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Archive for the Sydney Sweeney Category




Sydney Sweeney Bikini of the Day

We all know Sydney Sweeney’s Tits. We’ve been along for this Sydney Sweeney ride since she played some low hanging fruit roles in some big TV shows…one was the Jean Marc Vallee (RIP MOTHERFUCKER) show with Amy Adams and the other was with that dog faced pony boy Scientologist Elizabeth Moss in Handmaid’s Tail….where she played the child brid…

It wasn’t until the low frequency, depressing, disgusting attempt to be a real version of mental health ridden, sex addict, love craving, drug addict, loser version of High School that is nothing but a fucking downer to keep everyone’s spirits down…as Zendaya the Disney Kid does monologues as a teen opiate addict telling off her mom and sister and Transgender lover….but that makes up for the low frequency shit written from the IVORY TOWERS of some Hollywood industry rich kid who’s father before him mad 10s or even 100s of millions in the industry…doing what I call “appropriating the darkness” from his mansion…because that’s what people do…they perpetuate lies so teens think that behavior is what they are supposed to be partaking in….it’s end of times, fall of society shit!


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Fucks of the Day

With last week’s Sydney Sweeney Euphoria rant, I said that I wasn’t going to watch the season…and that I’d stick to just posting the Sydney Sweeney sex scenes you know they’ll be pushing all season now that she’s a viral fucking star, far more famous when they first showed us her tits, even though she had small roles on some huge shows, meaning she was pulled out of the industry and created by the industry, which just doesn’t happen that much anymore, it’s all fucking social media idiots who the industry partner up with because of their followers, not because of the talent, but because of the digital marketing prowess…boring.

I want my celebrities brought to me from the ether, not from a self produced IG account or YOUTUBE channel….

Anyway, they did good with Sweeney, thanks to her big tits, but they still probably can’t carry the overhyped show….written by some spoiled industry child with a VERY succcessful father…meaning his interpretation of “Kids these days”…is all manufactured from his imagination, reading reddits or scrolling instagram…HIS candy ass upbringing as a rich kid in LA makes his EDGINESS a fucking lie…and for that reason alone…you can’t take that show seriously…

If anything, I just see it as pushing this satanic agenda that teens are these broken, drug addicted, sex addicted, shells with no real integrity….

So when I see people hype the shit up, I think how two dimensional and obvious the characters are…I think of how bad this is for the future generation to think this is high school and how you should act…and I think how ugly they make Zendaya…

Let some rich brat who doesn’t know shit about struggle, or edginess, unless he lived in a Brooklyn loft that daddy paid for, get a TV show where he basically does some rich person parody of the teen plight of modern times…instead of giving a show to an actual 20 year old who just lived it is TYPICAL…which is why most content fucking sucks….

I do not see a masterpiece, although they do use HIP filters on their footage to give it a vibe…and I don’t see humor, fun, or funny….like a coming of age story for teens in the 90s with American Pie, or teens of the 80s with John Hughes shit….this is just a product of the WORST victim minded whiney sexual liberated trash you HOPE society doesn’t actually look like…

I did end up watching the first episode, it was garbage, but who cares about what I think, the CRITICS love it….and I’m really only here for Sweeney’s tits that in last night’s episode got fucked from behind and made to jiggle…the way you’d want the hangers to hang when in doggy style formation…

She is the best the show has to offer…and that’s about all I got for that.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Got Them Tits On of the Day

Sydney Sweeney, the full tit actress created by the industry and thrown at us through some pretty big name productions, before casting her in EUPHORIA, which is probably the most depressing take on youth to ever exist…

I don’t know about you, but the Pandemic has changed my mindset in a lot of ways, not in some personal growth shit, but in some less tolerable for bullshit shit…

So when Euphoria first happened, I thought, oh some edgy instagram bullshit High School drama featuring a transgener character who shows the tits, so you know it’s woke enough….and I could stomach it…

But as the years have gone on, I realized, fuck that dark and depressing, medicated, drug addicted, pill popping, partying, social media, cam girl bullshit trying to be edgy, and give me shit that’s funny.

The last thing I need to see is a bunch of young people pretending their self indulgent lives are important….as they navigate through all the grossness the world has to offer….

