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Archive for the Lactating Category




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

It’s hard to hate on tits since they’ve been a reliable source of entertainment for basically my entire life….from a young age neglected from being breast fed, giving me a breast obsession, always seeking the teet….to my high school days around perky tits in bras that weren’t at all the padded bras of a later generation…leading to hard nipples everywhere…from teachers and students alike…to my stripclub days..of spending hours in a stripclub everyday…sometimes multiple times a day to just see tit…to this internet life of tits everywhere….I just like tits…gross tits, hot tits, big tits, small tits, multiple nipple tits, lack of nipple tits…just tits in general are a good thing and I even created a website about tits….

But seeing tits in their natural form, doing what they are designed to do, feeding their offspring…all milk filled and nutritious…a fucking dairy aisle in the grocery store all strapped to their motherfucking engorged tits…I still find lactation gross.

That’s not to say I wouldn’t suck a milk filled tit, it’s just to say I haven’t and I am OK with that….and seeing girls use their milk filled tits like it’s a porno or marketable thing to the milk tit fetishes is weird…like shouldn’t they be raising their babies that got their tits filled with milk in the first place…no producing milk tit porn….but here’s that milk tit porn..because I like to document what’s going out out there in the world of pervert exhibitionists and pervert voyeurs uniting on their pervert fetishes….of showing and being shown…


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here’s some lactacting tits for the overly lonely fucks out there who have never had the opportunity to cum in a woman so you have some romanticized version of pregnancy and family, like it is some kind of beautiful love filled experience, where pregnant women have a this glow and the idea of having that family makes you feel less alone…which is what I assume is the psychology behind pregnancy fetishes..


You’re like me and see pregnant and post pregnant women with their blown out bodies as a safe haven to cum inside because you know they’re over the whole getting pregnant thing…


Dudes fucking love dairy, no matter where it comes from, the titty SWOLE is everything.

I don’t fucking know, but I do know MILKY TITS.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Lactating tits – worst fetish ever…

Enjoy nature and all it’s disgusting glory….

But I guess milk filled titties, being all milk filled, make for a good time…if you’re malnourished, into human dairy, and like full fucking tits that are engorged and ready to explode…

They do make going to Starbucks more interesting now that women breast feed in public more than they used to, because they are loving their full titties….

So there are worse things than Lactating tits, but I typically see lactating tits as a positive when out in public not expecting to see tit, or in a marriage when bored of the pregnant wife who is now a mom, so the bigger filled tits are more exciting….plus as a compulsive eater…I could think of worse ways to emotionally eat calories I don’t need.

But lactatating tits as a fetish to those normal single dudes…it’s weird…definitely not the worst out there, there are so many weirdo things being sexualized, but still bad.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Tits Monday…..is mot the most wonderful day of the week, but it’s something…something that confuses me, that I don’t really understand, but maybe I haven’t had the deliciousness of breast milk and seeing breasts in their intended purpose of feeding the kids, it takes away the hotness of said breast….it’s just too functional…and involves babies…what a fucking downer…when I’m more than happy to just sexualize tits that aren’t serving their milk filled purpose..

I do not understand the men who are turned on by the milk filled tits, maybe they are hungry, maybe the hormones in the tit milk is addictive, they do say cow milk sets off the same receptors as heroin, hence the cheese loving nerds out there…

I do understand why girls with milk filled tits are showing off their tits, it’s nature’s squirtable implant, nothing but fun…plus they get off when their babies suck on their tits like a bunch of fucking perverts….not to mention dudes will sexualize anything titty, so from feedback from their husbands finally excited to have tits in their life after castrating themselves at the marriage alter, the swollen and engorged productive tit is like a whole new tit they can get off to….which makes wife think her milk filled tits are hot and thus something needed to document before they dry up…

This is a round up of tits before they dry up and I am not really sure how I feel about it, but I know I don’t like it.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Breast Monday is one of those posts I fucking hate, but do anyway, because I figure if people are actively producing this content, there’s a need for it to be compiled weekly and put out there for all the weirdos into this kind of thing….

As a pervert, I can understand the sexualization of basically anything….I don’t necessarily agree with the sexualization of everything, but I can get that tits are hot and the functional purpose of tits, beyond tits being hot in all sizes, or being great ofr titty fucking or titty cummed on or titty sucked or titty grabbed for 10 dollars a song…i mean the actual functional purpose of tits….to feed offspring….gross, I know…

So I don’t know where the lines got blurred for these exhibitionists who were at one time pregannt and who still lactate…I know that there’s sexual appeal to anything tit related, and maybe these moms liked when they were breast feeding, they liked the release when their breasts got gorged, dudes everywhere liked the fullness of the tits so they kept pumping even after the baby was off the tit….or maybe there husband liked being showered in tit milk….so much that they decided “let’s take this to the internet”….

So here they are…taking it to the internet to be hot for the people into titty lactaction….which could be you since you were never breast fed, it could be homeless people since they are hungry, or it could be weirdos into biological systems like titties making milk…a fucking weird and terrifying concept…

I do like that women have the ability to find or feel hot doing anything cuz dudes are so fucking horny and desperate they’ll give nothing but praise and support and tell them how hot they are so they do more…life.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Tits…Lactaction is not a fetish and people who have a lactaction fetish are fucking weirdos…we live in an era of not judging people for their demented sexual practices, unless they are pervert men, misogynists, down with the patriarchy….but the confusing thing about that strategy is that if all men are disgusting pigs, who the fuck are these man hating women making their sexually liberated “slut power” content for…..It’s like discount all dudes as mansplaining manterupter sexual predator perverts….but without them your whole business of selling nudes or getting likes on your sleazy content would die…it seems like a little over the top to discount the people paying you for your silly nudity…or wanting them jerking off to you as I pulled this off public websites where most of the pics were posted by the people who took the pics…so what I’ll assume is the women doing lactaction fetish content aren’t the same manhater feminists, but rather just mom’s trying to be hot with the one thing they have going for them…tits that can nourish a motherfucker if you were lost at sea with them….

All this to say – you’re all sick fucks…the women posting their Lactaction/Lactation like it’s a sex thing and the dudes getting off to it…YOU ARE ALL SICK FUCKS….


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Milky Boobs Monday along with Wetspot Wednesday and I guess Weight Watcher for the Weekend (fat girls) are some of the worse weekly features I do here…but I am what you’d call a self sabotager, I like to fail downwards, not upwards….it’s just the constant nailing into my coffin but for whatever reason I haven’t officially died yet, but I can guarantee I will.

That said, if women are out there producing this content for whatever reason, maybe to hype themselves up, maybe to seduce men who are into this specific niche…maybe they are SUPER hyped on the fact that people are excited about their milk filled tits, likely losers who don’t have sex, because their husbands and baby daddies probably apprecaite the bigger tits, but the whole package from being pregnant is a “RETURN TO FUCKING SENDER” situation…

So who am I to no support these women on their quest of disgusting, but know I hate EVERY single one of these pics at the core of who I am…but fuck it…because I know you would.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

I don’t know how familiar you are with this site, but since the beginning of the site’s existence, I’ve been drawn to the weirdos of the internet doing weirdo things. Even before the site I was fucking around on forums, in weirdo communities, like Large Penis Support Group, which was a pretty gay site where dudes into big dicks would get dick pics out of dudes who struggled with big dicks, all under the guise of self-help….then I would sing Karoke on a voice chatroom called FIRETALK….fuck around with nerds on something called mIRC…I’m old timer and the one thing that’s inspired me all these years are the fucking weirdos finding each other where they’d otherwise be lonely losers in their own existence…but the internet opened the world up to them and their fetishes….

There was a time when the internet wasn’t mainstream, and the people producing content weren’t hot young girls dancing and pretending to be models…it was weirdos…and if it wasn’t for celebrities getting all the clicks, I would have devoted my life to that…a People of New York on weirdos…but instead I just called celebs sluts…

Since I am really uninterested in celebs, and since the internet is mainstream and all kinds of weirdos are uploading weird shit, I feel compelled to go back to my true passion of weirdos, to find them…

So when I thought I found my stride with “WET SPOT WEDNESDAY” a series of pics of girls posting their wet panties….I have now found a new What the Fuck….which is lactating tits….girls excited about their pregnancy – that they show off the milk filled tits…since they are proud of the nastiness…for lonely dudes into milky tits…and this is that….


Posted in:Lactating




Breast Milk is Funny Weapon of Assault of the Day

This is a funny story of a drunk hag getting arrested and when being made to change into her prison outfit, she turned around and squirted the cop in the face with her breast milk, or what I like to call, natures most amazing weapon. Sure, bitch could have thrown shit, or pissed on the cop, but that shit is played out and doesn’t get you on the fucking news, so she got creative, and really the cop shouldn’t have pressed charges, she should have taken in every second of amazing stranger tits milk, hot and dripping off her face….

See, I have never tasted breast milk but I have always wanted to. All the women I’ve ended up with have been dried up hags who can’t get pregnant, or young girls who never wanted to pregnant, but if they did get pregnant, they’d abort, so I have always wanted to get the shit sprayed down my throat and all over my face and on more than on occassion, I have tried paying new mother prostitutes or strippers to do it, but they all refused, like I was trying to make the one wholesome thing about them dirty, when everything about them was dirty, especially their drunken, expired cum scent, they just didn’t like to admit it, cuz I guess new mothers are hormonal and shit…..

Posted in:Breast Milk|Lactating