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Archive for the Lea Michele Category




Lea Michele Cleavage of the Day

I have been calling Lea Michele a dude for as long as I can remember, it was her pre-botox man face that threw me off, but I realize as time goes on that dudes are into women with manly faces, maybe it’s because they are queer or maybe they just hate women and think manlier looking women will put out more thanks to the testosterone that gave them a man face…I don’t know, I am not a doctor…

I just know that I am still not convinced that Lea Michele isn’t a weirdo story of a mom with a dream, who knew a daughter would have more logevity that a son, so she started her out young.

I’ve said it before, but I watched Sleepaway camp as a teen in the 80s and it was a real eye opener that bait and switches can happen if the parent is nuts enough, even though now that trans is mainstream, parents just do it for fun, but in Lea Michele’s day they’d be doing it for other weirdo reasons..

So yes, there are tits, but are they man tits, maybe…there’s crotch…but is she tucking…I don’t know….

I just know it will take more than a PREGNANCY on social media to fool me into the storyline….I know movie make-up can make pregnancy bumps and the star of GLEE has the resources to do what she can to hide the lie….

HOWEVER, the only thing working against my LEA MICHELE is a man theory is that it’s trendy to be trans now, so if she was to jump on that she’d make a lot more money and as Hollywood money grubbers, they are all about the money…so hiding the trans storyline doesn’t make sense on that level….unless she’s scared of backlash from the years of lies…but there’d be no backlash, they’d just call her a hero and brave to share her truth with us…so for now…Lea Michele tits aren’t man tits…so stare at them guilt free.


Posted in:Lea Michele




That Dude Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele TIts Bikini

Hey Bro…I’m talking to you LEA MICHELE because I know your real name is LIAM…..

I am all about misgendering people, because the fact that people want their own designated pronoun, making it an issue for all of us to keep track of your shit, and everyone else’s shit, when we ultimately only care about ourselves>.

I don’t know my own birthday, how old I am, how to pay my bills but I am going to know the STARBUCKS dyke trans weirdo 18 year old goes by “it” or “They” or “that” or “thing” or “shut the fuck up keep your genitals and feelings about you genitals to yourself”…

But I do know that Lea Michele is pretty manly, even with the titties out.


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




That Dude Lea Michele Tits of the Day

That Dude Lea Michele TIts Bikini

Lea Michele must be happy in Hawaii after learning of one of her TRANS co-conspirers is going to be running this year in the NCAA track and field, because women have been replaced by men who pretend to be woman, and the only thing an actual woman has going for her, is the ability to breed..make babies…as trans becomes more mainstream, fucking trans will be seen less as a gateway to homosexuality, and soon women and their pesky periods will be left in the dust….something Lea Michele’s been KNOWING for a long time..

I have a hard time believe Lea Michele doesn’t have a dick, and is on the tuck, but maybe she treated herself to a Bruce Jenner dick lob off with her GLEE money before deciding to fully commit as a woman…I don’t have the answers…I just know that even with her BOTOX face she purchased to come across hot…she looks like shit..or like EM RAT COW…that narrow-eyed rat face and adam’s apple scare me…whether she’s half naked or not…



Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




That Dude Lea Michele Bikini of the Day

Lea Michele Bikini

That Dude Lea Michele got her TUCK game on strong…rocking her jacked up face and possibly jacked up ass that is hardly a stretch for her because she’s a seasoned veteran in the plastic surgery space thanks to the whole sex change thing…

Her trash face from the side profile is looking as bad as her beer belly barrel shape…that I guess could be pregnant – in the event I am wrong about my aggressively researched thesis that she was born man…repackaged as woman cuz women have longevity in the entertainment industry…thanks to perverts like you, while male child stars become Hailey Joel Osment.

Lea Michele Bikini



Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Bra and Panties of the Day

Lea Michele Bra Panties

That dude Lea Michele’s really proud of this TUCK…because there are more pics in the series from the pic I posted earlier….

You know in some half naked outfit, showing off her new face injections and puffy lips, her boy hips and her broad fucking shoulders that you know have been struggling to be seen as female since her opportunist parents figured women have more longevity than men….even when they have busted dude faces…so do what works…oh and get half naked with a glass of wine…channeling Emma Robert’s cover photo from Cosmo in some weird Jealous trying to steal her glory…as catty women / trannies do…when trying to live their best GIRL life…often time better than most women do.

