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Archive for the Lactating Category




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Breast feeding is the gift from nature that allows perverts like me who don’t have kids of our own, to appreciate a set of tits in public, doing what nature designed them to do…

It’s like when you see a supercar actually being put to the test on the track, not by an old retired lawyer in LA trying to prove his cool driving 40 in a 60 zone by saying “I CAN AFFORD SUPERCARS”….which isn’t all that impressive a thing to do since I am sure many people can afford supercars…only the titty version…

The breast feeding is the double edged sword of seeing the tits we want to see on strangers we don’t know, because the strangers we don’t know are of the school of thought that pulling tit out for the sake of feeding baby is normal behavior…which to a pervert like me is normal behavior…you gotta feed your kid, or at least my interest in staring at your tits.

I don’t see how milky tits are a fetish, where the ladies go home and produce content for men to jerk off to in that window of opportunity they have while lactating, before drying up and turning their full tit into saggers…

But I’ll assume it’s cuz they get turned on when people like me stare at them pull their tits out in public, even though they ask the coffee shop security to make my eager, bright eyed excitement to kick me out….deep down…they actually like it, or realize losers who aren’t grossed out by the whole shitting a baby out their asshole like they are Ashley Graham….may even pay for this shit, validating their tits, and reminding them that the PUSSY is not over even if it should be OVER…that shit will be fucked for life…I’m talking laid out on the old folks home palliative care bed and a motherfucker will “SLIP IT IN”…assuming no one will find out, since no one can report the incident…that’s just how men are…INTO cunt….or trying to get into cunt….it’s a motivator and birthing doesn’t mean life is over for the mom tits…PUT THEM TO WORK…you got college to save up for…assuming we don’t die tomorrow.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

If you’re going to go to the trouble of getting knocked up, you know potentially committing to 18 years of being an unappreciated slave to the very creature you gave life to, unless you just get pregnant for the abortions, you know to virtue signal and build content around, like a blue haired weirdo…who doesn’t realize abortions are something you do as a last ditch effort….and not something you do on a monthly basis because condoms suck, being cummed inside feels intimate with empty hook-ups, etc…that doubles as being something you can brag about in social media content for other demonic fucks who think abortions are feminist revolutions…even though I am sure abortions have been around since the dawn of time…back when you had to use random branches from trees because the coat hanger wasn’t invented, or you had to run as fast as you could into a tree or a boulder because stairs weren’t around to throw yourself down….

Either way, BREAST MILK…tits doing what they are meant to do….a CELEBRATION!


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here’s some MILKY tits to get you excited for the new year, seeing at milky tits are typically to feed new life, and new life is really the foundation of our species, so without MILKY tits, we’d all be extinct, an that may be why women are angels sent from heaven to keep us going, which is why they’ve traditionally been treated like queens and respected by men, or taken care of by men….until the feminists crawled out of the sewage pipes and screamed “WE CAN TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES, MAKE WOMEN PART OF THE DRAFT, DON’T SAVE US, WE CAN SAVE OURSELVES, YOU TOCIX MALE”….or then they screamed other shit that left them raising a career in a company that doesn’t give a fuck about them, instead of child, from a shitty apartment instead of a home, because that’s what self sabotage looks like….WHY fall into that SEXIST chivalry, where men hold doors open for women, or PUT THEIR COATS DOWN OVER PUDDLES for women…when they can just BANG them the fuck out…

The point is, pornification of milky tits, is weird, but I stare at ever breast feeding mom in public to see the tits, so I get it…

Especially in this weird world of depopulation an sterility…it could be a DYING art..but before it dies out completley FETISHIZE it..cum to it…


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day


Maybe they don’t mean this kind of dairy…

Is human milk considered dairy…

Is human milk the future of the all milk now that cow are bad for the envorionment.

They put bags over their asses to prevent the fart methane from KILLING the babies…

So eliminate the cows and milk the women..

Sign me up…I’ll help the pump….


Assuming you can’t die from the spike proteins in the breast milk from the vaccines…which I would never do because I don’t trust the science, I’m an idiot like that.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here are some milky tits…which I recommend you download, archive, maybe burn it on a DVD for when they turn off the internet or only allow you to access a handful of curated sites they control…probably not too far away in our future…but something I won’t be a part of because I don’t work with Satanists and removed myself from society for that reason many years ago…I’m sure I could have whored myself in better ways than updating a site I do 100 percent of the content on that makes no money, but this isn’t about me or my perversion…

Or is it…

I mean sure, I love watching girls pulling out their tits in public, because I like the idea of fertility and nature’s use for the tits, because I am able to block out the baby from the situation and see the girls like these girls who are putting their milky tits out there for fetish not for function….

I have made eye contact with EVERY breast feeder I’ve ever come across in my day to day life…because it’s a TIT pulled out….

I don’t want to get into the conspiracy of shitty shots, but I was talking to my sperm donor friend and he told me that none of the girls he gives sperm to are able to keep their babies, it’s miscarriage after miscarriage…

Then I saw a report from part of Canada where the still births are through the roof…we’re talking 80 still births when there are normally 3.

Then I saw a report of newborns in vaccinated wombs who do make it to fruition bleeding from their newborn sex organs…which is fucking crazy….

Then I spoke to a lady who works at the birthing ward of a local hospital and she confirmed that she’s seeing non stop still births…daily to 3 times a week…when normally it was a once a month thing..

So believe the conspiracies or not, but SAVE these breast milk videos, because soon…breast feeding will be some archaic thing old school humans did before they turned into cyborgs or whatever the fuck they’re turning into….


