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Archive for the Milf Category




Milf Monday of the Day

I guess the nice thing about MILFs is that the older I get, the younger and younger they get. So what was terrifying when I was 20, looking at these 40 year olds, even the hot ones as damaged goods….is now old man me looking at 35 year olds thinking…oh to be young….

Then there’s the whole BOTOX, fitness, diet, HEALTH IS WEALTH approach to life, where 40 looks better than it did 40 years ago….

Plus with this whole young people being excited by getting cummed inside, it’s the closest thing they get to romance in an era of straight meaningless sex and porn fucking, you know cuz creampie porn is the romantic kind of porn, one that is more than just a one and done, bang bang than you mang….but rather sex that can last a lifetime…through child…..coupled with the whole Kylie, their overlord being a mom at 22 making it seem like a good idea for them…maybe making a prop out of their baby, stage parent them on social or at least make them “young mom bloggers” to sell to brands for money…you know why go to college, invest in being cummed in…

Making these MILFS showing off how hot they think they look, or how they got in the MILF mess in the first place, for dudes into moms cuz they like their maternal instinct or the fact that they’ve basically given up now that a medical room has seen a baby shit out of their cunt, meaning showing the internet their cunt is just second nature…point being…these are MILFS..if you’re into MILFS you’ll be into this….I am just into girls getting naked whether they have kids or not…because they are naked….even if I don’t like what I see or the concept of blown out pussies due to procreation…the being a naked whore on the internet OVERRIDES all that…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day


I used to work for some porn distributor back in 1999 or 2000 when I realized that I hated the porn industry, you know you make it your job and it loses it’s appeal, because prior to 1999 I was all about porn, I thought it was hilarious and amazing and saw tons of opportunity in it as I was a pervert…and I know, I have a porn site STEPSMUT but that it’s not a real porn site, like I don’t make money off porn, so it doesn’t count…

But yeah, working in porn in 1999, TRANNY titles were the MOST popular and MILF titles were the second most popular, I figured TRANNy was the most popular because in 1999 people were closet cases and this was a gateway to gay porn without admitting to yourself you were gay….you know wanting two dicks and a set of tits in couple sex is gay….tits and hair extensions don’t change that no matter how mainstream it gets…it’s dick on dick…then there was the idea that trannies were on a level freakish human, not real standard human, so jerking off to their dicks wasn’t as gay as actual gay because they weren’t 100 percent dude, despite being 100 percent dude…it was the late 90s, things weren’t all that different then….

Then the whole MILF thing confused me, it’s like you’re probably married to some nasty ass mom, hence the porn addiction to get you off, why the fuck do you want to see 40 year olds down on their luck or finding their sexuality in porn when they are 20 years too late…it’s a weird fetish…

I thought, maybe they are into moms because they didn’t have a mom, or because they were momma’s boys, but the idea that a momma boy would seek a momma partner is weird, because they’d have to share attention with the actual kids…not getting the attention they’d want….so the whole MILF thing was probably for lonely fucks who never found a girl to have kids with creating an imaginary storyline in their head of being married and a dad in the suburbs with a 40+ year old woman who fucks dudes in videos….

Then I thought, maybe they like it cuz mom’s are supposed to go to the PTA meetings, they are supposed to volunteer at Girl Guides, they are supposed to run the house and fucking on video is the opposite of that…you know being a BAD BAD mom….

I don’t have the answers, but it gives new live to women who have been banged out and had given up on themselves being the hottest sexual beings they could be, taking another stab at it…by being as hardcore as they can in public so you don’t just blow them off as PTA moms that aren’t worth fucking..

So here’s some MILFs..or women who consider themselves MILF, I just post what I find tagged MILF….I don’t do much background checks on it…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I read some bullshit story about some 50 year old woman who lowered her TINDER search results to 19 year olds and has ended up with a 19 year old…that they agree started out as a KINK relationship….he was curious to experience the friction of a menopausal mom pussy while she was curious to experience the porn generation of throat fucking perverts who are so fucked up sexually that by 19 they have a kink to fuck old moms…and I thought to myself…”That would never be me”….I’m a “they die by 40″….I mean really they die by 35 but with modern vanity they can stretch it out a few years…..and really they die at 30 but as someone with no standards into taking whatever is affordable….I don’t live by that rule…

So the point of that story is that people like fucking moms….I am just not those people…but here are some moms showing off their naked bodies as women do on the internet for that feedback that gets them off….in what could be argued as too little, too late…but I figure taking and posting nudes at any age is still worth looking at, even if you’re not into that whole “is the placenta still attached to taht thing or is that just how it looks when it becomes a mom”….kind of thing.