Here she is trying to be Emma Roberts when she was TOPLESS for a magazine.
Lea Michele Bra Panties


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




That Dude Lea Michele in a Bikini Butt Shot of the Day

We live in a world where ugly girls are trying to be hot and a lot of them are actually pulling it off thanks to basic, non-invasive procedures that they can easily afford, but also because of their ability to hire trainers and good food, but most importantly, thanks to photoshop….

There’s nothing funnier than cross referencing a real girl, with her instagram feed full of half naked pics, because you’ll see how shameless this person is, it’s like she doesn’t even care about the people around them, because they all know she’s faking it, and 30 pounds heavier than her photoshopped troll self, but that’s ok…they are too busy basking in the LIKES and FOLLOWS in fantasy land…that their selfies, which are so Artificial they might as well should be BITMOJIs of themselves….but it gives lots of things to jerk off to.

I can’t imagine Lea Michele looks like this, in fact I’ve seen her from TV, and she doesn’t look like this…but with fake lips and a no direct shot of her face…you almost want to fuck her up the ass since her pussy is a dick. Prove me wrong.

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Bikini of the Day

Lea Michele is celebrating Memorial Day by using it as an opportunity to show off her TUCK GAME….and trans bikini body…to perpetuate the lie that she wasn’t born a dude and forced to live as a woman because it was better for her family’s dream of the entertainment industry….

I would like to see the people stand up for the fallen soldiers who paid the ultimate sacrifice for your freedom…their lives….leaving behind family, loved ones, and Cross Fit workouts named after them…..and call this bitch out for being a disconnected, self involved, overpaid, celebrity cunt who lives in her tranny bubble and doesn’t grasp the point of Memorial day as being more than just an excuse to welcome in Summer and get half naked and drunk…..

Support our Troops…not this trash…

Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Bikini Honeymoon of the Day

Lea Michele Bikini

How excited are you about Lea Michele being in a bikini on her honeymoon…

I am hoping not very excited…

Because despite living a life as a woman, even being a bride, even wearing a bikini, I will say that she reminds me of the tweet that got me deleted off twitter…and that was that Trannies aren’t actually female or woman, they are dudes who cut off their dicks and impersonate females….they can wear whatever they want, pretend to be whatever they want, but as far as science is concerned…they aren’t women and pretending to be a woman is appropriating, something the Social Justice Warriors tell us are wrong…but then tell us it’s ok…when it comes to genders…

The whole thing not as confusing as they make it out to be, if a dude cuts off his dick and plays a woman….he’s almost as good as the real thing… I guess…especially when she’s rich and famous…makes for a good lifestyle you would want to K-Fed….at least that’s what I assume Lea Michele’s husband is thinking, or at least how he rationalizes that he just married a man…

Lea Michele Bikini


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Lea Michele Bachelorette Party of the Day

That dude Lea Michele has Jacked Up her face…and really solidified her parent’s plan for her, like the Polynesians and their lady boys they created in families that had too many boys, when they needed a girl to help with lady work, so that they assigned them that gender despite having male genitals…it’s a cultural thing…google it….

Lea Michele’s parents knew her hard face would be able to succeed as a woman…and now she’s on a bachelorette party paid for by a brand with people like Emma Roberts…in bikinis…pretending to be friends…when they all probably hate each other….showing off her new face thanks to face injections and I guess body….and the whole thing is so magical and romantic…isn’t it…

Posted in:Lea Michele




That Dude Lea Michele Got her Tits Out of the Day

Lea Michele Tits Out Bikini

When I was younger, I watched a movie called Sleepaway Camp, where the girl ended up being the camp murderer and she was standing there over her kill naked with her dick hanging out…from what I remember….the entire movie you assumed the girl was a girl cuz we didn’t know much trans shit in the 80s…and the dick was a huge shocker. I guess the same thing happened with The Crying Game, but I don’t pay attention to that queeer shit…then I got a job in the late 90s at a porn company, when VHS was a thing, and their number one category was Trans…so dicks with chicks were pretty much always real to me.

It did stay with me, and when Lea Michele happened….I was like “that’s a Sleepaway Camp Situation”…that you could call a Jamie Lee Curtis situation…or a Haley Joel Osment Situation….that involves….parents who want their kid to have sustainability in the acting world…and if that means women hormones, because despite the MeToo Movement, girls have longer careers, especially when they start as child stars…

So it has never crossed my mind that Lea Michele has a cunt….and now with face injections she seems really addicted to….she can really help perpetuate her lie….and then there’s the tits…shit she’s really made the full transition…


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW