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Archive for the Julianne Hough Category




Julianne Hough and Her Brother are Close of the Day

What the hell in stage parent turned making their kids incestuous dancing partners…because they are connected at the soul genetically and possibly at the genitals…since narcissists historically are into genetic attraction…as it is like fucking themselves…

I knew a mom, who used to fuck her “estranged” adult son, and would openly talk about it, because she found him a beautiful piece of art that came from her vagina and that she felt she could do whatever she wanted with…even with him as an adult…because adults can make their own decisions…

I mean incest has been going on forever..and what better family to be into it that some weirdo Dancing with the Stars cast, professional trained dancing family…that are clearly weird…because what grown, hetero man is profession trained dancing…one who would probably fuck his siter…that’s who…

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Here’s her bad singing…because American trash love song…

To see the pics of Julianne Hough in Concert CLICK HERE

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough in Women’s Health of the Day

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If you’re wondering how Julianne Hough stays healthy, you don’t have to read Women’s Health, because I have the inside scoop right here…

It’s a mix of slutty stripper dancing for rich men, until they notice her, and want to fuck her so bad, you know dancers and their bodies and the way they move can be hypnotic, and cost you a lot of money per song, for many songs, after they trick you into sticking in the booth…….

Only in her situation, she trick them into committing to her through the cocktease hip gyrating, so that she can be presented as the girlfriend in the media, which is great for business and career….and also justification for the cocaine fueled anal sex nights you know they had….

So dance, cocaine, rich men, repeat…and here she is having some bootleg photoshoot for some bootleg magazine, because she’s bootleg…

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Slutty for Yahoo! Style of the Day

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After doing a bit of research on Ryan Seacrest, he’s rich as fuck, making 100s of millions of dollars a year, I can say with confidence, that he’s an egomaniac, who prey’s on girls with his money, girls like Julianne Hough, who managed to get him to go public with their deviant sex and drug filled relationship, because I guess they are both on TV and it was a good look for them, to distract the public from how sleazy they are…

There is no way that this Dick Clark reincarnated, high energy freak, is not on a bunch of uppers, I mean how else would he grace the world with such quality content as the Kardashians…and by default, that means that Julianne Hough, a stripper who never was, was right there with him…

I like to think this Yahoo Style shoot channels how Seacrest used to shower her with Semen…possible while getting fucked up the ass by a big black dude…because you know how these rich and powerful people are sexually…weird as fuck..

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day


Julianne Hough is flashing nipple for Dancing with the stars, because she wanted to generate some buzz about the final episode or something….equally unimportant…

This isn’t the first time she’s taking a hit for the team, the last time involved being a beard for Seacrest and his pile of money….that probably pretended to fuck her up the ass like he wanted a man to fuck her up the ass, while jacked up on some party drugs…snorking Dick Clarke’s robot asses off her clip..


Well here’s her nipple…

Julianne Hough
Julianne Hough Nipple of the Day

Julianne Hough is flashing nipple for Dancing with the stars, because she wanted to generate some buzz about the final episode or something….equally unimportant…

This isn’t the first time she’s taking a hit for the team, the last time involved being a beard for Seacrest and his pile of money….that probably pretended to fuck her up the ass like he wanted a man to fuck her up the ass, while jacked up on some party drugs…snorking Dick Clarke’s robot asses off her clip..


Well here’s her nipple…


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Drunk at Coachella Weekend of the Day

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As far as I’m concerned, Julianne Hough, is a stripper who walked into the wrong audition and lucked out, but then again, I assume that any professional trained dancer, who plans on doing dance as a career, is going to end up as a stripper, unless she comes from a rich and connected family, or maybe dates a rich and connected guy like Ryan Seacrest…

Here she is drunk at Coachella, too far gone to ever fall into sex work, she’s rich and connected and never going to be like so many professionally trained dancers before her…

So until then, she’s the one who got away…


Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Does the Fucking Splits of the Day


Julianne Hough likes to throw out reminders that she’s totally capable of being a stripper, but that she’s not, because she’s LA, and maybe her family is connected in the industry, allowing her to do something as useless as dance, or becoming professionally trained at dance….leaving her to do slutty seductive things she can pretend is just her art in elevators for Canadian actresses on a popular show..but at least there’s social media…I mean what would we do without it…jerk off to people we actually know, in person…that’s fucking creepy…better to jerk off to strangers…you’ve never met, never will meet, but who you saw on tv…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough’s Bikini for Twitter of the Day


Dancing with the Stars, Ryan Seacrest fucking, Julianne Hough posted a pictures of her in what I assume is a Sports bra…or sleazy dancing top…because she knows that if she wasn’t rich and connected, her dance career like so many other professionally trained dancers would end in the strip club doing lap dances…I guess…part of her wishes it ended up that way…because that’s where true dancers live, work,.and make strangers cum for money…the whoue thing is highly erotic….

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough for Shape Magazine of the Day

Julianne Hough is some Dancing with the Stars girl who you probably fucks her brother, and who probably was destined to be a stripper, but who managed to pull some fucking scam, a scam I assume comes from being a rich kid, to end up on TV instead of the pole.

Now she is in Shape Magazine, a magazine notorious for photoshopping the shit out of girls, dressed like a stripper, in stripper quality pics, because I guess what is meant to be is meant to be…or whatever…

So the pics are garbage…but she’s looking better than ever…but I guess I like ’em trashy.

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough Hard Nipple of the Day

Julianne Hough has a hard nipple while leaving the set of Dancing with the Stars…a show I’ve always hated because it gave people who would otherwise end up strippers jobs on TV that got them rich and famous, like this was the 1920s Hollywood where song and dance talent actually mattered when it came to performing…

But then I realized that it gives girls at home the idea of learning how to dance, so that when all else fails, they can fall back on stripping because of those skills learned early on in life, thanks to Dancing with the Stars…

So in ways, this show perpetuates stripping for money, ensuring that career and industry will live on for another generation…

That said, I don’t care about hard nipples, and haven’t really since I was about 12, but I know you do, because you have the sexual experience of a 12 year old…

So here’s you favorite Dancing with the Stars chick – hard nippled…

Posted in:Julianne Hough




Julianne Hough’s Interesting Cleavage of the Day

Julianne Hough is some Dancing with the Stars stripper who never was – thanks to some scam that she pulled that allowed her song and dance family to go mainstream with their professional dance training instead of going into the underbelly of society and to the pole – where so many professional dancers I’ve purchased lap dances from have ended up…all theatrical in their routine, because they have a passion for their craft, but empytiness and sadness in their dead eyes, because they’ve pretty much given up…

I don’t know what her backstory is, obviously she’s connected to something at some level, because there’s no logic as to why a stripper who should have been a stripper ended up on TV, and then in Movies….other than connections…or I guess sucking dick.

So maybe these cleavage pics are just her paying tribute to her sexuality that made this dream come true…

Who cares. Why am I wasting my time with this nonsense that should be a poo stain on my khakis in the lap dance booth. I’ll never know.


Posted in:Julianne Hough