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Archive for the Sydney Sweeney Category




Sydney Sweeney Slutty Lingerie of the Day

Sydney Sweeney’s in a lingerie shoot for a bikini brand that I guess is doing lingerie now. I posted some of the pictures the other day because they are awesome thanks to Sydney Sweeney having some rockin’ tits…

They say you can’t reduce a girl to her tits, or refer to her as a host body for her tits, like they did with Pam Anderson before she looked like some kind of mutant fetal farm animal, all covered in afterbirth with its bloated face…

But the truth is, you can totally reduce a girl to her tits, especially when they are famous and rich thanks to their tits, because I understand how internet marketing works, I also followed Sweeney EARLY on when she had under 100k followers and no one gave a fuck about her, only to hit big with Euphoria…BECAUSE OF THE TITS….

People love tits, what’s the harm in stating the obvious…it makes them all so mad, “She’s a talent” barely, maybe because of the tits, but her acting is average at best…”she’s a business lady with a production company that has book rights and is making movies”….ok, with money she made from her tits.

I just think people need to take more of a stripper approach to life, successes and accomplishments….the stripper knows the condos they own are from lap dances and tits…and they don’t really try to pretend it’s not….a more honest approach to life, isn’t it.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Nip Slip of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is probably the most relevant big tits that are disproportionate to her skinny frame and that basically are responsible for her fame and fortune thanks to being whored out aggressively on the trending and depressing HBO show Euphoria, which basically negatively portrays young people as medicated sad sacks with readily available drugs and booze and FUCKING, yet are still sad sacks….it’s pretty shitty….

Anyway, the tits in that show made her go viral, got her tons of opportunities thanks to being viral, which basically all links back to her awesome tits, and now she’s being rumored to be staring in Spider Man and other HUGE movies, despite not knowing how to act, she’s got the tits, the celebrity, the name, the followers, acting is a joke anyway….as are those Spider Man type movies…

Now Sweeney and her ceiling eyes are bitching about Euphoria, the show that made her, or at least that made her tits well known, saying that she hates the nude scenes, which she has previously praised as being Awesome and liberating….but for some reason…now she’s saying that some of the scenes made her want to scrub herself raw like you’d expect a rape victim to be doing in the bottom of their shower while crying….pretty intense words…

They used her tits, she’s realizing it, but she also used her tits, and those are her tits to use, so she can pretend to hate it all she wants, you misogynist…

She’s filming something in a bra, obviously, those TITS, and she had a nip slip in the process, because containing those tits is hard to do.


She also did a viral lingerie shoot that was apparently inspired by Euphoria, the show she hates so much, and it’s for Frankies Bikinis, which is run by a hot chick named Frankie….and this is her hot lingerie shoot:

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s in Bed UpSkirt of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the most overhyped celebrity that I haven’t really heard much about in a few months, but there was a window in our lives that was just so excited by Sydney Sweeney, presumably because she has tits bigger than her head, which is a good thing, because you can use those tits to block out her head if you were to have her upside down, not that she’s hideous or a full butter face that you’d need to brown paper bag, but she does look a bit like a mouth breeder inbred with ceiling eyes, which can be creepy.

Well, she’s back, in her bed, legs up, pantyhose on, tits forgotten and not on display and when you’re the hottest thing, or one of the hottest things created in Hollywood, that’s something worth lookin’ at….even if there’s no tits, which is really what she’s all about and why we even know she exists…and really any celeb producing, uploading a promoting their own upskirt pics is the kind of celeb we should care about, it takes the effort out of creepin’ on them.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Has a Metal Titty Plate on of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is one of the most influential people in the universe according to TIME magazine so you know it wasn’t bought by the super powers who took her tits to the small screen hard enough for people to notice her int his porn world, in a way that doesn’t even require her and her ceiling eyes to have any ability to act, yet here she is….SUPER IMPORTANT….and attending events with her tits out, this time in a metal armor suit to protect the assets because her tits get hits, her tits are basically why she exists, she is a host body for the tits, and we like tits so it works…

This is important news.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Big Boobs in the Sahara of the Day

Sydney Sweeney Brings the Tits to the Desert of the Day

Sydney Sweeney my not have the hottest face, but she’s a fit body with a set of monster tits bigger than your head, and that’s all it really takes to be Time’s Most Influential person, unless they were just using Sweeney to sell magazines to nerds into big actor titties…

