I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Madison Beer Category




Madison Beer Drops New Song in Slutty Outfit of the Day

Madison Beer dropped a new song you can jerk off to.

Which I think is the point of Madison Beer….shitty songs and dances to jerk off to…

It’s an informedrcial Ron Popeil left on the production meeting whiteboard….but that Madison Beer figured out was a good strategy after launching on Youtube for the creepy perverts….YOU…

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Gets Into a Bikini of the Day

I guess Madison Beer dropped a music video yesterday that potentially went viral because she’s got a lot of followers and she’s half naked in a bikini in it, but I wasn’t made aware of such things because I am old, out of touch, not into Madison Beer’s activities in her bloated career, but I don’t mind her tits.

You see, I’ll look at the tits, but I’m not waiting on the sidelines day in and day out until the tits make an appearance, that would be weird fandom and I just don’t have that wiring, but when the tits come my way, I’m into it enough to look at it.

So they are saying that Madison Beer’s chaneling Megan Fox in Jennifer’s Body in her new music video, which is a wild reference since no one has even seen that Megan Fox movie, but clearly the powers that control the entertainment industry want you to, the premise, killer cheerleader….

That seems like a lame PR headline that diverts from the “the big tits from Youtube that generated a lot of pervert followers is finally taking this music thing seriously and releasing music in a bikini so it does better”….

Bikinis make things do better…they may even make us better as men…without them, who knows where we’d be.

I am not posting the music video, they aren’t paying me for that, so here’s some screenshots.

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer’s Tits Just Landed in Paris of the Day

Madison Beer’s Tits are in Paris eating croissants and quiche….or whatever other french food french people eat…french toast, french bread, BAGUETTE motherfuckers…some fancy cheese and wines…a little CAMEMBERT…look at me I’m Julia Childs but with a smaller dick dropping French Cuisine facts mothercuckers…

I am well aware that I am an out of touch old guy and that I have no business even knowing who Madison Beer is. Obviously.

I can’t help the shitty life that I made for myself updating a shitty blog that could be the best site on the internet, only no one reads it, so it makes me doubt that it is…..

So I’ve been forced to see the big tits of pop culture circulating through paparazzi pics, social media pics, celebrity gossip stories and all that nonsense and even if I don’t want to know anything about it, I will still stare at the tits.

Madison Beer was a YOUTUBE star that was created by her mom when she was a child, she grew some tits, and pervert dudes of Youtube gave her tons of views which they sold off to a record company as if she was relevant and important, when her views were all pervert dudes.

She had that Youtube money, that record label money and I guess eventually released music that she is currently touring…and through it all she’s had her tits, the most interesting thing about her.

Her tour has her in Paris, which means her tits are in Paris and based on the crowd in Paris, there was not much else to do in Paris last night…unless the French are just really into Madison Beer, which is always possible since the Germans liked Hasselhoff…it is far too many people for it to be a staged thing, like those people are really there, maybe the power of internet social media is stronger than I thought and she’s legit famous despite not really making any hits that I know of….not that I would know about them….because…


Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Stripper Stance of the Day

Madison Beer doesn’t need to turn to sex work with her social media influencer status. I don’t call it sex work, I call them whores, so when you see me write sex work, I am being sarcastic.

She was lucky enough to build up her youtube following thanks to a mom with a Justin Bieber dream and knew how to produce content to the perverts of the internet, so that the girl could get a huge following and the mom could sell her to Bieber with a record deal.

So she now tours and produces music for her record deal, but she probably doesn’t have to because of the YT money she made at the right time in YT….

But the point of the story is that she didn’t have to sell pics of her asshole on OF to her fans and followers, because she was early to the fake follower hustle, back when having millions of followers meant something….

Anyway, she’s in concert doing a standard stripper move, showing ass, no shit stain.

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer in Concert in a Short Skirt of the Day

Madison Beer is the YT child star that leveraged the clickbait or views from perverts into watching YT child stars and turned those views into a lucrative pop career.

She followed the Justin Bieber internet hustle to fame, but instead of Usher she had Bieber himself sign her to his record label at least that’s what I heard but I’m not going to google it…

I’m more interested in seeing her performing on stage, which is apparently what’s going on here, now that she’s a legitimate pop act, 10 years after first getting signed and never having a hit song, because she doesn’t need a hit song, she got that YT money….

