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Archive for the Jessica Alba Category




Jessica Alba’s Workout Clothes Cameltoe of the Day



This is less of a cameltoe and more of a pussy definition as it is squeezed into tight pants….

Something that I am humiliated I even know the difference of…

It’s like I’ve slowly morphed into the pathetic loser who hides behind a computer jerking off to this shit, when my intention in 2004 when I started, was to just make fun of all you celebrity fans and celebrities…and now I’ve become the guy at parties who knows who Miley fucks, and who Bella Thorne is, and what Jessica Alba’s hustle is…

It’s like I’ve polluted myself with nonsense I never cared about…

But I guess I’ve always cared about cameltoe and pussy definiton, I remember being in high school and this lunch monitor would always have the most insane cameltoe, it was a solid three to four fingers deep, which made sense, because she had 5 kids…and lived in a trailer park….back then we called int frontal wedgie and I’d eat my sandwich gagging all while rocking a boner staring at it as each lip moved independent of the other….


That said, I hate defending Jessica Alba or the lies she perpetuates, but I’ll defend her vagina in this cameltoe situation because as a mom of two kids, you’d expect a way more intense pussy eating pants cameltoe…


HEre’s ALBA walking in a dress CLICK HERE

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba Runs an Ad Campaign on Fallon of the Day

Jimmy Fallon Spat on Jessica Alba…

Which was probably the highlight of her bit on his show…where they just plug the fuck out of her company, over and over, that I assume she barely works at…

All while wearing fuck me boots, showing off her mom legs…looking hot enough…as Fallon laughs at his own jokes…

This is part of what’s wrong with America…a huge part of what’s wrong with America…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Robot Jessica Alba Programmed To Whore Herself of the Day


Jessica Alba is a fucking robot…

A robot in her acting, that needs a software update to be believable in any of her two dimensional roles, but a robot none the less….

And she’s set to “Make Money. Make Money”…mode..

Because everything she does or promotes is some commercial endorsement bullshit…from this, to the coconut water on her vag, to whatever else I’ve posted on her recently…it’s just ridiculous…but still one of the hottest bodies with two kids…so maybe we should be throwing money at her, instead of all these other dumpier bitches…

I’m superficial like that…at least when talking about famous overpaid pieces of shit stains on society….

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




JEssica Alba’s Yoga Pose of the Day

EXCLUSIVE: Jessica Alba shows off her best yoga moves as she films a commercial for Braun in the Hollywood Hills

Jessica Alba is a whore…she’s out there aggressively making as much money as she possibly can, this time with Braun, because make the money when you can, and if people are interested enough to throw money at her…why the fuck not take the money thrown at her…on top of the money her company makes her…it’s the American dream and she’s a Mexican…cash the fuck in…stack that shit up…

If she’s in this kind of outfit, I support her whoring…I think there’s something magical about her being a mom of two and still looking like this…I mean…I know young girls who don’t even look this good, sure they are into partying and drugs and don’t spend their days being a product that sells products so the motivation isn’t there…but if you were to compare ALba to any Mexican with 2 kids..who isn’t used as a product…you’d see just how magical whatever is going on here actually is…

The amazing thing in all this is that this is Jessica ALba, one of the worst actresses ever, leveraging that shitty career…and crushing it…so fucked…


Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Whoring Herself Out for Socks Now of the Day


Jessica Alba is the fake CEO or president or whatever of some massive billion dollar company called Honest, that she is slated to make 200 million dollars from when it goes public, which doesn’t include all the money she’s made up until this point, or any of the other ventures she has put money into that are less publicized, or really any of the money that Honest has paid her as a salary to show up everyday and pretend to work…

So what I’m saying is that Jessica ALba is already richer than God, but not quite as rich as Zuckerberg or the other dot com billionaires, however…she’s still peddling bullshit products as ad campaigns that make her look like a cheap, desperate instagram model…whether it is for coconut water or her Husband’s sock company, the whole this is ghetto bullshit, nor matter how much money she makes off it, she’s already got a ton of fucking money…

She can’t be doing this for money…but then what is she doing it for…

I think we should boycot Jessica Alba and her greedy money grubbing…so unfollow her now…thanks..

