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Archive for the Jessica Simpson Category




Jessica Simpson’s Big Old Mom Tits of the Day

I don’t know when these pictures are from…they all kind of blend and blur into each other…into an awkward pile of useless shit that occupies my brain….when really I should be focusing on other things that are more important…like getting girls to send me nude pictures…see cuz staring at some pregnant ex-popstar….all weathered is barely fun, stimulating or entertaining even when she’s pushing up her milk-filled tits intensely for us all to care about her for the final few months of her career….you know cuz she’s all proud that she has an explanation for her over eating and fatness she’ll never bounce back from…and she wants all the men in the world to recognize….and appreciate….so here’s her soon to be mom tits…cuz you weirdos are into this shit…and I guess so am I….except for the whole being built like a fucking school bus part…that her tits allow me to divert focus from…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Big Tits of the Day

Here are some shitty, boring pictures of Jessica Simpson pregnant and showing some mom to be tit, only because she’s got a filled up with fetus uterus inside her and her obesity is officially justified…. and some of you weirdos are into that…I prefer my women infertile…unless they are Jessica Simpson and own a billion dollar clothing empire for me to K-Fed…but that’s just because I’m too lazy to make my own money, and her white trash retard ways would be easier to manipulate than to mount like the tired old pony she is….shitty pics with shitty commentary for shitty readers….that’s what keeps this site barely afloat…thanks for that….I need a drink….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Reclaims Hot Pregnancy of the Day

The other day I was saying that some girls are hot when they are pregnant cuz the female hormones, the fact they got fucked and cummed in, the new found tits, just look amazing like Hilary Duff….While other pregnant bitches just look fat, dumpy and like they eat too much while complaining, farting and doing all things wrong….like Jessica Simpson….but today that all changed and all it took was a push up bra….I’m so easy to please it is ridiculous…now check out those veiny, hormonal, full of milk and fatness and probably lots of gravy, grease, meat products and processed food….. motherfucking titties…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson is Still Pregnant and Fat of the Day

You know how some people call pregnant chicks “Glowing” or say how radiantly beautiful they are as they make the life changing transition from girl to woman…you know on the mission her biology has planned for her ever since she got her period…and you think to yourself “disgusting” or “scary” or “why the fuck do people jerk off to ready to drop porn”….but then you come across a hot pregnant chick, and it all suddenly makes sense, and you get it and understand what they have been talking about….well, Jessica Simpson isn’t that girl, if anything, she’s the disgusting kind that makes you fear having a family of your own cuz you’d have to face that fatness for 9 months, telling your wife you’re better off adopting, or better yet, divorcing your wife and turning to a life of fucking hookers…

Here’s Jessica Simpson looking like some kind of clown….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Twitter Pregnant Tits of the Day

Pregnancy…Some people think it is such a beautiful and romantic thing…the natural purpose of women and men coming together in love to carry on their genes as one continuing the legacy ofmankind into the next generation….

Some people think pregnancy is creepy, cuz an alien creature is growing in a bitch, who in turn gets fat and her vagina gets shredded to pieces…..

Other people think, pregnancy represents commitment, the worst kind of STD cuz it costs a fortune….

While, I think pregnancy makes great fat tits milk filled and noutrishes, while offering an excuse for weight gain, and remembering bitch fucks without condoms and lets dude cum in her….naughty….

Here’s jessica Simpson tits on twitter….focusing on the good….of what most may find bad. While others find erotic….pretty much pleasing everyone…Good job.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson’s Legs in Shorts of the Day

Jessica Simpson Legs aren’t as fat as I’d want them to be…if anything her obesity is really letting me down…but luckily…I have a fetish for jean shorts and fat or not…I’m down with wanting to sniff them….or frontal wedgie them into her big fat pussy….that’s not as fat as I want it to be…not cuz I love fat chicks…but because I love once hot, busy popstars becoming fat chicks….

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson’s Fat Multiple Personalities of the Day

Jessica Simpson, or one of her handlers, because clearly she’s a large animal, posted this picture to her Twitter calling it “United States of Tara”, I assume referencing the show and channeling it in this photoshoot showing off her multiple facial expressions, that in her retard mind represent multiple personalities, instead of the whole psychological aspect that it takes more than just making facial expressions to really make up multiple personality disorder…and here are her tits and fatness doing things fatness should never do in outfits fatness should never wear..can’t wait for the video.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Photoshopped for People of the Day

There is no way this is actually Jessica Simpson. Sure that’s her face, but if that’s her body, this is some serious strategic placement, I’m talkin millions of dollars probably went into researching just the right background to use, just the right outfit that’s tight enough to give her a waistline, just the write fishnets to distract from the fat oozing out of them, just the right cleavage to make her upper body the focal point, just the right smile to make you want to cum in her mouth, just the right laying down to let gravity flatten it all out, just the right crazy hair to narrow it all out…This took serious fucking effort and money…but probably not nearly the amount of money People got paid to list Jessica Simpson as one of their beautiful people….cuz you know there’s no way that wasn’t paid off…I mean there’s no way that whole list wasn’t paid off, but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do to survive the recession….and more importantly the irrelevance of magazines….

Here’s the big titty video…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson Sadly Hits the Gym of the Day

There’s nothing good about this scene.

Jessica Simpson is leaving the gym. It’s the end of a fucking era cuz you know she’s got the best trainers, dieticians, and that she will end up slim and hot as fuck not just hot cuz she’s weak and depressed and when she does, I’ll have nothing to point and laugh at from the comfort of my soiled couch, you know bathing in her misery, but will instead look at her in anger that I didn’t move down to Texas to crawl into her vagina while she was at her all time low. Now she’s getting back on track and we’re faced with lost opportunities due to drunken laziness..the story of my fucking life….no that I coulda seduced her at her fattest…but I have been pretty good at seducing fat chicks…so you never know…but then again they were never famous fat chicks…who were once hot fat chicks who guys still masturbated to fat chicks…but it worked in theory and sometimes that’s good enough to keep me going…

Posted in:Jessica Simpson




Jessica Simpson is Amazing of the Day

I like my bitches fat and drunk…at least at 3 am when they’ve done last call in the bar…cuz I know I’m gonna have my way with them…cuz that’s what being fat and drunk at 3 am is for…Desperation….

Unfortunately, When I see girls like this who are celebrities, the upside and opportunity knockin’ totally dwindles, you know since no celebrity would ever be willing to fuck me, no matter how many failed relationships and inability to get pregnant they have, you know cuz I’m no K-Fed…and have no patience to play up these cunts…and they have no patience for washed up, practically homeless dudes who smell like shit while spending their money…..but at least we can always have fantasy things would work out different for us…like by being choked out on her tit…or some shit…

Here are the hot pics…cuz drunk fat bitches…anyway you cut it are porn…until you cum…then they are a challenge to get rid of them and never run into them with your friends…for fear of people finding out your stooped that low….only not so much when it is the Jessica Simpson version…

I think I’m rambling.

Posted in:Jessica Simpson