I'll Make You Famous…

Archive for the Workout Category




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Ladies….Stay Fit, otherwise you’ll rot, and even if people fuck you when you’re fat and disgusting, doesn’t mean they really want to or that you were top choice…..

Better, more superficial people will fuck you when you’re fit which means you can probably land a good job or lifestyle because of it…

You won’t go through life needing two seats on the bus, being unable to walk up stairs without being winded, being unable to get off the couch without being winded, even when inspired and motivated by the cake in the fridge…..you know fat person depressing shit.

You won’t die prematurely by preventable things…..

BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY…..you won’t be a fat fuck…..

These are fitness girls to inspire ladies to stay fit, so fat fucks like us can worry about getting rich, so that you’ll fuck us. DEAL.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I don’t go to gyms for fear of cumming myself while staring at bitches who workout in their slutty outfits doing their slutty fitness poses, so you can blame the hot girls at the gyms for my lack of fitness….diabetes and overall terrible health…

You see, fitness leads to a healthier diet and a healthier life filled with all the minerals, nutrients, sleep you want….and you look better when you do it….

But when you’re a pervert who can’t stop masturbating whenever you see a girl in fitness gear, not even in a deep squat pose, I mean she can be at the grocery store, laundromat, loading her car with garden supplies, painting her picket fence….and still worthy of a good old fashion public jerk off….you know your limits.

Luckily, the hotter bodied, muscle toned, better fucks than the fat bitches I posted earlier, don’t let their fitness for hotness go to waste, they push that shit, market that shit and promote it so hard that you an jerk off to it from the privacy of your home….

I know, where’s the fun, the adventure, the excitement in that…right….well, it’ll have to do.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Do you even lift bro?


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Get Fit or die trying…

I like to offset the no fat chicks allowed post that I posted earlier with girls who don’t subscribe to the be fat, use a filter, have a fake ass body for social media because none of these people will ever meet you in real life, until you go viral and have to make public appearances that let everyone know you’re a fucking liar, so instead of staying fat, you turn to fitness and starving yourself like the good old days, because even the fatties know they are disgusting when they pretend they aren’t, that’s why they photoshop themselves…

They say trust the science, but never tell you the right science to trust, because the science they want you to follow makes you sick, when the real science of not eating shit, sugar, chemicals and working out gives you a good quality of life, energy to know they are trying to kill you off, or turn you into a slave…

Fitness gives you strength, energy, quality of life, and help you survive chronic illness pandemics, apocalypses and if you’re too lazy to get fit, find a fit girl who sees you as a project and let her know the only fitness you do is watching her squat on your dick with vigor and excitement cuz she’s all high on endorphines….

Here’s some slutty fitness girls with their SWOLE on, all high testosteroned after their workout, not in a tranny way, but in a wanting to get fucked way…at least that’s how I read these things when I get hard watching strangers do fitness in their fitness outfits….RACY….


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

This is a post designed to celebrate and eroticize the whole being fit thing, so that some of these lazy bitches out there realize that fitness is hotter than fatness and if they’re going to get naked on the internet like all the other girls, they should do it as fit chicks and not fat chicks, it’s not very complex of a concept really, fitness is better always, even when there’s a little too much fitness and her clit turns into a mini-dick that you’ll be forced to jerk off like it was your dads….with your mouth…..I know you want those memories behind you…..but I just keep bringing them up…

Anyway, stop normalizing fatties, start making fitness part of everyone’s life, so going to walmart looks and smells better..

It’s the responsible thing to do people….


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

It’s a known fact that fitness makes you healthier, happier, hotter, better in bed, better in life, disciplined, energized….less prone to being a loser on anti-depressants who sit on their fat asses eating chips and cake as they mindlessly watch the TV tell them things through shitty fucking programming….

Then there’s the whole COVID thing that most people are probably over, because they haven’t unleashed the heavy duty version to kill everyone off, it’s been COVID lite to date, but we can all eagerly await what the future brings…

But yeah, in the whole COVID thing, we’ve seen a bunch of unhealthy people deny healthy things like fitness…..even though all studies said fitness will save you….not good enough for the lazy….thy prefer simpler solutions like triple masks and vaccines that don’t work.

There was also a whole propaganda campaign against fitness at the time of COVID, probably calling fitness extremist or racist, BIGOTS…..

