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Archive for the Sydney Sweeney Category




Sydney Sweeney Working Out of the Day

I was going to post Sydney Sweeney’s titty workout in leggings last week but for whatever reason, I think being traumatized by Kim Kardashian’s mutant fucking bikini that she’s trying to push as being her “authentic self” which was a critical part of the scam that is destroying America.

This isn’t about Kim K or her gross fucking mutant body…this is about Idaho’s own Sydney Sweeney and her big tits on her small frame being what could be the last version of a celebrity who was not created on social media.

That’s not to say her celebrity wasn’t some calculated bullshit, it all is, but I am old school and like knowing that when I first heard of Sweeney she had 200k followers, not to say I’m so on it, I am unfortunately on it, but yeah…she wasn’t cast in Euphoria cuz of her social media…it may have been cuz of her tits, since she’s got big old tits, but it wasn’t her social media presence and that’s important…not that the powers that be are any better than the general population, you just like to think they have bigger vision even if they are as equally a money grubber as an influencer.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Bra and Panties of the Day

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Sydney Sweeney is the most important celebrity created within the industry, which is a rare thing to happen these days with social media marketers making themselves more famous than the celebs…I wonder who invested in creating this..but I don’t actually care.

She actually has a bit of a weird looking, possibly inbred looking, at least according to my friend who used to fuck this inbred chick for many years cuz she was his sister, because the inbred have similar ceiling eyes…

That doesn’t mean she’s not hot, or that her tits aren’t massive, erasing any negatives that come with other parts of her, like her face…if anything, it makes her all the more valuable…plus despite the tits, she’s got a tight looking body that keeps getting used in lingerie / underwear campaigns from various brands which you’d think was conflict of interest between the people paying her, but that you’re glad is happening, cuz they get this bitch stripped down…

I like that she’s not from Social Media, that she’s got tits she shows in the movies, that she’s been created by her agents and the industry…getting those big pay days as she continues her hustle…getting half naked cuz that’s all anyone gives a shit about now anyway…do people even watch movies or TV, or is it just social media and porn?

Who cares…underwear modeling happened…look…

Here’s a who wore it better moment of INCLUSIVITY…


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Lace Bra of the Day

Sydney Sweeney isn’t necessarily the hottest girl out there, but she’s debatably the hottest girl created by the entertainment industry, where they took a top down approach to getting her famous, meaning they found her and invested in her, all while keeping her tits a secret….landing her small roles in big productions to legitimize her….and then getting her on Euphoria where they unveiled her big titties…in a “Why were they hiding those for so long”….at least to people like me who are aware of some of the young hollywood sluts being groomed to be stars….but for the rest of people…the tits are what put her on the map…

Either way, I like that she wasn’t just big tits on Youtube or Instagram that an agent jerked off to enough to decided to DM her with a representation contract….I prefer when the media or entertainment industry manipulate us by choosing the next big tits to jerk off to…rather than our sourcing them online and them getting in on it after the fact….it just feels like the tits are more premium and less digital marketing shameless tits and that makes them better…even if Hollywood fucking sucks….I don’t discriminate against tits, I mean I do…but I don’t…if you know what I mean…and I don’t.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Tit Makes an Appearance of the Day

I genuinely like Sydney Sweeney…she’s got a hot body, monster tits, she didn’t come up in social media but instead just appeared in our lives thanks to the Hollywood industry still creating talent that they pull from who the fuck knows where, I’ll assume some laboratory or training facility in the desert somewhere that no one talks about, I mean they need their idols for you to fall for and listen to…and they need those idols to have big tits so that we all get sucked in and hypnotized…

For the sake of argument, let’s assume she randomly moved to LA to go to castings at 18, and it just sort of worked out for her….she lucked out amongst the 1000 of other girls going for the same thing….and that’s fine too…since we get to see them titties….they’re important titties….and I would assume those titties in both scenarios played a KEY reason for her celebrity…because tits get hits….they are the most powerful thing a girl could have…and she’s got a lot of em…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Bikini of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the top titty actress of the year according to me. I am sure there are titty actors out there….we’ve seen a few…but not as fresh tittied as this one….because they were clever enough to keep her titties secret…rather than as a ploy to bait dudes in before swapping out their tits on IG to tits on OF….instead they said “THESE TITTIES ARE WORTHY OF THE A LIST”…

So she’s been on a bunch of hit shows, she’s in movies, she’s launced a production studio, has optioned and sold at least one book, with superstar french quebecker director….when she could have just been a titty model.

