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Archive for the Lactating Category




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

We live in an era where they are trying to make men capable of breast feeding, you know with the right hormones in place, it is actually possible, so all those pregnant dad’s out there, can give their non pregnant penis owning wives a shot at being the woman in the family, since they cut their tits off.

It’s pretty funny when you hear of trans female, which I guess is a dude who lives life as a lady, marrying a trans male, which is a lady who lives out as a dude, which I guess makes total fucking sense, because they want the traditional straight relationship, they just want to be the opposite character in this RPG called LIFE…

But yeah, the SCIENCE, TRUST THE SCIENCE, because SCIENCE isn’t a catch all word for some things that are totally psychotic..

I am going to assume that these tits are lady tits, doing what they were designed to do, their functional, biological, medical purpose that you can luckily jack off to when they pull the tit out in public to please their hungry baby, or to impress dudes at the bar when they don’t believe them when they say they are moms….”Oh Yeah, LOOK AT THIS PARTY TRICK”…

I used to hate milky tits, besides the public nudity it consistently brought, I remember one afternoon seeing dozens of milky tits….and this was EARLY internet days where tits weren’t everywhere and we weren’t desensitized….it was probably the most important day of my life, at least at the time….

I am more open to milky tits, since the ladies my age all have rank, rancid, dried up evaporated, powered milk tits….so a little “I can sell this to body builders and make ICE CREAM or KEFIR out of it”….is a good thing…..especially during FOOD shortages…..find yourself a self sufficient bitch to help nourish the compound….DREAMY….



Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday on a Tuesday of the Day

I may be in Canada, but I don’t get paid to update this site, I do it from the pure passion and anger and titty obsession in my soul, which is pretty embarrassing, but what the fuck else am I to do, shut down the site and let it fade away forever….NOT ON MY WATCH….

PLUS, I fucking love the USA, FREEEDOM, so I’m going to get drunk, shoot fireworks out of my ass, and all that good stuff like an AMERICAN, whether I am locked in Tyrannical Canada or not….YOU AMERICAN give me hope.

So I didn’t post MILKY BOOBS MONDAY, but I am now people…I AM NOW.

I know your hunger for a titty suck video must been unbearable, but I’m here to feed your weird fucking fetish, you FREE THE NIPPLE activist cuz you can get jack off material at the coffee shop thanks to liberal feminist moms who think it is their duty to pull their tit out to fight the patriarchy and BREAST FEEDING CENSORS…



Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here are some MILKY tits to trigger all those low life trashy garbage women crying over Abortion laws that they likely don’t understand, but because the internet told them to care, they are throwing protests, punching themselves in their wombs, saying totally insane shit because they are either hired to and this is some George Floyd Season 2, just a bunch of idiots minding their own business sucked into weird political divisiveness that is pretty fucking meaningless and that gets in the way of our good times….

So here are girls who either kept the baby growing in them long enough to lactate, or took the same hormones trannies who can lactate use, and the whole experience celebrates WOMANHOOD, MOTHERHOOD, in a way you can jerk off to….I mean they are telling us that our women can be our sex dolls and our food source and just not the nags who bitch and complain about all we do wrong….what a multi-faceted gender.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday on a Tuesady of the Day

I must have been lost in the mental breakdown that happens on Father’s Day when you’re not an actual father, but rather a stepfather no one likes, so I missed out on things like Milky Boobs Monday, knowing that I’ve never made boobs MILKY by my own weak sperms…and at my age, that’s one of those moments of regrets, that will obviously make latching on the tit of random women lunching at Starbucks with their newborns a more painful experience than it should be, because instead of being like “oh he just can’t get enough of my breast milk since knocking me up”..they’ll be like “HELP THIS FUCKING WEIRDO JUST THREW MY BABY ACROSS THE ROOM TO SUCK MY TIT”

WE DO WHAT we can to get by.

This is MY truth, not YOUR truth….


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Here are some titties doing what they’re meant to do..all nourishing and recession proof the way you want them to be….

Because you may or may not know that there is a potential economic collapse headed our way to destroy the middle class, they pretend it’s not happening, or they blame dumb shit like Russia or Covid on it happening, but the reality is that it’s totally manufactured…..because they hate you…

I saw some farmer bitching on TikTok about how her feed is now 8 times more expensive than it was last year….meaning the price of Beef will likely be 10 times more expensive come the fall..

That will likely trickle down to things like dairy, where you won’t be able to afford milk and cheeses…..

Which is why you ned to find one of these moms who still lactates to hook up to your milking machine in your basement…that way you can be an expert in TITTY cheese and not the same TITTY cheese some of you may have experienced from a fat girl with fat tits who doesn’t shower too well…it exists..and it smells like old sneakers…but rather the GOOD titty cheese….

It also makes the titties swoll, so more fun to look at when the other poor planners are running around doing cannibal shit to survive….because when you are starved out…you start to eat each other….and not in an orgasm enducing way, but in a fucking tribe of people, probably homeless and crazy coming and knocking down your suburban door to have their way with you

EXCITING times…find some tit milk to survive.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

Since the world is filled with a bunch of weak little bitches, it’s only natural that girls, who make up the other half of the population, at least according to me, because I don’t get caught up in the choose your own gender adventure bullshit that everyone else seems to love to support because they are too bored to realize they ain’t got time for that shit. When you’re busy, you don’t even know what gender you are, what gender you want to be, you’re just tired and trying not to die.

Anyway, half of the population are little bitches, weak, soft, lazy….and the other half are girls who get naked to make money off those little weak, soft, lazy bitches, and for that reason, breast feeding or lactation is exciting.

