All everyone is talking about is how amazing the Super Bowl Half Time show was.
I hate how everyone is saying how hot they were. I realize that some people are confused and felt it was too slutty for family programming….clearly people who have never been on the internet or through their kid’s photos on their phone….where they are spread assed in selfies for their friends at all ages….because it was hardly slutty.
Then there are people who were confused by the Peurto Rican flag, thinking it was the Texas Flag, thinking it was a target on Texas due to their treatment of American born first generation immigrants at the Mexican border…..
Why is everyone freaking out about it? I assume it is because they were two old hags and people are like “that’s what 50 looks like if you’re rich as fuck vain cunt with face injections who works out all fucking day to maintain whatever body it is she has at 50 years old after a few kids”….
Maybe it was for the Nostalgia…like we needed to hear Shakira’s Africa song for the World Cup from what 8-12 years ago…..or Jenny from the Block….from 15 years ago….I mean that’s a long fucking time ago….
I just think it’s another one of these “inclusivity” things, where people feel the need to think it was good because it was for the Latin people, and thus if you say it sucked you’ll have to deal with your racism…despite being a racist…or maybe people are just positive thinkers and figure Super Bowl Half Time performances are always shit, so if there’s a stripper pole included, or some mom pussy flashing…and Shakira showing you how to eat ass in a tongue video…that’s all the substance we need.
I don’t have the answers, I just felt embarrassed for the old hags and felt maybe they shoulda sat it out and let some new blood in, but then I remembered dude to menopause they forget what new blood is.
Posted in:J.Lo|SFW|Shakira