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Archive for the Kelly Gale Category




Kelly Gale Fitness and Bikini Body of the Day

Kelly Gale is a Victoria’s Secret model…who you may or may not have heard of since Victoria’s Secret is dogshit and the only thing it really does for these girls who grew up dreaming about being Victoria’s Secret models because women as a whole a pretty basic, easy to market to and manipulate, proven in the fact that I have had sex before and that should have never happened, but women aren’t the brightest..

ANYWAY….the only benefit of being a VS model now that VS is a sinking ship is that she was still cast, still made money, and still can use the title to increases your profile to rich dudes who want to fuck Victoria’s Secret models cuz they are old, detached and busy and don’t realize that that Victoria’s Secret thing has sailed and that even when it was peaking with their marketing by using hot chicks…was still a lame fucking brand…

This is her fitness as she’s out here trying to find other work now that her DREAM is over….

Here she is in her bikini…


Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale Topless of the Day

KElly Gale Bikini

Kelly Gale is another MALL BRAND PROMO MODEL….for the evil underwear empire…that makes panties in sweatshops in Asia and re-sells them to idiot middle of the road mall shoppers as some sort of quality item….all thanks to their marketing hustle that involves using a team of model sluts that they make celebs out of….wearing their products, as if they actual wear the products, they are paid stupid money to wear the products on social media and in pictures…

SO….Kelly Gale one of their newer lying sluts, is out here trying to make a name for herself with the big tits out, because she’s living the dream, because working for VS is a fucking dream for 98 percent of North American women…..

Hot Tits.

KElly Gale Bikini


Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale Wet of the Day

Kelly Gale Wet

Kelly Gale is still WET….

Just a friendly update…

You know the wet – t shirt tracker from an era where Wet T-Shirt Contests are no more…

Girls are doing their own version online, a secret version and this is her entry, in some secret wet t-shirt contest not called a wet t-shirt contest cuz that’s sexist…and today Kelly Gale’s in the fucking lead…


Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale Wet Nipples of the Day


Kelly Gale with her wet nipples….posted to instagram like some kind of sex worker, which I guess she sort of is…because nipples are allowed on instagram…like it is some kind of porn site…because it is some kind of porn site…that I guess decided they didn’t want to be called anti-feminist by oppressing women…even though the parent company blocked moms from posting breast feeding pics on their facebook profiles…and all of a sudden are cool with full wet t-shirt contest pics..

Like get it together, be consistent in your fucking messaging, as someone constantly deleted from social media, why is this accepted and not deleted, as it should be mind you… I am all for the tit pics…while other tits aren’t..

Where are the guidelines of tits we can and can’t post…

Either way, Kelly Gale is Half Indian – half Australian – Kinda Swedish all owned and groomed by Victoria’s Secret to pretend they aren’t racists cuz she’s brown….since hot girls come in all colors…and apparently hot girls also like flashing her tits…

Here she is in her bra and panties for Victoria’s Secret



Posted in:Kelly Gale




Kelly Gale Nipples of the Day

Hey – Look – Nipples in a White Shirt….

Her name is Kelly Gale…and she doesn’t just have any old nipples….She’s got Victoria’s Secret approved nipples…and they are out there on the beach like they were ordinary nipples you’d find on any young girl trying to get some instagram content in a beach location…who is open and free..living that hippie traveler life…being as nude as possible as often as possible…but so much better because they have that Victoria’s Secret Stamp of Approval….

She’s INDIAN and AUSTRALIAN – so I believe good things will happen to her….

Posted in:Kelly Gale




Kelly Gale Nipples of the Day

Kelly Gale is a Victoria’s Secret model and she has nipples….nipples she wants you to look at…because nipples are the focal point of the titty….and without nipples, like the fat girl I once knew with the most pale and stretched out nipples, that are hardly nipples….but this one right here, making the big money, thanks to the tits….Insightful right? Fuck off. Write this damn post yourself asshole.

Posted in:Kelly Gale|Uncategorized




Kelly Gale Topless of the Day

Kelly Gale Topless

Kelly Gale is a Playboy model….Who is also a Victoria’s Secret model…which is weird to me….because I come from a school of thought, or maybe it was from an era, where you do Playboy when you’re on the decline, or you do Playboy when you’re trying to get discovered for a Reality show or Baywatch….

I am not from a place where a Playboy model graduates, like she’s paid her whore duties, and invested her whore energy in her nakedness and half nakedness….through social media or any other media…at the level where the Mall brand reaches out and says “we could use that one to sell our products”…mainly because Victoria’s Secret has for years pretended to not ruin marriages, pretended to not be porn, pretended to be high end or luxurious….when we all knew the truth…the girls they used were all the same as Playboy models…their stories were just spun different…

It is still weird to see a Victoria’s Secret model who has done Playboy….and I feel there should be some discrimination, you know so that I can categorize my whores the best way possible, rather than meshing them all together into one stew or hodgepodge of whores….it confuses me when I am judging them for using their tits to get ahead whilst jacking off to them.

What I am saying is that I like my whores segregated. This one from Playboy, This one from VS, This one from SI, This one from Movies or TV, This one from Music, This one from Instagram, This one from the Strip Club, This one from Craigslist, This one for Backpages…you get what I am saying…

Kelly Gale Bikini


Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale in Bikini of the Day

Kelly Gale in Bikini

Kelly Gale is a Playboy model….

Who has polarized things and is now a Victoria’s Secret model…which is weird…

I don’t know how a Playboy model becomes a Victoria’s Secret model, you know because Playboy is ghetto…and should discriminate the models…while all the other people on their roster does naked for fashion…all the fucking time, so why would Playboy for this one.. be any different…I guess it’s different times, or the corruption and inconsistencies that are the foundation of society…inconsisten

She’s wet for the paparazzi and it’s looking good….but she is a Playboy model who converted to Victoria’s Secret, something most Playboy models give up on when they decide to do Playboy, like “end of the career but I need to go for something that will get me attention because I am getting old”…but somehow she polarized it and the mainstream moved in…

I guess Playboy doesn’t blacklist you when everyone in the world is an exhibitionist whore.


Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale Not Naked for Chris Heads for Playboy of the DAy


Chris Heads…that’s a name I haven’t heard for fucking ever. I remember following him on Myspace back in the early 2000s when I was just starting up the site, which I guess means I liked his stuff. He’s actually the person who linked me up with Em Rat Cow before she was famous and before he deleted me of Facebook….

I guess he’s still out there taking nude, half nude, dramatic, not very sleazy pics…all artistic and fashion – because fashion is a huge business and an excuse to pretend you’re being vain, vapid and high concept all to turn profit, because when you make people feel insecure about their lives and bodies and outfits, they buy more!!!

The model is some slut named Kelly Gale…I have no idea who she is – but she looks good. .. even in these pretty tame, boring, uneventful pics that I’d expect to be better based on Chris Head’s other work..

The magazine is Playboy, which is taking on the instagram level nudity, to appeal to advertisers and browsing from work, like a bunch of fucking pussies destroying the already dead brand that doesn’t need to be dead, that could still do good things, but that instead adapted like a bunch of clickbait sites to make some profit….because sucking ad dick is how media works – I guess…

But for some reason, they can show 1/4 of a nipple, every month going further and further as they should because they’re being idiots…”lets see how far we can go to reclaim our classy, edgy image”….after we’ve already seen clit in the fucking magazine on some real trash over the last 3 decades…it’s a too little too late…come back next week where we show 1/3 of an asshole…

Posted in:Kelly Gale|SFW




Kelly Gale for Victoria’s Secret of the Day


I hate catalog pics, but I guess Victoria’s Secret has been realizing that they are not maximizing the talent they either recruit, pay and create…and have been safe as fuck in all their campaigns, and it is time to say fuck it, let’s make some noise…with our girls, out photographers…etc.

Now Kelly Gale is some 19 year old model from Sweden…because apparently along with Volvo, blonde haired children of the corn looking motherfuckers, contemporary modern design, and meatballs, Sweden makes models…

She’s not blinde haired or aryan looking…but she is fucking amazing…and I assume the future…and not because Victoria’s Secret got to her first…but because…she gives me boners…multiple boners…all at the same time..she’s that good.

Posted in:Kelly Gale