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Archive for the Halle Berry Category




Halle Berry Tits Out For Instagram of the Day

Halle Berry Big TIts on Instagram

Halle Berry brought her tits to instagram because when you’re a shameless celebrity from an era before social media, when celebs weren’t allowed to interact with the people, to keep that wall between them and us, to increase their allure, exclusivity and price, you’re still a shameless celebrity…meaning…if she came up in this era, she’d be the nude shoot girl like Rat Cow, she just didn’t have to be because she had a team and was sitting at the right table, because Hollywood needed a black women they could trust and relate to, because Halle Berry was raised white….

So when she won an Oscar and cried, and the black people celebrated, I thought to myself how racist and pandering the whole thing was, that she may have darker skin than white people, her connection to black people was zero…non existent…other than maybe that she didn’t have a father…you know what I mean…

So their answer to Oscar So White, inclusivity, diversity, the same shit they are pulling now, was using some WHOOPIE, black on the outside, white on the inside…but hot…with hot tits…and I was a fan..

Her at 50, not quite her getting fucked in that Billy Bob movie, but still something…

Halle Berry Sexy on Instagram

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Topless Yoga of the Day

Halle Berry Topless in a thong doing yoga

Halle Berry has found instagram and like all these attention seeking celebrities, who used to want to have mystery between them and their fans, has decided to produce content for her fans, connect with her fans, give them a taste of who she really is on a curated and bullshit level that is likely calculated…

In Halle Berry’s case, posing semi seductive pics even if she is 100 years old, because that’s how she compels and engaged her audience or the decision makers…

What it comes down to is that Halle Berry lives matter…black like Halle Berry…which isn’t black at all…you know since she was raised white, and the only black thing about her is that she never met her dad who was black….

She may have been called names growing up because white people are racist and she was the different one in her white highschool, like the fat chick she got teased, getting all insecure before going to Hollywood and living the rich famous girl life….she got for being accessible and white enough for producers to work with her in movies – because white people are racist…

Look at her now!!

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Hard Nipple in a Masturbating Pose of the Day

Halle Berry Hard Nipples in a silk shirt

Halle Berry Hard Nipple in what looks like lingerie or a night gown or some other shameless shit for attention is alright by me….I mean Halle Berry is a self promoter who convinced America that she was a black actress, despite being raised white by her white mom and having never met her dad, black really by the tan color of her skin, but hot as fuck making the racist producers like her and hire her and even get her an Oscar where she played a Black woman to inspire other Black women, because even the Oscars don’t like to seem racist…but throughout her career – she’s always been pretty fucking hot..and even in her old age she’s trying…something that I think is commendable, I mean what else is she going to do with herself, she’s rich and thanks to science, fitness, being rich still looks good, I mean…it really only makes sense to get racy on social media…she’s a pre-social media celebrity, meaning we only got the persona her PR team wanted us to have, we never got to know how much of a slut she is, and how willing to get naked she is, and now that she’s got social media of her own, we’ll see what she’s about…and how much of her tit she actually likes to use to get cast and win awards…


I mean is she masturbating in this pic.


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Queefing of the Day

Halle Berry Queefing yoga

The highlight of every YOGA class that goes on in every village, town or city….is that girls everywhere who you think are farting…are actually queefing..

This is the SQUEEZE that air out of your twat for the room of other women to relate to and possibly giggle too…since there’s nothing not hilarious about a QUEEF…

There is no way this is not a Queef…

Here she is on the red carpet

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry’s Cleavage of the Day

Halle Berry Big Cleavage

Everyone is freaking out about these HALLE BERRY event appearance pic. I have seen it on social media at least 3 times today and I have only been on social media for less than 3 minutes today…so based on that alone…I’ve concluded that people must really be into this Halle Berry coming out tits out….

But I think she looks like shit, not just because she’s brown assholes, but because she looks old….

I’m as much a Halle Berry has great tits, looks great naked in movies 10 or 15 years ago as anyone….but that doesn’t mean I have to think she looks good in her older years while she’s looking old…just because she was hot 10 or 15 years ago…

Save it for the 1990s…but here it is for the women who hope to look as good at 50, because losing sex appeal must be a terrifying thing for people who rely so heavily on sex appeal.


