I will get the Gay Blogger his very own login one-day soon, but in the meantime I am forced to write a shitty intro to let you all know that he’s here to make me famous because gay is trendy and because gay bloggers are even more trendy. His name is Julien and this is his magic sauce on Gillian Anderson trying to be sexy with the word Yes next to her, probably in efforts to trick us into thinking we want a piece, when in reality all we really want is that set of tits on the wall behind her in our face…either way here’s Julien.
You know when people try to be sexy but it just doesn’t work? I think this is one of those cases. I mean if you described to me the elements of this photo, take Gillian Anderson, make her look like a chic drug addict and then spread her legs, I would be like, yeah…I know a few people who could jerk off to that. But why did she have to have that giant metal S between her legs? I just don’ think that worked. Now, being a flaming homosexual, I’m probably not the best person to judge, but I really think that only die-hard X-Files fans are going to aroused by these pics.
It’s like how everyone thinks because I’m gay that I’ll fuck any gay person that walks. While this is 90% true, there is still that 10% that I wouldn’t fuck. Like this one time, Marie-Eve had made some friend that she thought would just be PERFECT for me and I was kind of a slow week, so I agreed to meet him. I didn’t want to go on an actual blind date, I’m not a 30 something, chubby, single girl (at least not yet). So I agreed to meet him at this party that everyone was going to. So I’m at the party, just starting to get a little fucked up and this guy walk in. He had a nice body, an ok face but for some goddamn reason he was wearing a fucking mesh tank top. I hate mesh tank tops. Some faggot must have sent out a memo saying that these things are fashionable. But believe me they aren’t. It was a total deal breaker. I took one look at this guy and I laughed and walked away to find more blow.
The point of this tale of faggotry is that the elements of this guy were there but there was just something off. I mean if he had just planned his outfit a little better, he could’ve totally boned me that night. But unfortunately he chose to wear a mesh tank top. He might as well have shown up with a giant metal S between his legs.

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Posted in:cleavage|Crotch|Gillian Anderson|Photoshoot|Sexy|Unsorted