I didn’t look into why they decided she was influential, maybe it’s because she went from 100k followers when no one noticed her on some pretty serious shows, she wasn’t using her tits to get noticed at the time, they saved those for the high impact reveal that was Euphoria….like granny always said, DO NOT DO ANAL ON YOUR FIRST PORN SCENE DAY…..you’ll have nothing left to sell…

So yeah, she got naked on dark and depressing pervert show about teens, and went viral because of that, only to get naked a lot more in season two, while having a few other shitty movies under her belt, that also used her tits, and White Lotus, which also used her tits…..so I guess what Time is saying is TITS Get Hits….probably the only TRUTH they’ve truthed.

Anyway, she was in the Sahara Desert with her tits, doing her best impression of a camel with the double humps…because camel hump tit jokes that aren’t funny is all I got….since I am not Time’s most influential person I don’t need quality jokes….apparently, I just need hot tits.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Weird Leather Bra Top Outfit of the Day

Elle Magazine, who we can all agree are a bunch of agenda pushing cunts holding onto the fucking dream without realizing that no one gives a fuck about their opinion of anything, have done a marketing event for their adverisers called Women of Hollywood or some other nonsense that I think is pretty much pandering to the whole division and agenda as if women in Hollywood have it rough and need their own events since dudes of Hollywood are so “worshipped” by basically no one…while the tits of Hollywood have websites dedicated to them, even if they are UNDSERvING….

But anyway, big titty Sydney Sweeney, who is Time’s most influential people thanks to being busty and nude on a dark and negative frequency teen show that I think is fucking trash and pandering to some miserable medicated generation of sex workers….but it worked out nicely for Swweeney because people are titty obsessed and it put her tits on the map….getting her invited to all the events like this one, where she pretends to be a legit talent or industry maverick, ALL because everyone sucks up to her and no one says “people only care becasue of your tits you pull out”…

So yeah, Sydney Sweeney, who can’t act, but who has tits brought her tits in some futuristic leather pantsuit you’d expect at the fetish club, or in some low budget Sci/Fi movie about Biker Lesbians from space, with a built in skirt over some oversized pants, and a bra top that’s just silly looking….even with her monster tits….

I’m not a fashionable person, but I know a stupid outfit when I see one, even when it’s got the tits framed up as they are the true stars of the show….


To see more pics of her at the event looking ratty as shit CLICK HERE

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Influence of the Day

I was in the grocery store, since it’s the only thing I do, and I like to watch moms and single ladies by phallic shaped food objects to give them that dirty look, like I know where that’s going to end up, you dirty dirty girl! I also like the slutty outfits, the tight pants, the short shorts, the sports bra tops because women are exhibitionists walking around like a orangutans, pussy out, like they are dying to get pregnant, only they don’t want to get pregnant, they just want the attention, it’s animalistic!

Anyway, Sydney Sweeney was on the checkout magazine rack as Times top 100 influencer people, so I came across this round up of some of her moments that have helped her rich influential status, not including the actual nude scenes from Euphoria, but still some big titty content, as a reminder that you don’t need much marketable skills to get ahead or to be named influential, you just need tits, and I’ve been following Sweeney since she had barely any followers, now she’s at 15 million because tits get hits and get you into time magazines influential list!

I don’t like reducing girls down to their tits because women are more than just tits, they are also vaginas and assholes, legs and mouths, and some even have brains and good personalities, some are impressive and talented but Sydney Sweeney can’t really overpower her amazingly giant tits!

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Titties in a Dress GIFs of the Day

I think this is Sydney Sweeney’s post EMMY HBO Party dress, but the fact that I even think that makes me want to jump in front of the train, because I am not that kind of blog, blogger, celebrity enthusiast, I hate these people, don’t care what they are wearing, and just reduce them to their tits, which in Sweeney’s case are massive.

I just happened to see these two gifs going “viral” and figured I’d post them because her tits are massive and being used for good, or at least her own self promotion to make her exist as a contender in the celebrity world, because tits have that power when weaponized proper.

Obviously, her softcore porn in shows like Euphoria, where you can watch her simulate sex and actually pull out her tits is better than this weird concept posing for social media at an event, but giant cleavage being used for attention, is always worth looking at, so I’m lookin!

