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Archive for the Milf Category




Milf Monday of the Day

Nothing says International Woman’s Day than the one thing that defines a woman….and that is being a mom….unless you’re a new generation woman who was born with a dick…in which case, you’ll have to surrogate and never fully experience what a woman experiences, because to be a mom is when a woman comes into her full form…or some shit…at least that’s what they used to tell you before changing the narrative for population control…not that I ever believed it…because I always saw motherhood as a disclaimer that the women was used…..or at least her vagina was…when that afterbirth was expelled from her…she entered a whole new realm of woman…one that should come with a warning when posing nude online…which I guess it does thanks to the whole MILF thing…

Now, you may not think a vagina that has had a kid is a used vagina, but you’re wrong…it is exactly a used vagina…you just may not be turned off by it because it looks about as meaty as some non-used vaginas, maybe even tighter than some unuesed vaginas, vaginas are all made differently….you may also be drawn to their maternal instinct, knowing they can care for you like they cared for a child, because you are needy and the whole fact that a baby has been through the very place you’re trying to shove your dick in is just minor details…

I mean, we all need moms, just not necessarily on a sexual level, but these moms want you to want them on a sexual level and who am I to get in the way of that…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

Mondays are for MILFs because it’s about the rebirth and you need a MILF, or at least a MOM to champion or be the ambassador of the rebirth…..so this is all ASPIRATIONAL….you know to keep you inspired like you are a slick with afterbirth and ready to take on the day….

MILFs, which I am using as a general term, because I don’t know if I’d want to fuck all these options if given the opportunity, cuz moms are relatively a disgusting concept…

But Milfs, in that they too are experiencing a rebirth, one that may be about not giving a fuck, finally embracing their true self and not worried about what the world has to say, while coupled with their higher sex drive from being a mom, you know being knee deep in unsexy mom shit, taking that selfcare time to shine….because masturbation is their only salvation, releases and eventually they want to help YOU masturbate to help THEM masturbate.

It’s all so complicated…but here they are….


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

The older I get, the younger new moms get, so when I was first doing the site and was disgusted by 30 year old women because I thought they were expired because at the time, that was the general consensus…it was 2004….a different ERA…I am a dinosaur….so the idea of hot 50 year olds was not even on the fucking radar….

Now that I’m old as shit, I am not disgusted by the hot 50 year olds, even though I know they probably have rotten pussies, but since we just look at pics and videos of them, rotting pussy is OK….so I guess I’ve decided that anything under 50 is ok if it looks ok…

It’s a crazy concept I never thought I’d be victim to….I’d laugh at 40 year olds with 40 year old women…but then I realize…we all fall apart and there’s comfort in falling apart together….when it’s photoshopped and BOTOXed to make you think it’s not pushing 50….

These are some self proclaimed MILFS, who in another era would have grossed me out because a MOM means damaged goods…and over 30 means might as well be dead…but I guess we evolve, not in good ways, and figure any mom’s out there wanting to be naked on the internet should be seen naked by the internet even if they’d otherwise be too old….because as it turns out…naked girls of all ages are still naked…fascinating concept, I know…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

MIlFs are people too, even if their vaginas have been blown out, we have learned this year, more than any year, that humanity or being human is not defined by your genitals…dudes are cutting their dicks off, girls are growing their dicks out, it’s a whole era of fighting female circumcision in Africa, but celebrating it stateside as a new gender….not that it’s anything new…it’s just only been normalized the last few years…before it was seen as a mental disorder or hook for sex workers to make more money being a weird hybrid…

Not that this is about TRANS, it’s about MILFs, who are arguably still sexual beings since having the kids, maybe more sexual since having the kids because they need to prove that they still got it, that they can still fuck, or that they are still worthy of being jerked off to….or maybe they just need anything to get them off to offset the hell they live in having a bunch of shitty kids…and masturbation is enhanced when people are masturbating to you…or maybe they’ve been fucked and dealt with the worse possible outcome of being fucked, plus all those doctor’s appointments that has made them more secure in their cunts, or at least made them not give a fuck about people seeing their cunts…so if not now that they are moms, then when can they reclaim their life and sex appeal. I just don’t know….