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

Being a MILF or a self proclaimed MILF, in an era where everyone is a fucking pervert that will jerk off or fuck anything because they’ve watched the most gutter of porn chicks get fucked over the years, that any sense of standards or requirements in terms of things to fuck have been thrown out the fucking window…

So now anyone who has had a kid or who is in their 40s and who still thinks they are hot enough to be jerked off to, now that they are older, more confident or just don’t give a fuck about being dignified, decent, modest, since being jerked off to is apparently more fun, is claiming the MILF title, tagging their content MILF, and trying to find new ways to get off …

These are those MILFs, not sure if they all have kids, not sure if thya re all 40, now that Kylie has told 20 year olds it’s ok to have a kid as an accessory, I just know they think they are MILFS and that dudes out there are into MILFs because they like moms who have layers, you know doing the maternal thing, then doing the pervert exhibitionist thing, even though getting knocked up in and of itself makes them cum loving, creampie eating, perverts…

As you’d expect, some MILFS are WAYYYY better than others…..some don’t really deserve the ILF part of MILF, keep them bitches as “Ms”


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I don’t know why I made Mondays about Moms, but I post the milk filled tit lactation selfie collection on Mondays, then I also post MILFs on Mondays, I mean I know that I only did that because of the letter “M”….I’m into alliterations because I am amazed I even know what Alliterations are…but I’ve decided to have more depth to my posts and really analyze why I do what I do to make sense of it all…so Milfs on Monday are more than just women who may not even have kids, but are old and refer to themselves as MILFs, the cheaters or the “Black Face” of MILFS…and I am sure there are a bunch of 40 year olds in this gallery who are just that…not actual MILFs but MILFSs by age…which aren’t MILFs at all…but instead just old bitches too old to be getting naked on the internet faking it….FAKERS….MILFs are about women who get naked despite having had a child or multiple children RIP through their fucking cunts and destroy their bodies and souls as they’ve gone onto a life of catering for those ungrateful fucks…you know now their lives aren’t about them, but instead some piece of shit, entitled fuck, who demands their attention, money, to be served by them, all without any appreciation, it’s just expected…you know because a women with 5-10 years of losing her life, her freedom, her soul to her kids, that she’ll pretend to love…is a woman that is broken…and in being broken…is easier to fuck up the ass…cuz the mom pussy too big for your micro cock.

POINT being….these are self proclaimed MILFs and they are being slutty, loo0king for a dopamine release, likes, follows, to be JACKED OFF to…because everything else in their life fucking sucks thanks to the whole thing that made them MILFs in the first place….coupled with a few older bitches who call themselves MILFs cuz they are old, despite not having kids….MILF FAKERS…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I don’t know why Monday is for Mom content around here, but I like to assume it’s a tribute to all the perverts of the internet who have a breeding fetish or at least like being cummed inside, because it makes the whole random hook-up seem more authentic and loving, especially since no one uses condoms anymore…what is the way to intimacy in an era of relationships being revamped into random sex encounters instead of being bogged down by an old ball and chain…I mean the dating apps and their success in being a way to fuck randoms is proof…

Then there’s the whole instagram trend of people who are fucking more, unprotected, not bothering with abortions because either the baby daddy has money, or the baby can be a great marketing hook for their INSTAGRAM, I mean KYLIE JENNER and basically all these other under 25 year olds are doing the kid thing, might as well be a mainstream trend…I mean since having babies is pretty fucking mainstream…that’s the basis of humanity…

I do know that for the most part, mom’s aren’t a turn on, maybe I wasn’t a momma’s boy cuz my mom died so I don’t find that maternal thing sexy, not to mention kids are fucking lazy these days so they just pawn their kids off to their parents and can’t be bothered, so they’re only there for the IG Pic too…but the nice thing about younger moms being a thing, is hotter MILFS since some bounce back to their full potential…I mean not necessarily their pussy tightness after birthing…but there’s C-Sections for that…

So here’s some mom tits and pussy and ass by mom’s who want you to jack off to them because they are self proclaimed MILFs…it’s still the HOLIDAYS don’t let them down!


