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Archive for the Kendall Jenner Category




Kendall and Gigi for W Magazine of the Day


So….W Magazine is on the search for clickbait, and I guess in that quest to get click in the media and on their social media accounts…they went with people they felt had a strong audience to achieve their hopes and dreams…to satisfy advertiser money…because these famewhores will do any media that comes their way for free….

Their concept was paid for by some brand, or a series of brands…because this is what advertising looks like….and I guess…the top level “artist” idea was to take pics of them with their original, pre-plastic surgery, noses…

They pretended it was “art”…or “social commentary” on the Snapchat filter…by hiring some artists, who don’t realize that artists are a fucking lie and that art doesn’t exist…especially when it’s all for an ad…garbage humans…

Let’s not intellectualize this shit, or buy into their shit, or pretend this is anything but clickbait fodder that isn’t even hot…or compelling…because these idiots are idiots..just looking for likes and follows…and not to do good things, or inspire…or be interesting or next level….

Posted in:Gigi Hadid|Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Promoting her Underboob Because she’s a Whore of the DAy


These people are such trash….so fucking average yet marketed hard enough to trick all the idiots youth to think she’s iconic…because they are too busy taking selfies to really get invested in or care…it’s more of a double tap on a picture and brands love it…because brands are run by 22 year old marketing chicks who are just as stupid as Kendall Jenner and her fans..making this cyclone of garbage….that should be incinerated but for some reason…never is…..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner Braless of the Day


Yesterday, I said that Kendall Jenner, along with being terribly fucking boring, useless, vapid, uninteresting, talentless is also so fucking average looking, that if she was born into any other home, she’d probably be working at Subway and you’d think, that Subway worker is kinda cute, she doesn’t wear bras….

Thanks to positioning, she’s not a Subway worker, but instead Kendall Jenner is a “top” model, at least she’d like you to think that. She’s the lead “influencer’ on social media and worst of all she thinks she’s hot as fuck…

But even without her bra on for the paparazzi…because that’s trendy…Kendall Jenner is so fucking average looking….at least she’s skinny…because if she was fat and doing this…I’d be angry about it…instead I’ll look at her average at best tits…and wonder if her Dad Caitlin sucks dick better than she does…and the answer is probably, he’s got more to prove…

I’m disappointed with the world for letting this happen. It’s not why I drink, but it’s more reason to drink…

Here she is hugging a monster..

A video posted by Kendall (@kendalljenner) on

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner is So Fucking Average Looking for Allure of the DAy


Kendall Jenner is so fucking average. There’s nothing interesting or compelling about her. There is nothing hot about her. There is nothing sexy about her. But the industry fucking loves her – because she has following…and she only has following because her whore sister got a TV show from her whoring and they family was relentless enough to monetize the fuck out of every single area they could…by keeping this one white for white people…while the other are too busted and fat to be used the same way…and she’s owning it, like her dad owns being her second mom, despite having a dick…something that doesn’t fuck her up or make her want to escape the sex cult she’s part of…because it pays so well…because she’s got no soul, she’s a fucking puppet..

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner – Braless of the Day

Kendall Jenner was in Vogue Spain doing some weird ballet shit…with a weird edited audio track of her shitting out various bullshit quotes…like talking about how she loved being a kid, running around an exploring, before her father became her mother and she had to grow up pretty fast…catching him in her superhero panties posing in the mirror would rob the innocence of anyone…I mean that or seeing your brown sister in porn…your mom staged…possibly filmed…

But the fact that she thinks she had to grow up real quick, is an interesting concept because anyone who actually had to grow up thanks to hard time, or taking care of themselves would laugh at her delusions…because the Jenners are children and will be children into their 80s…if they don’t kill themselves in some 50 year old rebellion after some botched plastic surgery they can’t make look good like their pig sisters…

It’s hilarious….because she thinks traveling solo, having a mom narcissist who only cares about selling them off is not actually growing up, the money is there, the accountants and lawyers are there, the coddled bullshit..red carpet…celebrated life…being babysat and controlled is not growing up…but let these whores think they have substance, artistic integrity, value…but they are just fucking bullshit…

Bullshit that doesn’t wear bras…which is the trend…and I don’t mind…but I have been next to her and there’s nothing exciting about her. This is all marketing…and it’s not even good marketing…but nipples are nipples…let them shine…

Vogue Spain / Vogue Germany / Vogue whatever the fuck her family owns….

How about her fake lips in some snap bullshit…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




The Kylie and Kendall and Kim Instagram Photoshoot of the Day


Kylie Jenner and Kendall Jenner have put out their pictures from the Kylie 19 despite having the ass of a 45 year old mom and a face of a 50 year old stripper all thanks to stupid plastic surgery procedures her garbage family has made industry standard, and that girls everywhere are getting done, despite looking like fucking clowns…all cheap and indistinguishable from trashy porn chicks while being fucking near billionaires….because they make fucking money.

