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Archive for the Weed Category




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Happy 420 at 5:30 EST you fucking hippies…

It’s 420 o’clock somewhere you fucking hippies.

I used to get PAID to post weed shit, now I do it from the kindness of my heart because this is a fucking charity you fucking hippies.

Join my commune and give me 50 percent of your assets…you fucking hippies….

Smoke weed everyday, not just on 420….because there’s nothing more lame than people who get excited about 420 when you can be high all day everyday you fucking hippies.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am sure the corporate governments that are allowing weed to be legal are too busy doing harder drugs to realize how much of a joke weed actually is, so they are thinking it will just make everyone lobotomized and dumb, when really it’s opening their third eye and letting them communicate inter-dimensionally or at least with their own spiritual side. Stoners are enlightened…not pass the joint you hog…

We all know that the fact that it was made illegal is just a crime against humanity, a sign of how evil companies threatened by the good plant control governments and use fear to get the support of the people, which sounds familiar to the people I know who have had COVID for a few days, realizing their fear was totally unjustified and that the lockdown of society was mental.

I guess it’s a tactic used to herd the HIVE MIND lemmings…but if you or someone you know have smoked weed, you’ll know it’s the lightest weight, keep yourself relaxed, barely a drug, with health benefits so great they’ve even seen it cure cancer…..BETTER BAN THAT SHIT….hilarious..

These girls use the weed as a prop to show you they’re cool, hip, with it, or lazy slobs who don’t leave their house, so they sell nudes instead, and that works for me.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I know what you’re thinking, get bitches high, so they let loose and let you fuck them, so at 3 am after the bars close and you want to get laid, have some weed waiting for them, even if you don’t know how to smoke weed…know how to roll it…it’s a tactic…

Oh…you’re not thinking that, prude….

I guess you wouldn’t want to admit your a predator who thinks getting girls high is a solid foreplay tactic….or maybe weed is legal where you’re at and girls don’t need to come to your sex dungeon to smoke a joint….plus…if you smoke weed, you kind of keep your wits about you and don’t end up on some other planet…which is the worst thing about how weed is portrayed in the movies….I recently saw a movie where the husband is a psychopath, his friend smokes weed with him and gets so high he sees stars and has to go inside…opening up a window for dude to kill his wife’s mister…OH right…Ben Affleck Anna DeArmas movie….she’s fucking hot…and how did Ben, a drug addict let that into the script…what a fool….

Weed has been attacked in pop culture because the people who run industry don’t like you smoking weed…there’s probably a reason for that…and you know it’s not because it is in your best interest, since they don’t give a fuck about you…so maybe you should try it out if you haven’t…it’s God’s Plant and I didn’t need Amazon to tell me that…

These are girls who smoke weed making weed content because it’s a marketing angle or hook.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

It’s WEED WEDNESDAY motherfuckers…

This is the day we celebrrate girls who take weed WAY too fucking seriously, but I guess it’s not legalized in all states or at a federal level, so it’s something to be an activist over….something far more fun that plastic straws, trans rights, INCLUSIVITY, now ALOPECIA Awareness by all the uptight people of the internet who are ruining the fun for the rest of us…

Weed is one of those tip of the iceberg conspiracies, like 9/11, where once you start digging, you understand that the psychopaths we let control our power grids, or infrastructure, our public health, our food supplies, have vested interest in keeping people medicated, not stoned, and more importantly, using chemicals instead of natural options, because they’ve got money to make and WEED is too easy to cultivate, even the average idiot can grow it, which gets in the way of self sufficiency…..HARD to opppress or control a poeple that are self sufficient…they want us being like little sugar babies asking daddy for our allowance because it gives them the power to say no…

Weed is the most MILD barely a drug, plus it gets girls naked….so here they are…

Winning for all.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I don’t think every weed smoking babe is a slobby lazy alternative girl…because I know hot chicks who smoke weed….but as a generation of slobby lazy alternative girls is the norm…

I do think the kind of girl who uses weed as a prop or marketing hook, you know as one of their “Activities” or “talents” on their RESUME….”I SMOKE WEED” so seriously that I brand myself as a WEED smoker are probably not the coolest group of weed smokers out there…

Even when I was smoking weed in High School and felt like a rebel because of it, I didn’t wear WEED merch, and brag about how much weed I smoke in the day, it seems pretty dumb….or at least like something a try hard would do….

But MAYBE, just maybe, these people FUCKING love weed, I mean it is God’s plant with all kinds of health benefits, industrial health benefits, open your mind, spread PEACE AND LOVE, like some kind of HIPPIE, even though the hippies were just a psyop designed to destroy the nuclear family, like making weed illegal was a psyop to prevent people from opening their THIRD EYE, while not replacing tons of polluting, chemicals, pharmaceuticals with a sustainable, organic, material that was GIFTED to humans and SHOULD be fucking used…..

If you’re so compelled to smoke it, and you have a vagina, you might as well do it naked, half naked, for pervert WEED demons…or just people passing through who like to stare at the tits without caring what activism is being used as the reason to share the tits….