While really, fitness should be the only thing that matters, but they don’t want any of that…..

Luckily, thse girls are doing fitness shit, being fit, for a better tomorrow and it looks a lot better than sloppy fucking sick people waiting for their premature death while being scared of death….nothing some anti depressants and sugar won’t fix….


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay fit bitches…

This is my weekly celebration of fit sluts being fit, or showing off their fitness in various slutty ways, to get the message out there that fit ladies are hotter than fat, sloth, pig bitches….their lives better, their asses better, their cardio better, their ability to bounce on a dick better…they put all fat chicks to fucking shame and as a no fat chicks allowed activist…we need to stick to our guns and push the health agenda that they’re trying to destroy by normalizing the premature death alternative because they don’t want to pay for your retirement fools…THEY want you dead….not mooching…and the fastest way to that is tell dumb lazy fucks being fat is cool so they don’t try getting fit, but instead try to eat as many slices of pizza in one sitting…..but not these girls, they know fit is better.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

I just realized that every single post I’ve posted today has been either fat and vile looking bitches, or Rumer Willis, who might as well be a fat and vile looking girl, because she’s about as hot as one…

That good news is that we’ve got WORKOUT WEDNESDAY, a feature that celebrates girls who go to the gym, who consider themselves fit, who actively try to not be fat and I am all for that.

Fit is healthy, unless you’re anorexic fit and dying of anemia, heart disease and haven’t had your period in 8 years….

But for the most part, fit gives energy, strength, the ability to bounce on a cock without gassing out and losing their breath….it allows them to fit in one plane seat, not 2, it probably means they eat less and more affordable, but then they probably eat healthy, while feeding a fat bitch requires a bag of chips, a jug of chocolate milk and a tub of ice cream….so maybe the fit chick isn’t as cost effective….I mean they also live longer….but yeah, we’re just looking at the pics, not investing in a fit chick or costing her out, so celebrate that fitness, it just looks better than fatness.


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Fit bitches to balance out WEIGHT WATCHERS WEDNESDAY because fit is hot, even an ugly bitch with a fit body is better than a fat bitch with a pretty face….there’s no debate there no matter how many times you hear “well, I don’t fuck her all day, I have to look at her face more than her asshole”….to which I say “you’ve found yourself the wrong bitch, but that’s pretty clear with the fact that she’s fat….you done gave up bro”….

Fitness is healthy, fitness is active, fitness is able to fuck without getting out of breath so you can lay their on the back being the fat one…..in a THERE IS ONLY ENOUGH ROOM IN THIS BED FOR ONE FAT FUCK and it’s going to be me…since I’m not the chick.

Fitness saves lives, fitness makes activities better, fitness can lead to a longer life…..and fitness is better to fuck.

Anyone who tells you a fit girl isn’t worth jerking off to, has never watched a fit girl in leggings do deep squats in the park….

PUT THAT IN MY MOUTH…I’ll eat it….so here are them fit bitches…


Posted in:Workout




Workout Wednesday of the Day

Stay fit motherfuckers!

I know that people are all back on the abortion kick because social media and the media are an echo chamber from hell to keep us all unhappy and in their trance…TURNING OFF THE INTERNET would do us all good, except maybe this site, since it needs the internet to exist, but no one would notice it was gone and I figure it’s a good sacrifice for the benefit of humanity as a whole, since I’m planning to stop updating eventually, it’s just a waste of time…but that’s another story.

This story is about health and wellness, my body my choice, trust the science, get an experimental shot with a donut….COVID propaganda that lead to COVID protocol that will probably make a fucking comeback in the fall, possibly in ways we don’t even understand….so more disgusting half dead looking fat people can scream at us about our health…

As a fat person, I don’t identify as those preachy fat people, but rather one who knows people should be fit in order to be healthy, fit in order to be hot, fit to have the best possible life, so if you do anything for your health and wellness…get fit..while I eat chips and cake from the sideline and watch…..

As a fat person, I believe you should feel shame in being fat, and that these fitness bitches are pornographic, especially in an era where there are so many fatties pretending to be hot, even though fitness means they’ll likely live longer, so not a great long term strategy if you’re favorite break-up is when the bitch your with dies off on you gifting you freedom and some of their assets….MOOCH RIGHT IF YOU ARE GOING TO MOOCH AT ALL.

All this to say, I like fit bitches.


Posted in:Workout