Now you can all laugh at my zero impact approach to life as I haven’t won one person over to actually take a stance with me…

I’d be a terrible cult leader, but ALba…that bitch is good…


Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Drowned Ass of the Day

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I don’t mean to milk these Jessica Alba in a bikini pics like they matter…but I just can’t help myself. I guess I”m like an internet hoarder who should realize that if you’re actually an Alba fan you’ve already seen all these pics, especially since I posted some of them yesterday, like they mattered, even though they don’t, but I guess they do….

But I figure if Alba is milking them, I should play alone, we as a collective haven’t made her a massive success or anything, we might as well keep it up so she really maximizes everything….more than she already has…

You see, her business is going public, she’ll walk away with over 200 million dollars, and she can go back to her true love, no not being a mom, being the now middle aged girl, dudes who wanted to fuck her when they were in high school still want to fuck…and she’ll produce content for that because when you have all the money in the world, what else is there to do…just ask Beyonce…

That said, there’s something highly erotic about staring at her ass in a bikini while she plays dead, like a drowned victim in the grotto…maybe this will become a new instagram trend called “floating”…for people like me to jerk off to…fantasies of throwing my wife overboard in international waters on a cruise…


Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba in a Bikini of the Day


Jessica Alba is apparently a billionaire, running her company, that is called honest, which is usually a red flag and means it is not honest, but according to people I know they actually make decent product, and the only lie is that Alba has anything to do with anything, she’s just there, a poster girl for the brand…that helped make it massive…and that is now going public and in going public…the strategy is get this bitch in the media…at least that’s my theory, maybe she’s just an attention whore…who loves male attention and showing off her mom body…that she got trapping a sucker who I guess at the time was stoked he had the hottest shitty actress in Hollywood…but now is just stoked because when they go public he can escape her….as they don’t need to project this perfect married couple…that makes Honest…Honest…



Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba’s Bikini Bottoms for Samsung of the Day


Jessica Alba is shameless…but the reality is every one of these celebrities who tries to be clever in their product placement on social media strategies doesn’t need to be clever, be shameless and your retard audience that I know are retards because they follow your ass and make you a billionaire in the process, when they should have turned their backs on you after “honey” and pushed you to a life of drug addiction, prostitution and premature death…

But instead, she’s posting pics of her pussy next to a tablet, that Samsung paid her to do, and that will get past around because people, myself included still care enough about her pussy, even though it’s been shredded by kids and Cash Warren penis..

She’s the worst…Samsung endorse vagina pics…and she’s winning…and we’re all fucking losers who allow these people to exist….

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba in a Bikini of the Day


Jessica Alba wants you to see some mom tit in a bikini….

I am going to assume it is because it feels good to have men get excited over you, like it was still the late 90s, especially when in a loveless marriage that is solely based on business, and money, than on fucking…even if the kids would make you think they fuck, when really they are just props in the Honest Company…

You don’t make billions of dollars without some sacrifice…

It is safe to assume that she’ll be back in the acting scene when the company does go public and when she cashes out. It is also safe to assume she’ll be doing more nude roles, to feel like an “artist”…and it’s almost too little too late…but she’s still Alba and her nipples are worth looking out the day she finally releases them, only because she’s made the people wait 30 fucking years for them.

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW




Jessica Alba’s “Flourish from the Inside Out” Campaign of the Day

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Jessica Alba must have a huge stake of ZICO Coconut water, or ZICO has paid her a fucking lot of money, so much that they couldn’t afford a copywriter, or designer, good photographer, or really anything other than Alba…because they are pushing these pictures as hard as they can…it’s the same shoot we saw months ago…and now there’s a shitty slogan…

“Flourish from the Inside Out”…

It sounds like something digestive, or maybe sexually, like pink on the inside, tan on the outside…..or like her cervix is flourishing with excitement ready to make another baby to spend her stupid money on….before being shat out of her to further make us hate her life choices…

I am not being paid by ZICO…so fuck them and their shitty cum tasting garbage beverage…there are better coconut waters out there…try them…

Posted in:Jessica Alba|SFW