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky BOOB for the motherfuckers like me who used to spend way too many hours sitting in parks and sitting in Coffee shops thanks to being unemployed like a new mother and able to see them pull their tits out to feed their babies in those places…because it’s nature motherfuckers, that’s how a mom feeds a baby, but that doesn’t mean we can’t still connect through eye contact when they do it and rub our dicks over our sweatpants…you know to give them a thrill and remind them that tits are more than just BABY FEEDERS…they are also feeders of my soul…

I don’t know if moms still breast feed, because everyone is autistic from Vaccines, but I sure hope the vaccinated moms out there aren’t breast feeding their babies, because I’ve heard there’s RISKS doing that from Pfizer’s own documents…

I do know that moms probably still breast feed in public, because if the internet has taught me anything, it’s that tits get pulled out for attention because it’s a cheap thrill for all involved…

So even if they don’t feel their baby, or connect with their baby, they’ll use the baby as a prop to get dudes to see their engorged mom tits while the baby daddy is out fucking his secretary….not that we have secretaries anymore….but you get what I mean….TINDER pussy for money….cuz the OLD LADY BACK HOME IS BLOWN OUT FROM CHILDBIRTH…not that women have vaginal births anymore…WHY DO THINGS THE NATURAL WAY…when you can do it the demonic hybrid human way..>RIGHT.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I know that society is a little decadent and godless. I just spent an hour looking at NFTs trying to figure out that scam, not that my mantra is that money is energy and it comes easy, not just to important people, or smart people, or people who take risks, but for all you motherfuckers out there who are a slave to that evil DOLLAR…the world’s new god…

I typically don’t give a fuck about money, it’s never been an interest or passion or motivator, and it’s always just been shit to me, but this pandemic made me realize, it’s better to be stupid rich in it, if you’re into being left the fuck alone…

Anyway, people are buying GIFs for millions of dollars, in the biggest FUCK you to money and I guess the system and that shit is fucking weird…but not as weird as the other easy money that people are getting because they are all porned out or porned up and are rewarded on the internet based on how slutty they are…it’s soulless really…by design…they just call it feminism…so instead of wanting to have families, to raise the next generation, they want to get paid and get designer purses…

So the whole breast feeding thing being made into a fetish is really the only way humanity and birthing will survive..

It’s not about creating a legacy, or finding passion in being a wife or homemaker, it’s about being a MILKY TIT MODEL…the whole having a kid is just a consequence or side effect of being that kind of FETISH model…

I used to be grossed out by breast feeding turned into a fetish, I mean it’s nature’s way to feed the babies and help them thrive…this is the function of tits…and then there are the girls who get mad at you for jerking off to them as they breast feed…SO CHOOSE a fucking stance…

Is breast feeding natural and non-sexual…STOP SEXUALIZING US….or is it a fucking FETISH you want us jerking off to…MIXED messages are dangerous and confusing.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I’ve been looking at these breast milk squirting girls all wrong. I was thinking they are just girls who lost their sex appeal because of the whole pregnancy thing that led to these milky tits blowing out their vaginas like it was a birthday cake….only with more blood and afterbirth…

I figured their husbands weren’t into fucking them, assuming they had husbands is a bit of a stretch since there is an attack of family, relationships and people are just getting cummed inside for intimacy…so take the new tits and the new tit talents of milking those tits the way nature intended you know since we can feed our offspring and live off the land…and not in the hell society has imprisoned us with.

But why overthink women being enterprising with new found talents that require no actual talent…all they have to do is get cummed in.

I celebrate women’s natural body functions because I’m not queer and like the things people with biological vaginas can do….


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I like to think that Kylie Jenner motivated all the girls on the internet who are trying to be Kylie Jenner in their own right, but don’t have the resources, the family, the team, the reality show to really make it, but they do have access to shitty bootleg face injections, they are available on every corner, it’s the new back alley abortion…just for the face…ABORT YOUR ORIGINAL LOOK and turn youself into a muppet looking TRANSGENDER….since you can’t call em tranny.

It’s a weird trend…but along with the face injections, the half naked on the internet, the filters and the photoshop, has come a group of young people who keep the kid after being cummed inside when trying to simulate intimacy, romance and love…you know “Say you love me when you cum in me man I met on Tinder shit”…

I assume they see having kids as a big opportunity to monetize, I mean they can turn their bootleg influencing to their kid, brands like kids, it opens a whole new revenue stream….but I could be wrong…

I mean maybe they just do the whole getting knocked up for the TITTY MILK FETISH videos…and child support checks from the rich guys they let cum in them…you know, it’s a business in a transactional society we are all slaves in.

I started out HATING THE MILKY tit videos, but now I think they are great….I mean nature is wonderful and for some girls, milky tits is the only thing left natural on ’em….and natural is what I fucking endorse.



Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

How about some MILKY boobs to celebrate the natural being created in the image of God….whatever that means to you, may be different to what it means to me, but ultimately, when they try to get you to worship trashy celebrities, or personalities, or rich people who created uninspiring companies, that just pray on the average person….you know they are trying to make you forget how divine our existence is….

We are made from nature, from the natural world, with this terminal illness that is life, but that shouldn’t be seen as a terminal illness, but rather as an opportunity to not get too caught up in the evil consumerism society they’ve thrown us into….this “AR” that isn’t quit the METAVERSE yet, but that people treat as if it is….

So when you see a woman with her tits out, lactating, capable of feeding her offspring, now that the chemicals in the foods, meds, water, air still allow them to have offspring….

I have traditionally not been into moms, but I’ve always been into moms pulling milk filled tits out in public, because if I can see a tit without paying a cover charge, it’s a win…


Posted in:Lactating