What an over achiever…..a bait and switcher…a “you think I am cute in the secondary guest role, but wait til you see what I am hiding under this shirt”….which I guess is the best kind of bait and switcher you can find..it’s like the titties just came out of no where…great surprise for all.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney and Alexandra Daddario Up a Tree of the Day

Sydney Sweeney and Alex Daddario were recently cast in a movie together by a guy I assume has a big titty on a small frame fetish, which despite it being TINY TIT TUESDAY, is still something ALL guys are into because big tits are a magical thing when the rest of the girl hasn’t got up to them yet…

I don’t know of Sweeney and Daddario are the two biggest tits in Hollywood, but I think they are in the top 5 for sure, and that’s important in an era that tries to pretend that tits don’t fill seats, sell product, etc….even though every girl on instagram is using her tits to sell product….because TITS work…

They were filming in Hawaii, which is why we saw both their tits in bikinis back in December and now they are in the tree you’d typically be the one hiding in, you know pervert creeper, peeping tom things…

I will say this is a TERRIBLE use of the tits, I mean these both deserve close up titty pics…not this 50 feet away tits…but they are still big tits…and that’s what counts!


Posted in:Alexandra Daddario|Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Bikini Booty of the Day

I saw these pics of Sydney Sweeney yesterday, I don’t know what they are for, I probably should have posted them yesterday, since I am in the business of repurposing other people’s content instead of making my own, not that this is a business but you get what I am saying..

It’s like “thanks asshole” we saw that yesterday, you even linked it…

But I guess I am as mesmorized, impressed, happy about Sydney Sweeney’s big tits as the next guy…because I do remember her before EUPHORIA, you see FINGER ON THE FUCKING PULSE of pop culture, I know things before they happen so long as they have breasts…and usually after most people know things…but before the MASS population know things…It’s a weird place to be….

So I noticed her in her pre-Euphoria acting, where they hit her tits, so when they released her tits, I was like “YOU CLEVER HOLLYWOOD AGENTS AND YOUR HOLDING OUT THE GOODS FOR THE BIG REVEAL”….knowing they had a secret weapon in their back pockets because tits get a lot of hits…and she’s got a lot of tits….all while rocking a small frame.

She’s not insanely hot, no actors are, but she’s got those tits and that propels her to the top of the relevant acting charts in an era of “we’re all a bunch of perverts’…

So old news, doesn’t mean it’s bad news, when Sweeney’s young starlet on the rise has her tits squeezed together in a bikini top…


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Lingerie of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is the first celebrity created by the industry before becoming a half naked in her underwear showing off her tight big titty body in lingerie for money but not in a low level only fans kind of DIY way…but instead from a corporate marketing team level and when you look at her, you know it could have gone either way for her…she could have just as easily become an instagram sugar baby built like this….it would have been easy but instead she started at the top of the food chain…and ultimately still gets half naked so it all works out in the end….since this must be the end.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Cleavage of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is really the only thing that matters in Hollywood, because it’s the only thing Hollywood has done right in a long fucking time….because they created her and surprised us with her massive tits…while other talent consistently thrown in our face that isn’t actual talent…but that have boobs they like showing off too….are created on instagram which is so pedestrian and boring…being a hot chick with followers and youtube doesn’t take much effort…being a hot chick who didn’t show her hot tits until she was 3 years into a low level celebrity career…..before she unleashed her massive tits for us to be “WTF ARE THOSE”…..putting her on the map….where she’ll stay because big tits matter bro….at least enough for RIHANNA to use them in her underwear campaign!


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Bikini of the Day

Euphoria made an executive decision to not feature their hottest contestant in their weird COVID two episode edition of their show….but instead went the tranny angle …despite having been the catalyst for Sydney Sweeney’s tits to reach the mainstream pop culture analysts…she’s outgrown that Euphoria silliness and is onto bigger and better things for herself and her tits…including this brand deal for her social media where you know girl is getting seriously fucking paid.

Now I don’t think Sweeney is the best actress, but she’s got a great body and she’s been in some legitimate projects, so I feel she’s more important that other big tits on a tight frame of instagram…

I typically defend influencers over mainstream celebrities, because I think it is hilarious that they’ve been able to basically find huge money and audience on their own using social media…while mainstream hollywood had dicks in their asses letting it happen….

Instead of creating their own HOLLYWOOD version of INSTAGRAM to cash in on, they decided to ignore instagram, barely use instagram, until it became the norm….without it you don’t exist…I know because I don’t use it and I don’t exist..but I support the independent….the self starter…the influencer….no matter how lame they are….


It makes me laugh to see the PAUL brothers fighting legit athletes….it makes me laugh that Hollywood is scrambling and giving Bella Thorne and other popular on social as many jobs as they can cuz they want the views…and I don’t care if a TikTok star headlines a shit movie…yes TikTok is garbage…but people like it…and these people won at it…so pay them…or suck up to them because they are better at it than you…HOWEVER it’s not that hard to be good at social media…so now that Hollywood’s figured it out, they are building up what I am sure they think is rightfully theirs because they are famous….and I am all for it, more slutty content for us…


In thinking influencers are great because they devalue the mainstream, it’s tiring to only see influencers win, and Sweeney managed to pull through the mainstream and exist because of her mainstream work….only to turn to IG to show how easy it is…at least when built like this…she’s built the way you’d want things to be built…


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney