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Archive for the Pamela Anderson Category




Pam Anderson Wet Lingerie of the Day

The internet is telling me that this is Pam Anderson in 2022, which means she’s on some Madonna level shit where she’s fully altered her old ass body and face, which wouldn’t be too crazy a concept since she had at least 3 tit-jobs in the 90s alone…and that was before people were getting tit-jobs on every medical spa corner….you know like in this instagram era of “turn yourself into a face filter”….

It seems pretty familiar, but maybe it’s just Pam Anderson doing classic Pam Anderson posing….I’m not qualified to do a carbon test or count the rings on her pussy to know how aged out her already well traveled in the 90s pussy is.

Pam Anderson was proof that having a set of fake tits that cost 5-10k was all you needed to matter in America….to live that American dream and proof the sex tape was a good marketing hook…so in a lot of ways she was the internet before the interent….but better than that “I’m The Internet” song that only 2 of you will remember….

She was a hot thing jerked off to by many….that is what her epitaph reads because being basically dead, she’s not dead yet.


Posted in:Pam Anderson|Pamela Anderson|Pamela Anderson




Pam Anderson Booty of the Day

Pamela Anderson

Pam Anderson is a legend….from jerking off to her in Playboy, to jerking off to her on Baywatch, to jerking off to her in her Sex Tape, to all the variations of her titties that she mangled time and time again…it’s been a fun ride….she feels like an old friend, or like a slutty mom to some of you younger folk….and she still looks amazing…

I don’t know if it has anything to do with her HEP C being cleared up, or just more cosmetic work done, but it’s nice to know if you were to find her in a dark alley after you took your testosterone shot, you’d be more than happy to bury your face in that ass…fearlessly….even though Hep C is probably the least of the Tommy Lee STDs up in there….plus Tommy is only one of the many dicks she’s had…it’s a well travelled ass that has seen its fair share of things….an experienced ass…

She’s Canada’s own 90s Icon you still want to fuck, because it’d be a bucklist item, one of the coolest thing you could possibly fuck, even if it’s about 100 years old and rotting…it clearly still knows how to take a good pic.

Pamela Anderson


Posted in:Pam Anderson|Pamela Anderson




Pamela Anderson Pussy Grab of the Day

Pamela Anderson Tits Out Slutty Dancing

Pamela Anderson doing some Dancing of the Stars shit getting her pussy grabbed…the Playboy to Baywatch dream lives on all these years later…the 60 year old with the 5 year old tits that are likely her 10th model of tits still doing it…and for someone who used to jack off to her in the 90s…it’s weird to see and older and dumpier granny version of something that spilled so much sperm on an international level to people masturbating ferociously to her…people who still probably jack off to old pics of her…because they don’t keep on top of things…and look at pics like this of her getting her pussy grabbed in a far less interesting way than her first sex tape with Tommy Lee…the one where she got Hepatitis….maybe this is some interpretive dance to honor the guy who found the cure to hep…or maybe this is some spiritual tribal Canadian ritual of rebirth now that her Hep is clear…I don’t have the answers but I like talking about her Hep…it makes her as dirty as we all know she was….and probably still is….Rock and Roll British Columbia pussy…fuck yeah.

Pamela Anderson Tits Out Slutty


Posted in:Pamela Anderson|SFW




Pamela Anderson Naked of the Day

Pamela Anderson Naked

Pamela Anderson got naked for some magazine at 100 years old – never too late to be a titty model, even when you’re a titty model by definition, it’s all you know, it’s all you do, and you’ve invested in your body…you know her bolt on tits are so youthful..and magical bolt ons probably only a few years old…because girl’s constantly trying to get them perfect, but never perfect…because they are fake.

Go Canada…

The only funny Pam Anderson story I know is that even at 100 years old, she still hates being around young women, she wants to be the hot chick in the room, even though she’s 100..

These are bold, edgy, controversial because she’s so old, but whatever, they are Pam Anderson…with her new Liver from the Hep Cure…to this new life..

