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Archive for the Michelle Monaghan Category




Michelle Monaghan Skinny Bikini of the Day

Michelle Monaghan is one of the 45+ bitches with a fit body who feels compelled to post bikini pics to show off that being a rich, famous, vapid, materialistic, celebrity, actress, pile of shit of a human, opportunistic whore, attention seeker, superficial, jealous of the YOUTH, scared of being aged out, allows her to be hot enough to look at half naked, in bikini, which is what you’d want out of a hireable actor of any age! They have a responsibility to be hot!

I find it interesting that Michelle Lynn Monaghan waited until she was 46 to turn to social media to cry for attention from the fans, to increase her relevance, and ideally her pay day on acting jobs, because I’ve been doing this site for 18 years, meaning since she was 30 years old, and I still don’t know aything she’s been in!

I have NEVER tried to dig through my fat to find my dick in hopes of getting hard to have a one night of romance with the bitch, and that’s disappointing or at least a sign of failure on her part!

Not that they should want ME to try to bring my dick back from the dead to their nude scenes and smut, but they should want all the pervs out there doing that their entire careers, and she dropped the fucking ball!

So if anything, I’m mad at her for not bringing the good when she was PRE 45 years old, but I’ll still ook at the old rot, since she’s not fat!

That’s all it takes for me to care, DON’T BE FAT when half naked and we’re good!


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Upskirt of the Day

I still don’t know who Michelle Monaghen is, but she sure seems old, just not old enough to realize she’s too old to be posting panty flashing skirts, probably because of all the positive feedback she gets from her weirdo fans who think, or still think she’s their dream girl or the hottest celebrity out there.

You know the Michelle Monaghen fan who thinks she’s the hottest celeb to exist actually exists, because I think Rebecca Hall is the hottest celebrity out there, and she looks like Popeye’s Olive Oyl or Shelly Duvall who are both not hot, so that makes her one of those celebs that is not cast for being hot, so rationally, you’d think NO ONE thinks she’s the hottest celeb, yet here I am, some titty blogger with a dying site, thinking she’s the hottest celeb out there, out of ALL the celebs who are out there, rationally, she’s not the hottest, but yet here I am jerking off to her in spirit.

The point is, Michelle Monaghan, who I always wrongfully call the girl from LOST, is showing her panties at 46 like some kind of exhibitionist pervert wanting to be jacked off to by her fans like the old days, and the fact she’s doing such low level shamelessness, may be hot to you, even if it’s not hot to me….


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Bikini of the Day

I think one of the most tragic things about MICHELLE MONAGHAN, is that she’s not the bitch on LOST.

Anytime I hear her name, I’m like “that’s the bitch from Lost”, but now that the bitch from Lost is some outspoken anti-vaxxer spreading TRUTH amongst the fucking contrived lies, she’s made a name for herself in my heart, Pure Blood Bitches who don’t fall into the obviously silly narrative they are pushing on us in unison are hot, even when they are not.

So now that I know she’s not from Lost, which you probably already knew, I can try to find a place for her 45 year old, menopausal, bikini wearing ass in my heart.

She was most recently in MESSIAH, which got cancelled because you are all heathens who don’t realize that Jesus is coming back, it’s in the bible…because people don’t like religion, God, or anything related to it…heathens who just don’t know better I guess.

She is best known for LOST…I mean True Detective….who cares about MICHELLE MONAGHAN…other than the fact she’s skinny, ripped, despite being old as shit, there’s not a whole lot going on here…you see there are younger, hotter, more accomplished bitches to focus on….does MICHELLE MONAGHAN even have fans? There must be ONE GUY out there with a MICHELLE MONAGHAN statue made out of his semen that he sucks on every night…or not.


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan White Swimsuit of the Day

Michelle Monaghan

Despite popular belief, at least my popular belief, Michelle Monaghan was not on LOST….and I have no idea why every post I’ve probably ever done on her has been about either her being on LOST, or me wrongfully thinking she was on LOST, and that’s not about to stop now…you see, I’ve never seen lost and all these actresses are the same breed of who gives a fuck, interchangeable and not exceptionally beautiful….chasing the same disgusting dream of celebrity…to have money and fans and nice things…egotistical fucks…so I hate them all equally at my core…but I’ll still stare at their asses surfing because they don’t have fuck all else to do thanks to living LA RICH…

Michelle Monaghan


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Bikini of the Day

Michelle Monoghan Bikini

The funniest thing about Michelle Monaghan, is that even when she posts a shameless bikini selfie that she’s pretending isn’t a shameless bikini selfie, even though all bikini selfies are shameless attempts at clickbait….no matter what the girl posting the bikini pics tries to tell you…we know the truth….but yeah, despite posting bikini pics for attention, I have no idea who Michelle Monaghan is…

I always just assume she’s on Lost, but I was corrected last time I wrote a post on how she was on Lost and how dumb a series that must have been, since I’ve never seen an episode…because I’m not a journalist and I don’t post facts.

