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Archive for the Hilary Duff Category




Hilary Duff Pregnancy Watch of the Day

I have decided to watch this Hilary Duff Uterus Stuff with erection in hand until the baby crawls out of her…because the idea of her having unprotected sex and that unprotected sex growing into new life to add to her already fairy tail billionaire life….turns me on…only because she’s always wearing tight pants, her tits are swelling, her ass is rounder, and her shoulders look less like a dude at hockey pracitice, and more like a fucking woman….I write her on TWITTER and she ignores me….but that doesn’t make me ignore the fact that I’d love to crawl inside her and hang out in her uterus with my tongue….here are some pics of her doing nothing particularly special…unless you’re like me and the broadcasting of being a slut who takes it raw and likes being cummed inside is something special..

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff is a Hot Pregnant Chick of the Day

I’ve only started liking Hilary Duff since she got pregnant and started swelling up. Maybe it is cuz she’s filled out her broad shoulders, or maybe it’s cuz I know she doesn’t use condoms and lets dudes cum inside her….or maybe it’s cuz she’s got fat titties….all hormonal and swollen….or maybe it’s cuz she’s so dangerous with her pregnancy…who know…I just know I like it….tight dress, polluted womb, pre-shredded apart tainted post-pregnancy lady parts….

Here’s some more Duff tits, in a tank top, being squeezed together, all fatter than they used to be, possibly hormonal and slutty, but no one knows cuz it’s not Hilary, it’s Haylie…but I’d into this cuz Horse Faces don’t scare me anymore…I’m far more leniant and less angry than I once was…

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Gets Flowers from the Paparazzi of the Day

The paparazzi are such considerate scum….

You know digging through a celebs trash, hiding in trees, chasing Princess Diana down tunnels so that she dies, all while being on celebrity payroll, getting leads and exclusives to capture to release the pictures of these idiots to the media at inflated prices, I’m talking seriously inflated prices…

The whole thing is almost ridiculous….but when you see one of them giving Hilary Duff some flowers for her birthday, it makes the whole experience so human…because it’s not just a gesture of thanks for makin them a lot of money, or a gesture of kindness that will lead to getting them on her payroll as her exclusive paparazzi, and it’s not set up for personal gain in anyway, it’s just telling a bitch “Happy Birthday”….and I’m really just interested in her uterus filled with fetus ass. Cuz that’s what I’m here for….

The whole paparazzi thing, despite posting paparazzi pictures all day, amazes me….why do people care about these cunts…it makes no sense.

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Dangerous Pregnancy Walk of the Day

Hilary Duff lives out her pregnancy on the fucking edge…a few weeks ago she was out TEXTING WHILE RIDING A BIKE WITH NO HELMET ….today she’s running with scissors…to the average observer, one might say she’s trying to stage an “accidental” “staged” miscarriage now that all the attention for her being pregnant has blown over….

I’m just bummed, there’s no pics of her BUM pictures, because really this watching pregnant or recent moms in their 20s bouncing into or out of pregnancy is kind of a turn on…I think my biological clock is ticking or something…and I’d love to live vicariously through Hilary Duff’s vagina…

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Hiding Her Pregnancy Like a High School Student of the Day

I prefer when Hilary Duff embraces her pregnancy like the girl who feels at the top of the world cuz her man, who she never thought would cum in her pussy, cuz her only did her anal, cuz pussy didn’t work for his HOMO-JOCK, made her develop a broad back, so she looked like a dude when wearing a hockey helmet and his dick was up her ass….

She’s pulling some highschool pregnancy shit, all covered up in an oversized shit so no one judges her or gossips about her, leaving her free to give birth at her prom with a baby to be disposed of in a dumpster like a normal teen pregnancy….

I prefer seeing her in bikinis, halter tops, spandex shorts, or anything you’d see on a pregnant bitch in the trailer park….not cuz she’s trash or because she’s finally filling out those ripped shoulders…but because I love seeing young pregnant women half naked and slutty, but I live in the ghetto and young pregnant sluts is kinda a daily vision…even though the whole pregnancy itself puts any girl in a new realm of slut…one who doesn’t get abortions or the morning after pill when she gets cummed in…and as much as I like watching girls at the pharmacy get the morning after pill…the follow through as long as it isn’t my kid is porn…

Hilary Duff needs to step up the slut in this pregnancy watch….embrace the shit like whore…

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Pregnancy Watch of the Day

I like to document Hilary Duff’s pregnancy partially because pregnancy is so awesome that I saw a scared looking indian dude at Walmart yesterday buying 250 dollars worth of baby food for a kid that wouldn’t stop screaming with a wife who looked haggard and disgusting and wrecked bodied thanks to that pregnancy….which would explain why the only other item in his cart was a box of fucking condoms…but mainly because she’s wearing tight pants and her pregnancy and ass make me want to shove my tongue so far up her twat I can taste her placenta….but I’m just weird like that….

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Pregnancy Watch of the Day

Hilary Duff is Street Walking in brazil…and I assume it has something to do with her husband being a homo jock who can only fuck girls who either look like they have a dick when fucking them up the ass from behind…or have a dick…and now that she’s pregnant she’s out looking for and recruiting some tranny sluts to meet his needs…you know since he gave her what she always wanted…her baby….

Here she is at the Brazilian airport….landing for her journey I assume is for his sexual needs, you know hockey season is starting soon and you can’t use a pregnant woman for a Hazing ritual…it just doesn’t work.

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Pregnancy Watch of the Day

I like keeping track of Hilary Duff’s pregnancy…you know there’s just something about hormonal changes and the inability to get knocked up cuz she’s already knocked up that tickles my fucking prostate, wakes it up, and reminds it to go back into semen production….

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Pregnant Text and Bike Rider of the Day

Pretty risky shit for a pregnant chick to be texting and riding….you know one wrong turn and baby be gone…this is not the most highly recommended home abortion method…but it is pretty effective if done right…crazy bitch makes me want to smell her seat…I’m sure those budding placenta producing lady parts, all baby filled and hormonal make for some interesting smells….

Homegrown abortion aside…I’m loving her ass….

Posted in:Hilary Duff




Hilary Duff Rockin’ Her Pregnancy of the Day

I’m making a habit of documenting Hilary Duff’s uterus fatness, because I’m as shocked as the next guy about this whole pregnancy, not cuz girls who grow up before their time thanks to pervert executives and their de-virginizing fingers always like to start families of their own to exploit as they don’t know how to actually love, but think they do, cuz actors are good at lying….see she’s already rich and established in her career, she’s used to all the media attention and most importantly she’s married…I’m just shocked cuz I’m convinced her husband is a homojock who only does her up the ass….explaining all the muscles she developed post marrying him…making me think this may be someone else’s baby but I’ve been wrong about these things before….

When all is said and done it’s nice to know that you can’t knock her up if ever you had the chance to date rape her, since she’s already pregnant, even though she’s the kind of girl you’d want to knock up cuz she comes with the good life.

Posted in:Hilary Duff