That’s not the world I’m interested in and I’m a fucking degenerate, so I am not about to watch another SEASON of Zendaya in rehab…HOWEVER, I’ll look at their clickbait that is Sydney Sweeney’s big tits you know they’ll use in at least 50 percent of the episodes to suck people in….cuz TITS get HITS especially cieling eyed tits on their rise to Hollywood Royalty….now that she’s established herself as mattering, even if she’s not that great of an actor, she’s go the tits and that’s more than enough to make it in this era of everything being dog shit….and her tits fucking matter…because they are big.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Thong of the Day

Sydney Sweeney is arguably the most important young actress created by the industry because she didn’t exist before she got famous, one of those made in a LAB under Hollywood situations, with some backstory of “sure she’s from the Pacific North West, Homeschooled by teacher parents, who just had a dream of acting that came true as those dreams do for ALL people….”


Who cares about why she’s here, let’s just assume that big tits are just that powerful, because they are, and really only need to be put out in front of a handful of powerful people, to make all her dreams come true…even ours..since we like lookin at the big tits..

This is not the young MINX…the BETA KITTEN…the seductress with the ceiling eyes showing off her tits nearly like we want her to…maybe that WOKE modern O.C. called EUPHORIA where they portray the teens of the world as fucking weird pornstars..but thy show her tits in the process…so progressive…for those of us into SWEENEY tits…I will not be watching that show this year because I already HATE everything about it except her tits…

This is the young MINX…the BETA KITTEN…the seductress with the ceiling eyes in a sheer dress showing panty the way you’d want a bitch to dress when going to restaurants MASKLESS…how dare she…THE IRRESPONSIBILITY of these people in the middle of a PANDEMIC people are LOCKED down and going broke because of….and she’s out here wearing her mask as a pair of panties because it was a NO PANTIES no SERVICE kind of place….

AND I LIKE IT…but would LIKE it better from other sluttier angles…maybe staging a “Dropped my phone” so she can crawl around some…or a “Forgot to do my yoga this morning, so let me put my legs behind my neck while sipping on this craft cocktail”….

There are so many good places this naughty outfit can go, but it went here….but the good news is we’re heading to a place where people won’t be wearing oppressive clothing anymore and will just exist spread asshole all day, during all errands, and I’ll be masturbating to it..


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Got Big Titties Out of the Day

The most interesting thing about Sydney Sweeney is her big ol’ tits…that are probably not that old but that are still big enough to make you think she must be in her 60s cuz it takes years of eating, hormone disrupting chemicals, a few pregnancies to get a bitch this busty…..

She’s one of those viral celebrities because of her big tits, who has a pretty questionable origin story, because she sort of just came out of no where and was a thing, but maybe big tits have that ability…I mean they’ve made plenty of big tit host bodies rich for just showing up…

I’ve probably seen 95% of her acting jobs because I stream through the pandemic like all the other losers who gave up on LIFE and chose “this couch is comfortable, numb my brain shitty Hollywood brainwashing hypnotizing garbage”…..

She hasn’t been good in 95% of her acting jobs….but I’m just here for the tits…So I’ll celebrate them when she decides to celebrate them because big tits are a celebration…they are the CHRISTMAS miracle we all need this DARK Christmas…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney is the Most Important Tits in Hollywood of the Day

Yes, it’s ok to reduce a girl, especially a celebrity, to her massive tits, especially when her marketing material around her self promotion, as all these people have their social media managers near by helping them with their lie life on social media, even though the idea of having a social media manager is the most contrived, desperate, pathetic thing….they all do it…

But don’t let the feminist groups tell you that it’s not ok to reduce a celebrity to her tits…especially a celebrity who is viral because of her tits…and who uses her tits as her marketing hook as she should…cuz they are great tits.

You are a man, be a man, stare at tits.

This is the most important set of tits in Hollywood, so if you’re going to stare at tits, like a man, because you like tits and are part of the reason Sydney Sweeney uses her tits, and a big reason why you reduce her to her tits…itehigh pai mghd t hollywood endorsed tits.

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Fucks of the Day

Sydney Sweeney and her ceiling eyes may not be the HOTTEST celebrity to ever grace the screen, but I think she’s up there…

She’s also relatively new to the celebrity scene, has been on some big shows, and has revealed those tits on some of those hit shows…and those tits were surprisingly big.

She’s not the ultimate actress, but is anyone a good actress, acting is a joke….

It doesn’t take away from me being a fan, because in my soul, I can’t really fan on celebrities, but sometimes one breaks through my blood brain barrier like the poison clot shot….

