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Archive for the Kim Kardashian Category




Kim Kardashian and Kanye West Erotica Cover a Magazine of the Day

Kim Kardashian and Kanye West had sex on the cover of Officiel Homme…and I am offended…

I just think there’s something vile about KIM AND KANYE HAVING SEX that I guess starts with Kim Kardashian Naked…..and ends with her having a demon child….because I have seen KIM KARDASHIAN HAVE SEX …it is what undeservingly made her famous….because it sucked…and now that she’s this big media monster…she should keep her fucking pants…it is 10 years later…and pregnant…and that just make it highly inappropriate….like real fucking vile…and that’s why I am posting it….cuz I like ruining days….

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




The Horrible Kim Kardashian Pregnant Pics for DeJour Magazine of the Day

It amazes me that someone would pay half a million dollars for these pics…not that DuJour magazine paid half a million dollars for these pics….but they probably paid something totally insane for them as her mother prostituted them out to every publication in efforts to cash in as hard as she can…because that is the constant theme of the Kardashians…but the idiotic public buy into it….it is all our fault that such disgusting half naked pics of a bitch with the spawn of satan growin inside her disgusting body……and equally disgusting soul…has the option to exploit such nonsense…..she’s the worse..

Here’s the behind the scene video..

This shit makes me so mad…..she’s such a twat who talks like she’s Paris Hilton…and gets paid even though she’s already rich to start….the world is fucked.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Amateur Pics Slut Pics of the Day

Kim Kardashian is a pretty funny machine….you know with a team of idiots crafting her every move…from Ballroom dancing Ryan Seacrest, to publicits to the porn companies she has deals with…she’s just a pile of bullshit….money making bullshit…that feeds her mom’s ego….

So now she’s gone to posting flattering pics of her fat ass, from flattering angles, that were obviously shot before she got pregnant, or even before she turned 30 and into a pile of dumpy shit that Ray J peed on, back when she watched what she ate, cuz it mattered to her…before the straps, fake gym visits….and as long as she’s broadcasting the tits that made her….before it all fell apart at the seems…I am not against it…cuz Kim Kardashian of the past…is far less offensive…I mean I don’t even think this is her….and that’s a good look for her.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian is a Monster of the Day

As far as I’m concerned, Kim Kardashian was a monster before their was a demon growing inside her….

So it was only expected that as this little troll sent from satan grew…her already disgusting body would get progressively worse…

She wouldn’t be able to use the straps and harnesses and is probably happy she is finally able to let her gut out….not to mention it gives her another season, another storyline and will make her another 100,000,0000 dollars…cuz for some reason America cares about Armenian gutter trash.

I guess it’s just fun to watch how bad it is gonna get….


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Pregnant Ass is Hysterical of the Day

Kim Kardashian was a fat chick who carried her fat in her ass and tits….like she belonged in some African tribe….and not just because she loved getting fucked by black guys…so much she put out the video….but because that’s just how she was fucking built…

It was an ass that was already a comedy….or a novelty…like the clown car of asses….but now that she’s pregnant that awkward lookin like she was wearing a diaper in her pants…has become lookin’ like she’s wearing 5 diapers all full of shit….and for all we know she is….

The fact that she’s reproducing…is a fucking tragedy….but the fact that we’ve allowed her to get this famous…all cuz of a rich dad and a sex tape…is a bigger fucking tragedy….she’s the worst and now…so is her obesity….explained by pregnancy…unfortuntely


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Pregnant Bikini Beach Shoot of the Day

My good friends at INF Photo ….captured Kim Kardashian…or at least parts of Kim Kardashian doing some kind of phootshoot on the beach in a bikini for god knows what….the other day….

I think it is safe to say that with her pregnancy, which I can only assume made strategic sense for her show to go on, comes opportunities that her mom is busy peddling, you know something like 300,000 dollars for a photoshoot of the baby bump, and 1,000,000 dollars for the baby photo…these are money making machines, even if they don’t have anything you’d think was marketable, especially not in a bikini, 10 years after the sex tape she was fat in to begin with….