Despite my pear shaped body and sloppy tits, I am not a MILF….so I don’t have the answers…I just have the pics of this week’s MILF round-up of MILFs who said….I’m going to post lewd pics of myself on the internet for men with mommy issues who are into mommies…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day


I don’t know why Monday is about moms, but I’ve already posted girls lactating, Kate Beckinsale, Liz Hurley, Kristen Bell, and the day is still young, I may have even posted other moms, I can’t keep track…but for whatever reason, Mondays are about moms and I guess that “whatever reason” is because mom’s still have vaginas, banged out vaginas sure, but vaginas none the less, and in having those vaginas they feel that they are still sexual beings, that having a kid won’t define them, or turn them into their own moms, they are sexual, they have cameraphones, and they are more eager and willing to get naked or slutty on the internet to reclaim that sex appeal, because they’ve basically done the equivalent of giving up in having that kid, so there’s no shamlessness in trying, and even if there was, who cares, they are too exhausted from sacrificing their lives for some shitty unappreciative kid who will end up a drug addict whiner….so get it while you fucking can.

I guess the good news, is moms are getting younger and younger since influencers need props and are all horny…fuck and get cummed in….plus Kylie did it…which doesn’t take away from the fact that a baby has been grown and shat out their vagina…but they bounce back a bit better from the mom thing and become less desirable on the dating scene because only an idiot would want to be a stepfather unless he had to…even a drunkenstepfather…as first options are usually the ones who don’t have kids…and don’t want kids…and the second option are those who don’t have kids and don’t know you’re important…only an idiot would want a woman with that kind of baggage..which is probably why MILFs are great fucks…like fat chicks before them…they want to take advantange of the opportunity knowing they aren’t marketable..

Anyway, these are a bunch of self proclaimed milfs being naughty on the internet….


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I guess the nice thing about MILFs is that the older I get, the younger and younger they get. So what was terrifying when I was 20, looking at these 40 year olds, even the hot ones as damaged goods….is now old man me looking at 35 year olds thinking…oh to be young….

Then there’s the whole BOTOX, fitness, diet, HEALTH IS WEALTH approach to life, where 40 looks better than it did 40 years ago….

Plus with this whole young people being excited by getting cummed inside, it’s the closest thing they get to romance in an era of straight meaningless sex and porn fucking, you know cuz creampie porn is the romantic kind of porn, one that is more than just a one and done, bang bang than you mang….but rather sex that can last a lifetime…through child…..coupled with the whole Kylie, their overlord being a mom at 22 making it seem like a good idea for them…maybe making a prop out of their baby, stage parent them on social or at least make them “young mom bloggers” to sell to brands for money…you know why go to college, invest in being cummed in…

Making these MILFS showing off how hot they think they look, or how they got in the MILF mess in the first place, for dudes into moms cuz they like their maternal instinct or the fact that they’ve basically given up now that a medical room has seen a baby shit out of their cunt, meaning showing the internet their cunt is just second nature…point being…these are MILFS..if you’re into MILFS you’ll be into this….I am just into girls getting naked whether they have kids or not…because they are naked….even if I don’t like what I see or the concept of blown out pussies due to procreation…the being a naked whore on the internet OVERRIDES all that…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day


I used to work for some porn distributor back in 1999 or 2000 when I realized that I hated the porn industry, you know you make it your job and it loses it’s appeal, because prior to 1999 I was all about porn, I thought it was hilarious and amazing and saw tons of opportunity in it as I was a pervert…and I know, I have a porn site STEPSMUT but that it’s not a real porn site, like I don’t make money off porn, so it doesn’t count…

But yeah, working in porn in 1999, TRANNY titles were the MOST popular and MILF titles were the second most popular, I figured TRANNy was the most popular because in 1999 people were closet cases and this was a gateway to gay porn without admitting to yourself you were gay….you know wanting two dicks and a set of tits in couple sex is gay….tits and hair extensions don’t change that no matter how mainstream it gets…it’s dick on dick…then there was the idea that trannies were on a level freakish human, not real standard human, so jerking off to their dicks wasn’t as gay as actual gay because they weren’t 100 percent dude, despite being 100 percent dude…it was the late 90s, things weren’t all that different then….

Then the whole MILF thing confused me, it’s like you’re probably married to some nasty ass mom, hence the porn addiction to get you off, why the fuck do you want to see 40 year olds down on their luck or finding their sexuality in porn when they are 20 years too late…it’s a weird fetish…

I thought, maybe they are into moms because they didn’t have a mom, or because they were momma’s boys, but the idea that a momma boy would seek a momma partner is weird, because they’d have to share attention with the actual kids…not getting the attention they’d want….so the whole MILF thing was probably for lonely fucks who never found a girl to have kids with creating an imaginary storyline in their head of being married and a dad in the suburbs with a 40+ year old woman who fucks dudes in videos….