As it turns out, the lost actress is Evangeline Lily, living this one a giant question mark that WIKIPEDIA has guided me through…because that’s all it takes to be a Journalist and post facts…

She’s 44, a Golden Globe Nominee for True Detective Season 1, she’s been in Mission Impossible movies and is now in a bikini….and this post was far too drawn out when it should just be: Michelle Monaghan in bikini for attention….

Which is where I’ll leave it.


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Bikini of the Day

Michelle Monaghan is some 44 year old actress from some Mission Impossible movies, which I guess is the kind of movie that is the only movie you really need to push your career to where it needs to go. I mean even if you only did one Mission Impossible, you’d be pretty fucking set and this s bitch has done 4….

She’s currently on some Netflix show called Messiah that I haven’t heard about, but it was cancelled after 1 season, so I guess she’s not currently on it.

In the even you were wondering, I am reading her Wikipedia, because I always confuse this bitch with the bitch from Lost…

All this to say she’ sin some nice looking beach front place that is nicer than wherever the fuck you are.

She’s in a bathing suit, because women of all ages are sluts and like to trick you into thinking they are hot, or into jerking off to them…

In this series of pics, she’s clickbaiting by showing you skinny mom ass, and as it turns out when you don’t know the ass is 44 years old or a mom of 3, it’s far better…so most old ladies who still workout should crop the face out and let us draw our own conclusisions without the backstory…


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Fitness of The Day

Michelle Monaghan Fitness

I guess MICHELLE MONAGHAN is getting in on the viral stunts, because she took her skateboard to her treadmill in something that you’d probably want to see end in disaster, at least I do, because whenever people do their lame as fuck PARKOUR circus shit on video, I think to myself “that asshole needs to eat shit” so that he stods doing dumb fucking things that annoy me…like PARKOUR.

I realize that this isn’t PARKOUR and maybe I am just triggered by fitness…..you know being fat I look at people on fitness equipment and think “you’re nuts”….but it’s actually more triggering for me because the side of my arm has road rash from an elementary school prank. I was invited to some rich kid’s birthday, it was the 70s and they had a state of the art gym, the other kids were all fucking around and I got on the treadmill where they jacked the speed to full speed…my 10 year old arm hit the fucking belt before being thrown into the wall and I have forever been mentally scarred like a MILLENNIAL…you know so much trauma that I was forced into alocholism and obesity.

Either way, I still don’t know who MICHELLE MONAGHAN is, but apparenlty she’s not on LOST, which is what I say she’s in everytime I post her…


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Panties of the Day

Michelle Monaghan Bra Panties

I come from the era when a picture like this was considered a sext. A pretty shitty sext, sure, but girls were less slutty back then, less horny maybe, more dignified creatures, and weren’t out there sending much welcomed butthole pics to the world, before they realized they could sell those butthole pics instead of giving them out for free, which is about where we are now…

Michelle Monaghan, being 44, also came from an era where the only people seeing your panties were people you were flirting with, fucking, or flirting to fuck…but thanks to instagram, sexting, the fact that all these celebrities or actors hoping to stay relevant, or hireable are doing the bottom feeding shit to get followers…which in this case is the 44 year old in her underwear…just because….”hey look, me in my underwear”…no official reason, but who needs a fucking reason…it gets people tallking….not that anyone knows who MICHELLE MONAGHAN is, I did think she was in LOST for the longest time, but I think that’s some random Canadian, where this one was in a bunch of shit I’ve never seen, but that’s still not why she’s in her underwear, even if she was a-list, she’d be in her underwear…we are a society of showing each other our underwear…unsolicited underwear pics…


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Bikini of the Day

Michelle Monoghan Bikini

I refuse to google who Michelle Monaghan is…but I am going with the girl in Lost…,

You know I’m a heavy drinker and I actually don’t like this celebrity shit….I don’t eat well, I’ve been punched in the face a lot, I am lazy…there are just too many things working against me that prevent me from remembering who the fuck Michelle Monaghan is…

Maybe she needs to get a bigger role in a bigger movie and make some real fucking noise…release a sex tape, show us the cunt that got you into this industry in the first place, I don’t fucking care…it’s not my job to figure out wha Michelle Monaghan is…or who she is….I just post this shit knowing one of you thinks she’s the hottest, you sick fuck, clearly she’s not the hottest, she’s old.


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan




Michelle Monaghan Wet Bikini of the Day

Michelle Monaghan Wet Bikini

I always confuse Michelle Monaghan as being the girl on LOST…but as it turns out she’s actually from the Mission Impossible movies, that I can say with confidence that I’ve never seen….I hate that kind of shit…and not even because of Tom Cruise and his creepy and intense smile…one of my favorite movies is COCKTAIL…

Point being, at 43, she knows to do slutty content, just not slutty enough…

If it’s not close up before and after turning 40 pussy slideshow…it don’t matter.

Michelle Monaghan Wet Bikini


Posted in:Michelle Monaghan|SFW