You see seeing Kim K in a bikini, or tights is bad enough, but knowing theirs satan’s spawn growing inside her…makes everything about this so much fucking worse…Luckily for us, the paparazzi only got part of her bikini, as the rest of her was covered…I am surprised there isn’t an arm coming out of her twat, trying to claw his way out of her…..

America’s Royalty…what a horrible horrible joke.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Pregnant Ass is More Disgusting Than Non-Pregnant of the Day

Just when you thought Kim Kardashian was the worst possible human…you know sent here from hell to pollute the world….disgusting on all fronts…not hot…but marketed as hot…a pornstar…but marketed as a victim….which was probably good strategy cuz her porno fucking sucked….

You know just when you’re like this fat dark skinned slut is just about as vile as fucking possible…

She goes and fills herself up with a fucking clone….

Whether those intentions were as evil and self serving as you’d expect….or not…the fact is her genetic line continues…and knowing that a baby is inside her….makes her fat ass even more disgusting than it was a week ago…before they announced this shit….


Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian and Kanye West’s Illegitimate Baby of the Day

Kim Kardashian is 12 weeks pregnant and no one noticed because she’s fat….

The baby daddy is Kanye West and it is safe to say that their whole relationship was based on money and publicity stunts….so this pregnancy is perfectly timed for her next season of Keeping Up with the Kardashians….her millions are based on being a hooker, prostitute pornstar, and just because a baby is in the mix, doesn’t mean her motives aren’t the fucking same…..

I saw this coming, the only shocker in all this is that her uterus can handle baby making, you know when riddled with all that HPV….like most girls over 30…they didn’t get Gardisil before they got fucked by black dudes unprotected in porn…

That said, at least the kid will grow up with a lot of money….a future criminal…who will have SEEN HIS DIRTY PORN MOMMY FUCK SOMEONE WHO ISN’T HIS DAD IN VIDEO WITHOUT A CONDOM and that’s always fun to see play out…These people are the worst example of humanity…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian’s Bikini Photoshoot of the Day

These Kim Kardashian pics are being marketed as “Shot in December”…and I guess that is believable – because if they had 2 people working on post production of these shots for the last 2-3 weeks – they’d probably have enough time to make her look less fat than her fat ass and belly is…She’s the devil and a pig and the worst thing pop culture has to offer and I guess it wouldn’t be the Christmas season without her fat tits in a bikini….because I am used to disappointment every Christmas….and I never get what I want out of Christmas…like her disappearance…

Posted in:Kim Kardashian




Kim Kardashian Lingerie Pics for Factice of the Day

In some horrible decision making between the creative director, editor in chief and the marketing department over at Factice magazine’s morning meeting….Kim Kardashian’s fat body was shot in lingerie….and unfortunately, not with a fucking elephant gun.

She got half naked, in what would be sexy outfits, if it was on some hot, tight bodied girl, waiting for you to come home from work….or even on your dumpy ass wife who has given you the gift of children and who you are codependent and in love with enough to see past the fact that she’s ravaged her body…from vagina to GUNT to tits…..all for you…and appreciate her putting on something to add some excitement in your otherwise boring as fuck relationship that is comfortable…and that you are used to….but when it is on Kim Kardashian, someone who no one finds hot, who has had her time to shine, and who likely offends 98 percent of the population who know she exits, this has gone too far and has gone on far too long, and should never have happened, and should never happen again…..

These pics remind us that she should retire gracefully, even if you’re a pig who can’t be graceful in anything you do….she’s got all the money in the world, and doesn’t need to be humiliating herself while irritating us, and above all…she’s got a sister she can exploit who is built like an actual model, who we’d all rather see half naked…

Get it together. you prime example of the horrible side effects of positive affirmations….

Here are some pics…they depress me.

Posted in:Kim Kardashian