Her skirt is short, her vagina not exposed and that’s disappointing…but probably more disappointing to her fans who have been into her a long fucking time because of her tits…that aren’t being exploited here….and that feels like some kind of scam.

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Rubbing her Belly for a Low Key Titty Grab of the Day

Madison Beer is a girl who brilliantly navigated Youtube fame thanks to her stage parent mom who we can assume was onboard the entire fucking time….maybe even creating the whole thing at the expense of her little girl as stage parents do….only this was the internet version where likes and follows were obsessively tracked and never enough…realizing that perverts were into young girls doing cover songs and diving in on that hard….

But it was the glory days of youtube, when youtube made many idiots very fucking rich, and some of those idiots leveraged that into mainstream brands, deals, or record deals…and Madison Beer was one of them.

No one know what she sings or if she sings, but that doesn’t matter, she’s rich an can just coast…but still maintaining the attention her tits get, from low cut shirts, to grabbing her tummy ache while squeezing tits up for more cleavage, there’s a science to the internet whoring designed to not look like whoring, but still whoring…

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer is in Bed in her Underwear of the Day

I don’t know if Madison Beer is actually wearing a pair of white underwear that you probably hope she’s unshowered and soiling so that when you buy them from her online panty selling site, you’ll be able to get the full crusty experience….

I do know that she’s got some knee high socks on and for whatever reason, dudes find that kind of thing hot. I don’t really know why, but as a dude, I find knee high socks hot too….but really only when they replace pants….

I don’t know what this content shoot is for, but I do know that she’s got big tits in a t-shirt, she’s nearly naked enough even in an implied way to trigger the right emotions in me, and it’s all so manipulative and attention seeking…but it works!

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Was at the Grammy’s of the Day

Madison Beer is some early Youtube celebrity who broke off the Youtube and onto the mainstream stage because Youtube is mainstream. She secured a record deal that I am sure was very lucrative, since she was making all that youtube money, at the time that Youtube made millionaires overnight, which apparently doesn’t happen anymore, since google are scumbags who control what the world sees on the internet and who makes the money off the internet, they don’t need to secure talent using their platform, they’re pretty established.

That was a really long sentence….but the good news that Madison Beer and the tits creepers watched to generate views that the mainstream thought were legit when writing her checks….still has the tits, they went to the Grammys.

She’s also turned Asian.


Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Upskirt for the Grammys of the Day

I didn’t know the Grammy’s happened, I mean maybe I did, but I didn’t actually let it register and when I see that internet popstars like Madison Beer were involved in the Grammy’s in some capacity, it reminds me that the music industry is a scam that has lost any credibility and that they are just holding onto a dream while trying to get younger people to engage in their award show format that will never work because the younger generation didn’t do awards, they did everyone gets a participation prize like a bunch of fucking commies….so seeing someone win, means sadness for all who lost and EVEN more sadness to those non nominated…

I do care about trying to look up slutty shorts though, it’s a summer passtime…so robot face Madison Beer from Youtube upshorts matter enough to look at.

You can’t see her SCROT so it’s hardly an upshort…but we do are best…

Posted in:Madison Beer




Madison Beer Big Tits in a Tight Dress of the Day

If cleavage was enough of a story, Madison Beer would be far more interesting than she actually is, because cleavage is what she does….

I guess I’ve done the site for 100 years and I feel like cleavage is enough of a story, which is probably because the people showing off the cleavage are doing it with purpose and intention to try to get the most visibility they can out of it….pretty honorable work and strategies really…

Unfortunately, as fun as tits are, it’s not really that interesting of a story, since there’s nothing really going on with the cleavage besides it being cleavage and in Madison Beer’s case, we don’t even know if it’s real cleavage…

You see, when you look at the youtubers face and realize she’s been raped by whoever built the Kradshian trolls into the beauty standards of the world, all plastic, silicon, novelty act with the cat eyes we once laughed at collectively when these psychos used to over do their faces, and now they just overdo the faces and everyone’s decided that looking like a gutter stripper with mental illness from a lifetime of being molested is a look for the rich and famous….

But at least she’s skinny…

Posted in:Madison Beer