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Archive for the LIndsay Pelas Category




Lindsay Pelas’ Nude Video of the Day

The Nice thing about this direct to fan nudes is that the girls who used to pretend they weren’t sex workers, but instead “Guess Models” or some shit, are now sex workers…..selling nudes…

It’s the mass equilizer…make selling nudes and fake DMing pervert fans there for your tits great, normal and something they could have always done, but they were too high brow for that…

Now that it’s mainstream, just jump right in cuz they were doing it anyway…and these girls are MAKING serious money….

The fact that Lindsey Pelas, the NEW ORLEANS made natits that went viral early in insagram years, has been where she is, because we’ve wanted to see this kind of thing….so we’re getting what we want, they are being paid to do what they’ve always wanted to do, but were scared to do because brand deals are more socially acceptable than selling titty pics…

Since they are making as much as they do, I am sure they won’t b going anywhere, staying right here with the nudes, because once you go nude, you get addicted to how easy the money is…

So once Biden and China cure COVID over the next few weeks after they discover some breakthrough in testing or treating…and cases go to zero….and the flu makes its comeback….Pelas will still be selling that premium content which makes her all the more interesting to me, cuz seeing tits that I can’t see as full tits, is a bummer…bringing out the tits is life…choose life.

Posted in:LIndsay Pelas|Lindsey Pelas




Lindsay Pelas Huge Tits of the Day

Lindsay Pelas Tits

Lindsay Pelas is some Louisiana born set of monster tits that went viral on the internet thanks to early social media knowing what’s up.

I don’t know if her titty empowerment would go as far as it did if she was to launch her tits into the world as anything beyond just being massive tits.

It was a simpler time in 2014 when magazines and websites didn’t fear celebrating the big tits, they didn’t care if they were called misogynistic, or discriminatory, or that they reduced women down to their tits…they grew up on sex sells, on tits get hits, and posting pics of a bitch who is clearly only being posted cuz of her tits, and addressing that when posting the pics, instead of trying to polarize it into some other bullshit empowering narative….helped this one survive.

Oh those were good times, when Bros weren’t foodies in skimpy shorts talking craft cocktails and fashion choices….like the queers they always were…

All this to say, she’s still got the tits.


Posted in:LIndsay Pelas|SFW




Lindsay Pelas is Basically Naked of the Day

Lindsay Pelas Almost Naked Black Nude Bodysuit Tits

It is Halloween, which means the whores come out in droves for all you perverts to jerk off to….because it is the one day, like the purge, where you can dress up like a rapist or sexual assaulter or someone who has been mentioned in the #metoo movement like a Louie CK…where you can get away with asking all the girls if you can jerk off to them and at least one will be like Sarah Silverman and say yes, as friends…and others will complain that you were abusing your power…

Halloween used to be a time when whores who were conservative let their inner whore out, and where whores that were whores got more whore, but we live in an era where everyday is Halloween, a performance, where conservative whores don’t even exist..and they are all a bunch of whores…

So here’s Lindsay Pelas….in costume like every other day – only for Halloween.

Lindsay Pelas Almost Naked Black Nude Bodysuit


Posted in:LIndsay Pelas|SFW




Maxim Still Exists and They Had a Halloween Party of the Day

Maxim used to be a big deal and they used to pay me for traffic, back when they were a magazine and I was a website and they didn’t know how to be a website, so they’d buy plugs on sites…I didn’t mind taking their money, but I did always find them pretty fucking lame…

Then the magazine was taken over by their lawyers, when they couldn’t quite figure out how to make all that stupid Maxim Money they were making before print died, and those lawyers would send me legal letters, threats to sue me, to take down all the images of theirs that I had on site because they paid me to post them…so I kind of hate Maxim…

They were sold to some rich kid, they are doing better shoots, they are still doing their parties and Hometown Hottie Next Door shit…they still exist…and they had a Halloween party…and the top notch girls showed up…here are the pics….

Tara Reid was there and she’s perfect….always up for a good party…with a gnarly Cameltoe..

Joanna Krupa was there because Maxim created her many years ago…

Lindsay Pelas and the Big Big tits

Aubrey O’Day is not dead….

and Emily Sears…

Not one single relevant person..like real bottom feeders here – but it happened and I wasn’t invited…a fucking gang of washed up hookers…


Posted in:Aubrey O'Day|Emily Sears|LIndsay Pelas|Maxim|SFW|Tara Reid




Lindsay Pelas Nipple of the Day


Lindsay Pelas is one of these instagram whores – who is so low level – and irrelevant that dudes, mainly bros, follow because her tits are fucking absurdly huge and even magical…up on some hormones in the food or just interesting genetics – or fake tits…but I think they are natural..

I know, how is she not a fat chick, thank god for that deformity, before she becomes a fat chick…as she uses her tits as a tool to get ahead, and rightfully so, they are a wonderful…magical..

A huge talent, that has gone mainstream in a low level way, no magazines are featuring this trash, she probably makes her money escorting and it would be a fucking crime if she didn’t use them….

Imagine she worked as a receptionist, or as a fucking car sales man, or anything but a bitch showing off her tits…It’d be a fucking tragedy…

Well, she wore mesh and snapchatted her nipples…because apparently…these big tits have nipples..

Posted in:LIndsay Pelas




Lindsay Pelas Has Big Tits of the Day


Lindsay Pelas is one of these instagram whores – who is so low level – and irrelevant that dudes, mainly bros, follow because her tits are fucking absurdly huge and even magical…up on some hormones in the food or just interesting genetics –

She uses her tits as a tool to get ahead, and rightfully so, they are a wonderfully huge talent and it would be a fucking crime if she didn’t use them before the rest of her fattens up, and catches up to her tits, like every busty girl I’ve ever known, when her metabolism slows down at 30…

It’s safe to assume she uses her social media to get paid for sex, because the brands hiring her are not paying much, because they know her audience and worth is all in the tits…to jerk off to…for big titty fetishists, which is pretty much everyone, even if big tits aren’t a prerequisite to fuck, they are magical when they happen without obesity.

I don’t like giving these low level attention seeking whores attention or credibility – but magical tits always win…they always get the best of me – when I get nothing from them because they are cheesy, Vegas-y and into money..but for the record – I posted her first tit video that went viral before 99 percent of people – so she owes me a motorboat / full contact lap dance…etc.

Posted in:LIndsay Pelas|SFW




The Slow Motion Big Titty Jog of the Day

I guess her name is Lindsey Pelas…and she’s going viral. She already had over 700k followers…so she’s about to be the Jen Selter of tits….

She’s a self proclaimed “Genetically Gifted” girl…I think she’s just smart enough to whore out them tits in a slow motion jog….it won’t lead to a massive career, but millions of people will watch it…and sometimes that’s enough to get a quality sugar daddy….because let’s face it, that’s all she’s really good for…breast feeding rich men and their illegit kids alike…

I am a fanof ridiculouslness, even when it borderlines gross…I mean I can’t tell if she’s hot, or plastic, interesting, or just big dumb disgusting tits….

I am blinded by a porn looking girl with the dumbest fucking tits, and here are some pics from her instagram…to drive her classiness home…

Posted in:LIndsay Pelas