I don’t mind seeing the natural function of a tit in action, or some blown out moms trying to redeem themselves or maintain some sex appeal with some parlour tricks like using their tits…

I just don’t like that they can hormonally alter men to breast feed / lactate, making me approach each of these tits with some discretion since nothing is sacred, not even breast feeding.

Either way, good way to start the week for the weak.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

It’s Memorial Day, despite being in Canada and not celebrating Memorial Day here, I am still going to barely update the site because I am American by proxy, I support your troops, I support freedom and the USA, despite all they are doing to try to collapse it, it is the only hope the world has for Freedom.

Capitalism always ends in a horrible Monopoly, that’s the point of the game Monopoly, the psychopath owns everything and everyone else is a fucking slave.

The rich at the top of the food chain are psychopaths, they fuck with our minds, we are the slave class, they troll us from birth, from our parent’s birth, from our grandparent’s birth…it’s not really a conspiracy, but you kind of have to respect how bold they are, they barely even cover their tracks, why bother people just accept what they are told, no matter how low grade or low quality it is. They’ll even inject it in their arm if they are told to. Dummies.

I feel like the frontline defence, defending these people’s interests, while thinking they are defending Freedom, is one of the biggest tragedies. I see all the veteran commercials with Trace Atkins and I feel bad the people just fell for that bill of goods by people who don’t give a fuck about them.

They are heroes because their motivation is heroic, they don’t know they’re lives are being treated like they don’t matter by the people who so eagerly send them to the frontlines.

The military is so important, when they are defending the people and their freedom, so let’s hope they all step up and protect us against the evil being thrown at us from every fucking angle….

It’s the rebirth, here’s some breast feeding tit.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

This weekend, I learned a very creepy thing that involves transgenders breast feeding.

It all stems from the Calvin Klein pregnant man that went viral a few weeks ago, everyone was mad that they used a pregnant man in their campaign, which is basically a woman who cut her tits off, took male hormones until deciding it was time to get pregnant like they were born to do, but it gets fucking weirder, because the pregnant man was dating an over the top bimbo, and I was like “that bimbo is a dude for sure”….you you have dude with fake tits on chick hormones, making a baby with chick with no tits on male hormones, and a fashion brand decided to exploit them for PR stunts….

Anyway, the girl in the relationship, who was born man, was breast feeding their baby and I though that’s fucking twisted and perverted, maybe even child abuse…making a kid latch onto a dude’s fake tit.

AS IT TURNS OUT…..to make the trans thing weirder, they induce lactation in barren women, and thus in men on women’s hormones who get their mammary glands pumping thanks to their hormones….so the baby is ACTUALLY sucking man milk…and not the man milk you want your girl sucking out of your balls, but rather man milk from the tit….GOOGLE IT.

It makes breast feeding, the natural function of the tit, weirder than it already is, but I guess a breast feeding fetish is always weird, except when you’re in public and being shown a tit, when otherwise you wouldn’t…

You see a milk filled tit, may be a tit doing its job, it may excite a husband now that his wife has huge engorged tits, but to an outsider it’s an inferior tit that we look at when it’s showed to us, because it is a tit.

Now, not knowing if the milk tit is woman or man, throws a wrench in the whole fucking fetish.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

With all these baby haters who are projecting their own miserable existences on the lives of other women, or men who have uteri, because that’s how we’ve evolved as a species….focus on the glitches and make them out to b the norm…

So a group of people, totally conditioned to go out and protest for the right to abort babies inside them, when they still have the right to abort babies inside them, but that I guess they fear will be taken away from them, which they have decided is wrong….but killing babies inside them is not seen as wrong, or as a last ditch effort, but rather a casual thing to do on a tuesday…is just fucking weird.

What do they have against motherhood, why do they hate it so much, what’s the fucking problem with having milk filled tits, maximizing the titty capacity, while being a nutritious and delicious snack, some engorged good times..all in the name of keeping the species alive….

It’s pretty dark, but the natural function of tit, one that the made in the lab version that your Boy Microsoft Penis has invested in, for his vision of a dystopian future, where he’s fine at the top of the food chain he’s positioned himself, thanks to being raised by the head of planned parenthood….a family of pregancy haters, or fetus lovers, you decide, both are pretty demonic…and I don’t even like kids, or hate abortion as much as I probably should…but these peoeple are fucking creepy about it…the activists and the leaders….together fucking monsters….

So for that reason alone, I’m here looking at milky tits being used as smut, the way tits, even in their natural state should be used.


Posted in:Lactating




Milky Boobs Monday of the Day

If you’re not breast feeding, especially on Mother’s Day weekend, which was this past weekend, in the event your mother died and you’ve given up on all aspects of life that surround motherhood because it triggers you of how unfair life is…you aren’t living life to your fullest potential.

I did not breast feed this past weekend, I didn’t even see slutty exhibitionist moms in the park breast feeding to get a cheap thrill and some male attention like when they used to wear low cut shirts to the clubs, before choosing the mom life.

But luckily, we celebrate motherhood on a weekly basis here, because strong mothers make for strong people in an era where everyone is a gay retard…and we celebrate motherhood by posting breast milk lactation porn, showing you the real purpose and sorcery the woman’s breast has to offer…if you’re into that kind of thing, which I’m not, but I am into tit being pulled out by people who feel like they need to show tit to feel alive, while doing it under the guise that they are doing it to keep their babies alive….I’m onto you.

Either way, celebrate mom’s everyday by jerking off to them.


Posted in:Lactating