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Archive for the Miscarriage Category




Lily Allen Recreates Her “Miscarriage” With Her Mouth of the Day

These are some pictures of Lily Allen doing the best impression of what her vagina went through back when she had her miscarriage (abortion).

Let me walk you through what’s going on here, you know try to relive recreation with her, since we weren’t with her when it really went down, because she hates us:

In picture 1, she’s showin the fetus coming out of the vagina.

In picture 2, she’s sayin’ “woah, that wasn’t normal, what’s the smell, I feel a little lighter on my feet, there’s a little more hop to my step, get me another drink man, I think I’m losing my buzz”.

In picture 3, upon sobering up a little and realizing what the puddle on the ground was, finally grasping the concept of being free of all responsibility and decides to give the whole “Fuck you fetus parasite, you can’t stop me by gripping onto my uterine wall with your little maggot claws, I’ve got a vacuum cleaner on my side, you had no chance, now get me another fucking drink wanker…”

You liked how I threw in wanker didn’t you, it made it more British.

What didn’t rock, was probably the show she played after these pictures were taken, because no one cares about Lily Allen anymore except me.

Posted in:Lily Allen|Miscarriage|Silly




Lily Allen’s Miscarriage Ass Goes Shopping of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen wearing the panties she should have kept on when she got knocked up and was forced to abort the mission because the relationship with the baby daddy went sour and because she was more into feeding herself liquor and drugs than breast feeding babies, so that’s why she’s out not shopping for baby clothes. It’s really too bad this short legged dumpy ass didn’t take fertilization when she had a chance, because based on how she looks, the next time around, provided her uterus wasn’t damaged by a botched abortion, will definitely be with an opportunist lookin’ to K-Fed a bitch, than someone who truly loves her or finds her attractive, because I know ugly girls get laid, because guys are horny as fuck, and sometimes guys get locked in and marry the ugly girls because they have no other prospect and they like the sex and are in too deep and don’t like being alone, but those ugly girls aren’t famous and don’t have guys knockin’ down their doors to get a date with them because they are famous, so the future of Lily Allen will be her being used for her money and not for her pussy like all other girls and I guess when she figures all that out, it’ll sting, probably a lot less than the regrets of her abortion….

Posted in:Ass|Lily Allen|Miscarriage|Panties




Lily Allen and Her Miscarriage Skirt of the Day

I guess Lily Allen has lost all trust in her womb and has decided to wear outfits designed to deal with the problems it has historically proven to cause her. Sure the miscarriage could have been caused by her smoking and drinking while pregnant but the good news is that shit won’t ruin another pair of perfectly good pants if for whatever reason another miracle decides to leave her and that miracle is that anyone would be willing to stick their dick in this bitch, until you consider the money she’s got, in which case it’s just a good fiscal decision.

Either way, it’s good to see how crafty she deals deals with such a painful situation like she won’t let anything get her down and it reminds me of the time I cut a hole in my pant pocket to have easier access to get myself hard before pulling my dick out for girls on public transit…because it’s not creepy unless it’s a boner. It’s a fact, I did a survey.

Posted in:Lily Allen|Miscarriage|Skirt




Lily Allen’s Makin’ Miscarriage Faces of the Day

I guess having a miscarriage feels pretty weird, especially when you really wanted to have the baby to keep your electronic music producing boyfriend attached to you for life, so much so that she drank and smoked the fetus out of her…..that’s why she’s makin’ such crazy faces.

At least the pregnancy wasn’t a total waste and she got herself some pregnancy weight out of it and I know that’s every girl’s dream….Maybe she won’t be painting the nursery this weekend or signing up for pre-natal aquarobics but at least she has fatter thighs than ever…I hear guys love that about girls with a broken uterus.

Posted in:Face|Lily Allen|Miscarriage




Lily Allen is Hiding a Criminal of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen blocking an upskirt moment that is reminiscent of a mother hiding her rapist/mudering son in the closet from the police when they come looking for him, but that’s just because her junk killed her baby.

I don’t know why I like hitting up Lily Allen with the baby killing jokes, it seems pretty insensitive, but I guess it’s not as insensitive as she was when she was huffin’ smokes and drinking while knocked up. I usually call that the poor man’s abortion and is pretty much the same thing as pretending you’re having nightmares and punching your knocked up girlfriend in the stomach or even staging a car accident that hurts your girl just enough to get rid of the problem because you’re a selfish and sick fuck who just isn’t ready for this kind of responsibility.

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Lily Allen Not Shopping for Baby Clothes
Lily Allen is a Ditch Pig Clown
Lily Allen Shopping for Lingerie
Lily Allen Performing

Posted in:Block|Miscarriage|Unsorted




Lily Allen Not Shopping For Baby Clothes of the Day

Here are some pictures of Lily Allen shopping. No, she’s not shopping for baby clothes or furniture for her nursery or even toys for her baby and that’s because her baby is dead.

She’s probably shopping to ease the pain from her loss, a loss I hope she didn’t fish it out of the toilet or scrape off of her panties and put in a jar that she keeps next to her bed, because that would be disgusting…..

The fact that I wrote that is disgusting, I am an evil man, but I am not the one who was drinking and smoking during my pregnancy. I am keeping it here, because editing posts is for losers.

Related Posts:

Lily Allen is a Ditch Pig Clown
Lily Allen Shopping for Lingerie
Lily Allen Performing

Posted in:Miscarriage|Unsorted