, but she could be a lot fatter and dumpier, you know like Kate Winslett, so we’ll celebrate that.
She’s promoting some Prince Andrew Netflix show, so clearly she understands producing SMUT helps generate success…which is also something young girls understand…
So they may not understand the concept of a blog in a social media world, but they do understand “Show your tits to win”….and that’s what really matters since blogs are fucking gay.
Dress struggle videos, are not so gay….it’s a fetish really.
So the dress was for “THE TODAY SHOW” and there are more pics

Posted in:Gillian Anderson