It could just be her big titties brainwashing me….it’s happened before, I mean if I had a dollar for every time big titties have brainwashed me to do things or say things I would never normally say….I’d have a lot of dollars…big titties are capable of making me make TERRIBLE decisions…like being a fan on a celebrity who I am sure has sold her soul….

I did just watch her series called White Lotus where she had her tits out in bikini, not tits out like this, but tits out like this is fucking amazing….

THIS SEX SCENE for the win.


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney Got Them Tits On of the Day

Sydney Sweeney may be one of the last of the celebrities created by the Hollywood establishment, because no one followed her on social media before she started getting more high profile roles, like showing her hot tits on Euphoria…HBOs Teen Porn show that the BBC should reference when looking to produce porn for kids as I saw they went viral for earlier today or yesterday…sick fucks..

The reason she may be the last of her kind is because society may implode….or maybe celebs will be replaced with AI, AR, Filters and fucking 3D animation motherfuckers, why use humans who charge too much, like Scarjo and her 20 mill for her latest shitty blockbuster’s not enough for her, SHE NEEDS MORE and will sue her handlers to get it…because humanity is disgusting….20 million dollars on an AI would probably allow you to feed it lines and have it act far more impressively than that pile of Scarjo shit…I guess we’ll just have to wait to see what China decides for us, since they control all this Hollywood shit…

Point being, Syndney Sweeney, who is in a show I am watching called White Lotus written by CHUCK AND BUCK, about a rich person hotel in Hawaii, where Daddario and Sweeney have TITTY battles….and I am a fan of her work, or tits, or both, who knows I’m shit faced when I watch this shit and don’t remember what day it is….what is this Tuesday?


Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Ass and Titties in Bikini on Yachts of the Day


Sydney Sweeney is living the Yacht life because some people aren’t phased by the current state of the world, some are richer than they’ve ever been because of the pandemic, or in Sweeney’s case, because she want fucking viral and is probably the latest and greatest in young actresses who weren’t sourced from TikTok, which is actually a big deal in this era of SOCIAL MEDIA IS FUCKING LIFE…regardless of how depressing that fucking sounds..

I do like Sydney Sweeney, I know people hate her face, they think she looks inbred or some shit, it’s the ceiling eyes…

I think she’s got great tits on a great body, so seeing her living a better life than me, which isn’t really saying much, I mean she could be washed up on shore getting mouth to mouth and living a better life than me….but it’s saying something…

I want celebrities to be more important than us, to be richer than us, to living the life of luxury while we’re out here dumpster diving and drinking water out of puddles hoping the gasoline gives us a buzz.

But when the celebs have big tits, I want them in bikinis being better than us…

So here’s to her Banner Year…or is it a Beaner Year? I just know she’s on some show called White Lotus by Mike White and she has titty battles with Daddario and it’s great cinema….without the cinema since it is streaming….

To see the rest of the Pics CLICK HERE

Here’s some IG SMUT, cuz they need to upload to social otherwise they don’t exist…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney




Sydney Sweeney’s Titty Selfie of the Day

Not to make these boring Sydney Sweeney selfie cleavage about me, but when I post shit like this for the Sydney Sweeney fans out there, and I’d say I am a Sydney Sweeney fan, I mean how could you really hate on an “Actress” with massive tits doing the whole acting thing where she shows them tits….She’s got a serious team behind her, they created her and she looks pretty good doing it, mainly cuz of the tits on her small frame, but the rest of her’s not all that bad either….

I don’t really know if she’s a great actress, will OSCARS be won, who knows, they gave one to Brie Larson and based on the current condition of the world, will the OSCARS even exist, no one cares…they are too busy trying to monetize themselves as low level internet sex workers to bother seeing some overpaid actor get rewarded for some meaningless award, since good acting happens with good writing, directing, set design…you know there’s more to it than just throwing some fucker into the mix…and comparing actors against each other in different roles has nothing to do with their acting abilities and everything to do with the character they are playing…what I am saying is the OSCARS don’t fucking matter, mean nothing and I am not sure what this has to do with Sydney Sweeney’s big tits she’s barely showing off, because I guess she wants to enforce that she’s more than just tits…which I guess you could argue, doesn’t mean I’ll believe it….

But yeah, I post boring fanboy cleavage pics and I’m labelled a porn site…fucking crazy world out there….no gaping butthole…yet I’m the porn site…

Posted in:Sydney Sweeney