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Seeks Attention of the Day

Halle Berry see through black and red dress

I often discount the level of black that Halle Berry is, which in and of itself is wrong of me by today’s standards, because girl is clearly black, or half black, which by definition makes her black, and who am I to say that she was raised in a white community as the token black friend you see in the movies, she married white, her mom white, her kid 3/4 white, she was probably white in meetings with Jewish producers who were racists, as we found out were racists with the Oscars so White campaign, and because of that, we’re now on the Oscars so Perverted dudes in power positions campaign, that I am sure Halle Berry has stories about…..because these girls will do anything they can to get where they need to go…it’s the Type A Personality shit..

Well, she’s making a comeback, she’s posting butt shots, and she’s at the NAACP Image Awards…nothing more black than that…I guess…

But who am I to say she’s not a leader for the black woman aspiring to get famous, if they believe her lie, and it inspires them to do good, who cares how whitewashed she is genetically and in how she was raised back in the 80s.

That said, she wore a wild and crazy attention seeking outfit that you may be able to see her mom pussy in, but I could be wrong.



Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Got That Bikini On of the Day

Halle Berry being a slutty woman in her black bikini with gold details

Halle Berry is on some comeback tour, because I guess she’s Halle Berry and ready to try to shine again, as these women hate tapping out and accepting their fate as only valuable when young and hot, so they put all kinds of energy into being old and hot…working out, diet, all that other stuff like plastic surgery…all in efforts to keep getting work, praise, etc…instead of just sitting on their pile of money..it’s like they think it’s their duty to us to clickbait…and post bikini pics…

I’m ok with that, like I’m ok with her being an icon or motivator to the young black folk of the world – even though she grew up white, in a white area, with a white mom, and the black thing is just an angle to win oscars…and I’m ok with that cultural appropriation because she’s hot…

Here’s some Halle Berry Booty in a Sheer Shirt of the DAy


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Workout Booty of the Day

Halle Berry works out on Instagram in grey leggings and a white tank top

The most exciting thing about Halle Berry doing a booty workout is that she’s got a triangle shaved into the back of her head – to represent that she’s part of the illuminati, you know because they needed a relatable and accessible black girl to be white famous, and packaged as black famous, despite having never met a black guy in her life…she’s from the white part of town with the white mom – doing white things…like working out with her personal trainer…because she’s rich and famous…

I have mixed feelings…about her marketing of herself…because I think it’s just fake news, the media lying to you, manipulating the governement and the overall social fabric that makes up our society….you know population control…and general social norms…

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry Bikini Booty from a Distance of the Day

Halle Berry Bikini Booty

Halle Berry lives matter….and she’s black like Halle Berry…which isn’t black at all…you know since she was raised white, and the only black thing about her is that she never met her dad who was black….

She may have been called names growing up because she was the different one in her white highschool, like the fat chick she got teased, getting all insecure before going to Hollywood and living the rich famous girl life….she got for being accessible and white enough for producers to work with her in movies – to appear like they are diverse…

She has no idea what the plight of the black man is, yet she is marketed as though she does and the whole thing would offend me, like she was a racist – if she didn’t have some rockin tits, even in her old age….rockin tits.

This is her ass though, not so bad for a 100 year old, those Black GENES coming in handy, like they have so often for her…

Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW




Halle Berry – Still a Fame Whore of the Day

Halle Berry on a toilet

Halle Berry got excited that she hit 2,000,000 followers on social media, despite being Halle Berry and that alone means she should have 10 million followers, but I guess she’s old, and thus shouldn’t even have social media…she’s got all this money, why bother posting to this nonsense like a peasant trying to be Halle Berry…makes no fucking sense…

So Halle Berry, the leverage that your dad is black even though you never met him, because Hollywood like black face and can only black face with someone who has a black dad otherwise it’s racist, put together what she likely thought was clever content – her taking a shit…a dirty shit…while drinking wine…because when you’re in Hollywood letting some creepy dude watch you take a shit is how you get the big payouts…so why not be a peasant and share that with the world…..

I guess, she’s out there knowing black lives matter, and that it’s a good time for a black girl, even when in blackface to cash in….so she’s doing it…on the toilet and at premieres…one last hurrah or something…because black don’t crazy…

She was also at a premiere for a new movie she likely got paid too much to be in…showing some booty..after years of being a method actor who studies her roles…she knows black women are supposed to show booty….


Posted in:Halle Berry|SFW