I generally hate big titty girls that try to pretend their tits didn’t get them where they are, or that they are more than just big tits, NO YOU AREN’T, and I get the vibe that Sweeney knows that, because if she didn’t have the tits, she would be a flat chested girl with ceiling eyes and a weird mouth who can’t act, but with the tits, no one even notices her other evident flaws, including the fact that she sucks at acting, which is her whole fucking hustle!

TITS carry her and I wouldn’t mind carrying those tits, they are MASSIVE!

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney makes the Internet Mad of the Day

Sydney Sweeney posted up some hot titty pics from her Mom’s 60th birthday, that they had a Mechanical Bull at, because it was country themed, and Sydney Sweeney had her tits out, you know to show her mom what she made in her vagina, through unprotected creampie fetish sex with her dad!

Anyway, a few of the guest were wearing a red hat that read “Make 60 Great Again” or some shit, and the annoying parasites that have destroyed social media with their annoying angry loser approach to life, decided that Sweeney is MAGA and thus should be cancelled!

Meaning, according to twitter, you can’t wear any red hats anymore, because they’ll flag it as misinformation, domestic terrorism, patriotism, America First, and the woke idiots can’t have that!

I remember the last time I was on twitter, a twitter mob came at me for not tagging Maya Rudolph in a post dissing Tina Fey and Maya Rudolph, I was RACIST for tagging the WHITE one not the have WHITE one, and I thought to myself, what a vile place to spend time on the internet!

I couldn’t imagine the transphobic police, or the homophobic police, or the misogynist police ever seeing the humor in my jokes, so why bother putting myself in front of lame as firing squad who angrily try to destroy the lives of people!

But yeah, Sweeney puts on a cowboy hat with her tits out, rides a mechanical bull, has some family in red baseball caps that aren’t MAGA but are CLOSE enough to count, and the internet fucking runs with it, all politicized and charged!

I remember a time when we didn’t care about politics, we didn’t hate each other for our politics, we knew they were all scumbags misspending our tax dollars who didn’t care about us!

Now they try to RUIN fucking careers, like we’re in McCarthy era “ban all the communists from Hollywood”, only instead of banning the communists, they’re trying to ban the other guys!

So be careful if you put on a redhead, the woke blue haired, fat, cat people may get triggered, may decided to identify you as an unfavorable, and togather, they’ll go mental on the attack, unaware of what they are even fighting for, because EVEN if Sweeney was MAGA, who fucking cares, it’s not like she’s getting TOP surgery, which is what YOU should care about when it comes to SWEENEY!

She may look inbred, she may be inbred, but I still think she’s pretty fucking hot and th point of the story, you’re all fucking annoying, let’s focus on tits and LETTING EACH OTHER FUCKING Live without some angry, uptight, downer ruining it for the rest of us, you assholes!

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney in Cotton of the Day

How colonialist of her, supporting a fabric that fuelled the SLAVE TRADE, typical white privilege.

Did you hear her complain about how she needs to film more than one movie a year, which is such a bummer even though it is her job, in order to support her celebrity life, because she just doesn’t make enough money being the trending celebrity of the times, at least compared to the only fans girls, some who get less nude that she does, meaning she bought into the wrong money grubbing bucket, but thanks to celebrity crossing over into social media, she’ll be able to transition into self produced porn easily and as hollywood scrambles to figure out what people want to watch, she’ll still get the shitty pay days from the movies, so her crying broke in these inflationary times, despite Biden saying inflation was 0% in July, affect us all and turn all whores into actual whores…..

The viral, created by the industry, who surprised us with huge tits when it was the right time, since I had seen her in a few things prior to Euphoria and didn’t even notice her tits, just nothing but inbred ceiling eyes is in a campaign for a brand based on Cotton, which she is making more money than you’ve made in 5 years combined, but bitch will still cry poor because people are greedy, materialistic, empty scumbags.

I actually like Sydney Sweeney, mainly for her tits on her small frame, her acting is pretty bullshit and she’d make a hell of a lot more money putting household objects in her ass on OnlyFans, but she has decided to take the hit, make less money, by showing her tits on TV, even though everyone knows selling nudes is the future and TV is not, so she’ll cross over to the nude selling world, she’s already naked all the time, she might as well make actual money doing it, it’s not like her acting will ever get her to Meryl Streeps’ creepy satanic level……that era is done.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney