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Archive for the Julianne Hough Category




Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica of the Day

Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica in Black Bra Black Tight Leggings

Julianne Hough looks rugged, maybe it’s a side-effect or delayed side effect of being a Mormon who moved to LA all innocent and ready to fuck, or become famous, or show the world that incest is the best, before landing herself as the public girlfriend of cocaine addict and total fucking pervert Ryan Seacrest, who likely ravaged the fuck out of her, like the tyrant that he is despite the world thinking he is gay and America’s Sweetheart..I know stories of this narcissist, successful, monster….

Either way, she’s still fit, married now, not that interesting, but I am not that interesting either, so I’ll post this up and you can look at it and make your own decisions as to whether you like it or not..

Or you could just leave your house and realize that 90 percent of women from the age of 16-65 dress like this daily…and it’s more interesting or appealing….



Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianna Hough’s Ass in Leggings for America of the DAy

Julianna Hough has been Fucked by Ryan Seacrest

When I look at this now married, once mormon, probably fucked her brother’s ass in a pair of leggings..I think of all the wonderful anal sex she’s had..knowing that Seacrest is gay, that her brother wouldn’t want to get her pregnant, that mormons like to keep virginity….anal all the fucking way….then couple that with her professional dance, but not a stripper dance…and her athleticism and strength and know…that she can handle a dick in her ass…if anything she’ll bounce up on it like it’s a music video…

And that alone is magical…but not really, because who fucking cares about Julianne Hough…



Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Squatting in Lingerie of the Day

Julianne Hough Squatting in Lingerie or in what looks like thigh high stockings…like some little pervert fetish chick…who despite being raised Mormon, in a backwoods incestuous dance family, where her and her brother did everything together, including Anal Sex, before she got sold to Ryan Seacrest for a couple of Goats, you know Mormons and their farms…they love that shit….where he slutted her up, where he made her the slut that she is today…because rich people, even America’s Sweetheart like Seacrest are dark and have weird sexual dysfunctions, issues, fetishes….that all took place on this one’s ass…

While now she’s married, but you can’t take the ho out of the ho, because a ho is a ho is a ho, and this is her level of ho down, it’s accessible, inoffensive and won’t get her fired from any mainstream jobs…

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Hard Nipples of the Day

Julianne Hough Hard Nipples White Shirt

Are these Julianne Hough nipples new? Are they Old? Have we seen these pics before? I don’t know..

But I do know that Julianne Hough nipples are mormon, or once mormon, making her a really fucking pervert in the bedroom, you know trying to defy all that oppression, something she learned from her gay lover brother…before moving onto gay lover Seacrest…who I know is a dirtbag into the ass fucking that an incest family would encourage as to not have any flipper babies really…

I don’t think this pic of her dancing with her titties out is that great, exciting, it’s no Jessica Simpson Exploding Tit, which pretty much made my week…but we can’t all be Jessica Simpson exploding pics…there’s a scale to this shit…a spectrum….like Autism…the titty version.

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica of the Day

Julianne Hough Fitness Erotica Sports Bra and Tight Leggings

Incest loving Julianne Hough….

Who I guess Ryan Seacrest used to fuck, probably with with the prosthetic penis he puts on when she made him fuck her, or when he made her fuck him, as they watch gay porn so he can stay into it….

But that was the old Julianne Hough, the one who first left her brother’s homo sex den for Seacrest…

Mormons…they are all so crazy once they leave the churce..

Here she is doing some bullshit…fitness erotica..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough is a Bad Mormon Doing Poses Seacrest Taught Her of the Day

Julianne Hough is like any fame seeking semi-famous has a taste of fame thanks to being on TV self involved, product of incest, mormon breaking free from the grip of her boy Joseph Smith and his Mormon Underwear he made her wear…allowing her to experience fame, fortune, and freedom to pose slutty with her fit stripper who never was – despite her dance training – ass out like she knows her angles and how to pose because she knows her angles and likes to pose…just the way Seacrest taught her, because along with being a homo, he is apparently a pyscho pervert with a drug problem who loves treating women like porn sluts…he even offers to buy them big tits…because he’s weird…

I know 2 -3 girls he’s done the same move to, and I double Julianne Hough didn’t get exposed to any of that….but she’s married now, and despite being married she’s bringing the pervert poses…bad girl…Joseph Smith wouldn’t approve…I mean unless she was one of his 17 wives…in which case…maybe he would.