Then I thought, maybe they like it cuz mom’s are supposed to go to the PTA meetings, they are supposed to volunteer at Girl Guides, they are supposed to run the house and fucking on video is the opposite of that…you know being a BAD BAD mom….

I don’t have the answers, but it gives new live to women who have been banged out and had given up on themselves being the hottest sexual beings they could be, taking another stab at it…by being as hardcore as they can in public so you don’t just blow them off as PTA moms that aren’t worth fucking..

So here’s some MILFs..or women who consider themselves MILF, I just post what I find tagged MILF….I don’t do much background checks on it…


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I read some bullshit story about some 50 year old woman who lowered her TINDER search results to 19 year olds and has ended up with a 19 year old…that they agree started out as a KINK relationship….he was curious to experience the friction of a menopausal mom pussy while she was curious to experience the porn generation of throat fucking perverts who are so fucked up sexually that by 19 they have a kink to fuck old moms…and I thought to myself…”That would never be me”….I’m a “they die by 40″….I mean really they die by 35 but with modern vanity they can stretch it out a few years…..and really they die at 30 but as someone with no standards into taking whatever is affordable….I don’t live by that rule…

So the point of that story is that people like fucking moms….I am just not those people…but here are some moms showing off their naked bodies as women do on the internet for that feedback that gets them off….in what could be argued as too little, too late…but I figure taking and posting nudes at any age is still worth looking at, even if you’re not into that whole “is the placenta still attached to taht thing or is that just how it looks when it becomes a mom”….kind of thing.


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

Being a MILF or a self proclaimed MILF, in an era where everyone is a fucking pervert that will jerk off or fuck anything because they’ve watched the most gutter of porn chicks get fucked over the years, that any sense of standards or requirements in terms of things to fuck have been thrown out the fucking window…

So now anyone who has had a kid or who is in their 40s and who still thinks they are hot enough to be jerked off to, now that they are older, more confident or just don’t give a fuck about being dignified, decent, modest, since being jerked off to is apparently more fun, is claiming the MILF title, tagging their content MILF, and trying to find new ways to get off …

These are those MILFs, not sure if they all have kids, not sure if thya re all 40, now that Kylie has told 20 year olds it’s ok to have a kid as an accessory, I just know they think they are MILFS and that dudes out there are into MILFs because they like moms who have layers, you know doing the maternal thing, then doing the pervert exhibitionist thing, even though getting knocked up in and of itself makes them cum loving, creampie eating, perverts…

As you’d expect, some MILFS are WAYYYY better than others…..some don’t really deserve the ILF part of MILF, keep them bitches as “Ms”


Posted in:Milf




Milf Monday of the Day

I don’t know why I made Mondays about Moms, but I post the milk filled tit lactation selfie collection on Mondays, then I also post MILFs on Mondays, I mean I know that I only did that because of the letter “M”….I’m into alliterations because I am amazed I even know what Alliterations are…but I’ve decided to have more depth to my posts and really analyze why I do what I do to make sense of it all…so Milfs on Monday are more than just women who may not even have kids, but are old and refer to themselves as MILFs, the cheaters or the “Black Face” of MILFS…and I am sure there are a bunch of 40 year olds in this gallery who are just that…not actual MILFs but MILFSs by age…which aren’t MILFs at all…but instead just old bitches too old to be getting naked on the internet faking it….FAKERS….MILFs are about women who get naked despite having had a child or multiple children RIP through their fucking cunts and destroy their bodies and souls as they’ve gone onto a life of catering for those ungrateful fucks…you know now their lives aren’t about them, but instead some piece of shit, entitled fuck, who demands their attention, money, to be served by them, all without any appreciation, it’s just expected…you know because a women with 5-10 years of losing her life, her freedom, her soul to her kids, that she’ll pretend to love…is a woman that is broken…and in being broken…is easier to fuck up the ass…cuz the mom pussy too big for your micro cock.

POINT being….these are self proclaimed MILFs and they are being slutty, loo0king for a dopamine release, likes, follows, to be JACKED OFF to…because everything else in their life fucking sucks thanks to the whole thing that made them MILFs in the first place….coupled with a few older bitches who call themselves MILFs cuz they are old, despite not having kids….MILF FAKERS…


Posted in:Milf