Fascinating post…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am not one of those people who ever thought smoking weed was so cool, you know some secret society of stoners who get it, because they are part of some brother hood, if anything, I think groups of sub-genres, or fan boys in ANY subculture, not that subcultures exist anymore, they are all the fucking same……are pretty fucking lame….

But, since weed is GOD’s gift to the planet, that your body has literal receptors to connect with, that can do so many industrialized applications, medical applications, just feeling good applications and a fun way to get girls to go back home with you…Let’s smoke baby…meet me on my dick…

These are weed girls being awesome….


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

I am a firm believer that getting stoned is worth the time and money, especially when going through a pandemic that is miraculously done, I wonder how that happens after they’ve basically raped our fucking lives the last 2 years only to flip the switch and turn it off like it wasn’t even an issue all those years and that it was a strict take advantage of us, push us to our breaking point, then pretend “NOTHING TO SEE HERE”….

I’m a firm believer in weed, it’s GOD’s GIFT TO THE WORLD, unprocessed, grow it in your backyard, in your basement, anywhere you fucking want..it’s just that easy…

I don’t think it dumbs motherfuckers down, I don’t think it should be illegal, if anything it makes people happier and more fulfilled, it wakes them up in ways that other substances don’t…. HIPPIE SHIT…

It’s a magical plant that can put a real strain on PHARMA, INDUSTRY, CHEMICAL COMPANIES…which is precisely why it’s all been made illegal….KEEP THE RICH RICHER and keep the normal people oppressed by making innocent people criminals…because that’s what people seem to like to do….

Anyway, you know weed is good, sex is better on weed, getting girls home to smoke weed before fucking, good times, and here’s some INSPO for that…some SPIRIT BOARD / MOOD BOARD putting it out there to the UNIVERSE…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

You may find a sloppy drunk bitch more appealing to drag home because she’ll be more inclined to suck your dick, you know the whole being a drunken disaster letting her guard down and giving into her want to suck dick while drunk is more likely than getting some weed smoking girl to do the same thing…

Weed, despite being marketed as this “evil” plant that causes schizophrenia…is pretty fucking mild, and when smoking it, the whole “loss of inhibitions” doesn’t happen, if anything paranoia sets in and they won’t trust you enough to ever go home with you…unless they are out of weed and in the mood to smoke…

Not that people even randomly meet in places or go on dates, it’s more transactional, like setting a business appointment after some TINDER messages, that mean you don’t need to drag anyone home, or convince anyone to come home, they’re already there…and if anything the social lubricant is left to your discretion because you know you’re already getting laid and don’t require any strategy, you’ve won.

But it’s kinda sad that the art of the random stranger sex at the club is dying…where is the world headed when you can’t wake up with sex you regret from someone who you don’t know…and who you don’t even have their number, FB, IG handle, or TINDER connection….

The kids these days may have it easy, but working towards something, like dragging a fatty home for the tits, is something everyone should know and experience in their life to feel like they’ve completed the tasks needed for a full life.

The point of this is to say, weed, less sloppy, than drunk, but thanks to laziness, can be pretty sloppy too….it’s not a competition between weed or booze, or even big pharma….sluts are still sluts no matter how they medicate, these ones just happen to be using weed as a prop and that works for me.


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

As it turns out, the “Martial Law” that Canada has been lifted….

We were under “martial law” because of the TRUCKERS being against insane COVID measures that are discriminatory….and were hugging each other maskless, dancing into the night, reconnecting in HUMAN FORM with other HUMANS…before the POLICE turned something peaceful and pretty nice to see as a Canadian into a policed state…..which is not what living is about….they used big scary words like “an occupation”….”alt right”….”anti vaxxers”….”misogynists”….”white supremacists”….”homophobics”….”racists”….to justify their behavior of being the FUN POLICE.

So you have to ask yourself, what the fuck were these decision makers smoking over the last 2 years, especially the last 3 weeks….not that I ever use that expression because I don’t think weed smoking leads to idiotic behavior… but in this case of everything being confusing…I’m like “it must be from that Government Issued Weed”….which people PROBABLY shouldn’t trust anymore…GROW YOUR OWN…it’s also legal…

Anyway, WEED is God’s Plant, Amazon told me, health benefits, FUCK big Pharma, mental health support, makes videogames more fun to play, makes fucking less interesting to do, when you can just lay there staring at the wall….it fights cancer, makes industrial products like hemp…and gets girls half naked on the internet as they build their careers as naked on the internet…


Posted in:Weed




Weed Wednesday of the Day

Weed….the final frontier…I don’t even watch that nerd Star Wars shit, but figured it would make at least one of you cum yourself because Star Wars is the only thing you fucking love…

THESE ARE THE GIRLS…of the WEEED SHIP MILLENNIUM FALCON…who have decided that smoking weed is a marketing hook, an industry category they can excel in, some ACTIVISM they can get behind WHILE getting high…

I figure weed, which is Legal in Canada, is one of those plants that has a lot of uses, if it was never made illegal, our entire industrialized world and medical world would look a fuck of a lot different…and I suggest all you motherfuckers smoke weed to be better people..or at least look at girls who smoke weed trying to be nude weed influencers…because any excuse to get naked is worth jerking off to like it’s STAR WARS.

You fucking nerd.


Posted in:Weed