I probably have no heart, or maybe its no soul, or maybe I just get embarrassed for other people when they act like assholes. I am also disgusted by outrageous displays of affection. I find it horse shit because I know that in my life I’m sure I’ve experienced love, but never have I suggested we go out there and document the shit in some obnoxious Sears portrait.
Over the years, I have been forced to deal with friends and their girlfriends who took on this psycho behavior, where all of a sudden the bitch gets it in her head that they are going to get married and spend the rest of their lives together, where she starts taking him out to buy bed sheets and plates for when they live together, or when she goes so far as to complain about them never having pictures of them together, forcing him to get suited up and pretend he loves her while feeling like a total asshole the entire time. Cuz no man would suggest documenting his love this way….men are more into documenting their love by filming them fucking a bitch up the ass.
Either way, I would tell them that their girls were high maintenance and needed a lot of work and attention and the fact that she wants these photoshoots is a fuckin’ warning sign that your life with her will be all about her. She’s not gonna be the kind of bitch who brings beers out to you and your boys while you’re watching your neighbor’s daughters tanning, she’s the kind of girl who is gonna want 100 percent focus on her at all times and that this is just a glimpse into that cunt behavior that is going to either make you want to kill yourself, or kill her then yourself.
They never listened, I’d be coined a bad influence and they wouldn’t be allowed to see me, I wouldn’t get invited to the weddings, but I would get to see their obnoxious marriage website where these staged loving tacky garbage pictures would be displayed next to the story of how they met and 5 years later while going thru the divorce, they all come crawlin’ back to me cuz I know all the good whores willing to suck dick for an amount someone who just gave a bitch everything he ever had could afford.
Here’s Karina Smirnoff, the hot Dancing With the Stars dancer and her boyfriend/fiance in some staged love pictures to celebrate their love to the world or some shit and they whole thing is trashier than her mail order catalog ad her chose her from…

Posted in:Karina Smirnoff|Pictures|Wedding