Posted in:Pamela Anderson




Pamela Anderson Topless and Menopausal for PETA of the Day

I just ate chicken and bacon, but that doesn’t mean I don’t respect animals, I mean it kind of does since I don’t need to be eating animals, I don’t really love the taste, yet I just ate murdered animal because it was on my sandwich for no real nutritional reason, and I guess meat in and of itself as a concept is vile…

But I like to think I do it to increase my carbon footprint, to help destroy the planet, knowing how much of the world’s resources go into feeding livestock for us to eat, when we don’t need to eat it, and to transport livestock that we don’t need to eat, yet we eat, because we are idiots…

So I get what Pam Anderson is doing here for PETA, getting topless, fighting FUR, it’s important..it’s just weird and shameless to see Pam Anderson and her plastic surgery ridden everything at 50 getting naked to promote anything…and those tits…they can’t be animal friendly…or anything friendly…but at least they are being put to use to save cute animals from dying…for excess even though she’s excessive…


Posted in:Pamela Anderson|SFW




Pam Anderson Monster TITTIES of the Day

Pam Anderson brought her mutant Frankenstein tits to a photoshoot – where they spilled out of her weird outfit – because she was clearly drunk and a disaster….and so were her tits, that she didn’t actually notice were spilling out of her shirt because they’ve been hacked up so many times…

She’s old as hell, looks old and hell, and this is how I assume plastic surgery ages….

These tits have been mutilated to fuck like some kind of female circumcised vagina but the titty version…she’s a victim here, as she looks down and see what must be scarred to shit, no feeling, terrifying….

Were her her original tits been really that bad….I like small tits…why did this happen…was monster tits the reason for her career? Would she have made it without them? Did people really like tit implants that much in the 90s? Not to mention why is she so haggard…when other 50 year olds aren’t? Is it the cured hep, or the way her injections melt? Why is she so trashy, yet so rich? so many questions..all for Canada…

Posted in:Pamela Anderson|SFW




They Were Once Hot and Now They Are 100, Washed Up and in Bikinis of the Day

Pamela Anderson

Stephanie Seymour

Fascinating…but not as fascinating as the fact that I would totally still fuck both of them…even knowing they are hep filled and rotten from all the years of being rockstar groupie, party slut, pigs…because I am a sick man…

Posted in:Pamela Anderson|Stephanie Seymour




Pamela Anderson for GQ Russia of the Day

I wonder how long ago these pictures were shot, I’m thinking a decade, not because she looks young and vibrant, this Pam Anderson bitch, but because she’s in a thong, and being 100 fucking years old this year, thongs are supposed to be banned, making think that even with all the photoshop she can manage, this would never have happened…unless maybe in Germany, cuz Germans are freaks…and into gross fetishes…like shitting elderly diaper porn…

That said, it is typical that Russia would be into her 30 years too late, during the 80s communism it happened with jeans, coca cola, McDonalds and a lot of things us Capitalists were already over and done with….and so the cycle continues…

I mean, I realize these are old pics, but still too new for how old this bitch is…

Posted in:Pamela Anderson




Pamela Anderson Big Old Fake Tits for Old Times of the Day

Here’s a tribute to fake tits that encouraged so many strippers after her to bleach their hair and get fake tits in hopes of getting in playboy, then in movies, then rockstar cock, so that they don’t have to live the shitty life, even though they all end up living the shitty life, because there’s only enough room from on slut who you kinda knew would end up dying of Hepatitis way back when you watched her have unprotected sex, and babies with rockstar dick…

These cleavage pics aren’t all that erotic, but I figure since her tits are probably only 10 years old, it’s like kiddie porn….cuz when the minor is a set of fake tits…it remains disgusting but on a whole other level that is legal and not quite disturbing….

Posted in:Pamela Anderson




Pam Anderson’s Old Fake TIts of the DAy

This just in…Pam Anderson hasn’t died of Hep yet, but it’s taking it’s fucking toll on her face…unless that’s just natural progression of shitty plastic surgery settling like an old house built on swamp,…..you know plastc aging like it was human….no matter what, it is some science experiment in action and it’s interesting to watch, even if there’s less nipple or see through than I’d want or expect by this old tired bitch.

Posted in:Pamela Anderson