These were pics for Earth Day and not new pics..still a pretty slutty way to celebrate an earth she probably pollutes with her celebrity carbon footprint..

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Leggings of the Day

Julianne Hough tight black leggings and bra

Whenever I watch Julianne Hough…not that I ever watch Julianne Hough…it’s not like I park outside her house in a van, or that I’ve paid her pool guy or maid to install hidden cameras, I live in fucking Canada, I don’t even know where this Julianne Hough lives, I’m assuming LA, I mean why else would the paparazzi have so many pics of her, it’s not like she actually matters that much….I digress.

When I see Julianne Hough…I think about the incest with her dancing brother, you know because they are from some weird religious cults, and incest is one of those things that happens in religious cults….but more interestingly…I think about Ryan Seacrest, her public boyfriend, who she dated…and who I know first hand account dirty stories of…like real dirty stories of…and that I can assume can be applied to this one…you know good little religious girls are never so religious….

I remember hooking up with a weirdo catholic chick years many years ago…and she was fucking crazy…fucking Jesus statues to defy her mom and shit…while Mormon..that’s a whole other pile of shit…if you’ve ever seen Mormon underwear…you’ll know what I mean…

No more Mormon underwear for this Julianne Hough…would make her leggins fitness ass look bad…can’t have that…this is Hollywood yo.

Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Nude Bra of the Day

Julianne Hough Nude Sports Bra and Tight Black Leggings 3

Fitness Mormon, who was once Dancing Mormon, but not the kind who would put on little dance routines as part of a roadside, or sideshow carnival…you know “DANCING MORMON AND HER BROTHER THE TWINK”….feature show for the world to see…who went door to door spreading the good wood of the great Joseph Smith….but I guess in their own right they pretty much pulled that off through Dancing with the Stars…

Whenever I see her, I see a failed stripper, because strippers are what professionally trained dancers are supposed to by, once they are down on their luck and trying to make ends meet…

So seeing this one succeed in dance blows my fucking mind, but not as much blow as what Seacrest did of her asshole, which according to someone in an NDA with him, is something he’s into….


Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough Wet Like Seacrest Just Finished Her of the Day

Julianne Hough wet t shirt hard nipples

Julianne Hough doesn’t interest me, but I do wonder if she has an NDA with Ryan Seacrest because like TRUMP he makes the women he has sex with have an NDA with him, so that they don’t turn on him and call him out for being a pervert weirdo super rich guy with an alpha personality who can fuck anything he chooses because he’s on TV, even the girls who hate the fucker, still fuck the fucker, because they think maybe he will knock them up and set them up for life, or maybe he’ll just pay their rent…because he’s a creeper…

That said…Julianne Hough, the bad Mormon, dancer turned actress, famous and disgusting when she shoulda been a stripper…

But here she is being provocative because she’s still a Mormon gone bad….all wet, cockteasing, like the pervert she is…proven by the fact she’s been with Seacrest…

Here she is in Leggigns…Showing Off her Dance Ass that Should be a Stripper But that Is Just a Seacrest Slut


Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW




Julianne Hough’s Ginger Hair of the Day

Julianne Hough sheer shirt and black blazer on the red carpet

I used to fucking hate when I would come across articles on the internet about the celebrity’s new hair…

“So and So Chopped off all her Hair”…”check out so and so’s new bob”….”Bangs are In Just Look at So and So”….where “so and so” is interchangeable with any famous enough slut.

I do not find hair changes new worthy, I barely even notice the hair changes, and if people like Julianne Hough have an influence on hair trends, we live in a world I want to pretend I don’t exist in…

I do not think a ginger version of anyone is something people generally go for, often times it just looks like trashy french Canadian women…but that’s just my relationship with dyed orange hair….

I have decided to be an article on Hair Color because girl is in a mesh top but I can’t see her nipples which is more offensive than me becoming everything I hate…

I expect more from a Mormom turned public girlfriend of sexually deviant seacrest, you know…a girl who has don some REAL shit, whether we ever find out what that real shit is, I based that real shit on everything that Ryan Seacrest has done to girls I know he has fucked, and it’s pretty dirty…which you’d expect from some pro dancer, ex oppressed Mormon making it in Hollywood…


Posted in:Julianne Hough|SFW