I saw an ad the other day saying Kylie was an Entrepreneur and trendsetter, and the sick thing is that she is, young girls follow her and think she’s got something magical to offer, when really she’s just a shameless whore..

These pics are instagram perfect, this what all those pics look like, all the same poses, and setting, and soulless fucking drivel that doesn’t fucking matter, but that dudes will go “i’d fuck that”..and chicks say “I want to be what dudes want to fuck”..

It’s just spoiled, disgusting, humans…and they should be exterminated, but instead 22 year old media buyers still throw money at them – because they still push fucking product better than even the most eager Avon lady…

Fuck this garbage family…and I know you would, for the right price, the mom would let you…

Here are the booty centered pics…cuz they know what works for the family as a whole…I’m talking to you BRUCE

MAYBE you’re more into Kim’s Huge Ridiculous clown ass in Mexico for her Hired Paparazzi…

Oh Kim did an instagram shoot also…

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Kim also wore a white bathing suit – looking terrifying..

Kim K in a See Through Shirt..


Posted in:Kendall Jenner|Kylie Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner Cameltoe of the Day


Kendall Jenner’s recently been seen dating a black rapper like her sisters…

She’s the skinny one who looked white and not orange, ethnic and jacked up with surgeries like her Dad….

The one who tricked people into thinking she’s a model, when she’s really just average looking, but still better to be average and skinny, than a mutant like the rest of her fame whore kin…

I guess these bikini pics display how that dating a black rapper thing is working out for her…as her pussy is exploding in her bathing suit…


Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner – No Bra – Cuz Bras are Lame of the Day


At least one person emailed me these pictures of Kendall Jenner is a see through enough dress, not wearing a bra, rocking some nipples, because she’s a girl and that’s how tits work…

Which means at least one person gives a fuck about Kendall Jenner and thinks she’s hot and follows her every move / publicity stunt….

Despite having seen her tits, or her publicly doing media discussing how she doesn’t want to wear a bra anymore – because little tits don’t need a bra – especially not in this hipster era of no one wearing bras…

This isn’t a Social Justice play – or innovative – it’s not even exciting – but at least one person liked it enough to send it into me…and I always encourage emails – it makes me think I still exist on the internet…when we all know I don’t….all thanks to people like Kendall and her gang of money making con artists and their scam brands buy into – acting like she is the face or representation of a generation – instead of just some rich kid from a slutty family with no morals or values..

The only thing good about this is that it encourages vapid young and dumb girls to follow her lead – which are tits I haven’t seen yet but am glad to see in the park and on the street everywhere…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner’s Garbage Bikini Selfie of the Day

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Kendall Jenner is garbage, like her dad’s dick that he’s announced he is chopping off for his gender reassignment surgery – he’s committed to getting done in September – because he’s tired of being called a fair weather tranny, or a cross dresser and wants the real female experience, where his dick is slit into some kind of orifice, where his dick head is made into a clit that still shoots loads since they don’t remove the prostate – making his woman experience very different than any female I’ve experienced, but close enough, a parody of a woman maybe…but let him play make-belief while everyone buys into his nonsense, gives him support, because that’s politically correct to not mock trannies – even when they are cut from a terrible, the worst, family cloth…..but making fun of their vapid, barely hot – but skinny “model” daughter who can push product….is ok….

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW




Kendall Jenner Top Hat Titties in Sheer Shirt for Love Magazine of the Day


Earlier in the week I had to question society – or maybe my search habbits that are being tracked by facebook – because with everything going on in the world – the top story on FB trending stories for me was that Kendall Jenner accepts her breasts for what they are and doesn’t want to or need to wear a bra…because she’s a feminist or some shit….because anyone who leaves their house will know that no girls under 25 wear bras – which is exactly why it shouldn’t have been a trending story people actually spoke about – but it was because they Kardashians need to be a tool by the illuminati to distract and dumb down America. It’s the only thing that makes sense. Their power, the interest people have in them, despite everyone hating them – makes zero sense to me…are we that bored as a people, are our lives that unfulfilled, I mean I know mine is – as I sit here writing about Kendall in a top hat like a magician in a Diaper at a kids party or bachelor party before sucking off the guests – which would a more accurate depiction of her skillset…but instead…fashion magazines are publishing this shit…because it’s high concept “art” or low concept softcore titty fetish porn….

She is the hottest of the Kardashians….and I will look at any tits…which would make me part of the problem if people actually still came to this amazingly insightful and well written sites…

Posted in:Kendall Jenner|SFW