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

Self Proclaimed MILFs, which these women are, because they uploaded slutty pics of themselves to MILF fetish forums, because they think they are MILFs, and I assume the MILF fetishists out there encourage them, and they don’t realize that pervert dudes will encourage anyone getting naked to get them more naked, it’s a see how far we can go situation and the reason I’ve seen girls insert footballs in their vaginas…actual footballs…I like to use my manipulation tactics for weirdness rather than to get private jet rich, because I know what is important in life..

That said, these are those ladies who have babies and who may be over ambitious with their nudity because they don’t want to throw in the towel on being sexual beings that guys jack off to..they want to feel hot and wanted despite having ruined themselves with kids….or by aging…and the internet is the best place to live that dream out….but it’s too bad it took being a mom and losing all sense of hotness to determine getting naked on the internet is a fun thing. to do…it would have been smarter to do it before the baby ravaged them….but still nothing wrong with getting naked now…even if for comedic purposes and I guess some moms are hot, it is rare but it happens….so here are moms…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I don’t know why MONDAYS are for MOMs around here? I do MILKY TIT MONDAY and MILF MONDAY every monday….when the whole reason I started this site was because as a stepfather, the whole MOM thing is more of a punishment or curse than a blessing….because as a stepfather you have to deal with the same fucking bullshit an actual dad deals with…KIDS…without the benefit of them being genetically yours so that they feel some sense of loyalty to you…so you’re just this outsider asshole in your own damn house…and the bitch you’re with has the sloppy tits and stomach and pussy of a mom…without having brought your kid out there to the world…but rather some other dude’s accident that you have to keep cleaning up year after year…after year…some other man’s trash is someone else’s trash than you remember was someone else’s trash after being forced to fist her to feel both sides of her pussy at the same time…

You get what I am saying…and that is that the MILF fetish should be no one’s fetish but since it is…it gives mom’s hope that they still have sex appeal…I mean clearly they are sluts…they brought life in the world from getting cummed inside…



Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

MILFs are people too…along with Tranny, the MILF porn category has been huge for a long fucking time and it is clearly because behind a computer, you anonymous pervert fucks can jerk off to disgusting things and not really think anything of it….because MILFs for the most part are disgusting…whether it’s the gaping pussy that was sewn back up after being shredded by childbirth so bad that she was shitting out of her cunt as it perforated the shit tube and connected it to the egg hole…or the fact that it’s obviously because you want to fuck your own mother on some Oedipus Rex level of killing your dad off to get momma’s teet to yourself, a TIMELESS fetish….I mean Socrates wrote that shit back when he was fucking Aristotle back when they were inventing anal sex in Greece…long before it was something every millennial was obsessed with…

The only reason a MILF would be a good choice is if you want a bitch who has birthing out of her system, but then you have to deal with her system that has birthed….which means you get the worst of both worlds…at least if you knock a bitch up to make her that MILF she helped spread your seed, instead you’re dealing with a thick lipped, well travelled experienced and abused vagina that the guy who knocked the bitch up doesn’t want nothing to do with anymore….making you live with the fact that you’re sloppy second eater every second weekend….and holiday….

But I guess you can’t be a DrunkenStepfather without MILFs…so here’s a MILF round-up.

I guess some MILFs can be hot, if they got their start young, but it pains me at my core to admit that because it goes against everything I’ve ever known or believed in…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

They say that MILFs are people too…. I don’t buy it, I figure once you create a person, you are no longer a person, you gave up that right and are now strictly the caregiver for what will likely be a piece of shit, at least based on the direction society is going, I have no real hope for the future generation, but that’s not to say their narcissistic, selfie taking, idiotic influencer following parents are any fucking better….that’s just it, the shitty people reproduce, the interesting people don’t…

So seeing MILFs is not a fetish to me, who wants a maternal bitch with someone elses kid…I am a drunkenstepfather and it wasn’t all that great in the early days…kids fucking suck…and if she’s not maternal and just a bad mom, who would want to fuck that, not that we care about child welfare, but when doing lines of meth off a toilet see while drunk with a bitch who has kids, even the biggest sociopath would think, “she’s pretty garbage”….which I guess could lead to more aggressive passionate sex…but you’d probably not feel much since the pussy was blown the fuck out…you get what I am saying here…MILFs are really only funny when they are your friend’s mom and you’re trying to piss him off….they aren’t hot as a viable option…unless you only get off by fisting…because there is no way MILF pussy is as tight as MILFs like to pretend they are….”yeah, it bounced back, I do my kegels…”…sure it fucking did.


Posted in:Milf