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stepLINKS of the Day

Tonight, the war on obesity continues….unfortunately my weapon is my penis…sure, I hate banging fat girls…but they are all too willing….and I have no standards but more importantly…I am unable to say no…even though I hate them and I hope that translates in my performance or at least in giving them AIDS so they slim […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I am hanging out with one of my stepdaughters tonight. I am going to make her suck my dick like she used to. It is going to be glorious. Don’t worry she’s over 18. Not that you worried. I know my dick getting sucked isn’t important to you. But it is importan to me and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I like when girls write my website name across their tits – it doesn’ matter if they are hot or not – just as long as they are doing it – you see cuz fan signs are like blowobs – when they are happening to you – it’s hard to hate them – even if […]




Hailey Baldwin More Relevant Than Stephen Baldwin in her 16 Year Old Bikini of the Day

For the most part celebrity kids are fucking annoying…except maybe Sage Stallone and Jet Travolta…you know cuz they are dead. What too soon? They are all spoiled and damaged becasue their parents are damaged but they manage to land gigs because they are products of nepotism and end up making more money than you, and […]




stepLINKS of the Day

Tonight will not be a success unless someone gets pregnant – unless that someone is me – because that would probably be the end of me, ruin me as a man, possibly affect the way I walk and not worth the trouble, even if it gets me on Oprah. The objective is to seduce as […]




stepLINKS of the Day

This July 4th, Independence Day, bullshit is getting old. I’m tired of the status updates, the intagram pics, the tweets and the text messages, the lame stripper bitches in themed phtooshoots..July 4th is old news, it is played out, it is all about the future motherfuckers….July 5th is the new…it is the now…get with the […]




stepLINKS of the Day

People on my FACEBOOK – really care that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes are divorcing cuz her contract to protect his homosexuality is up and not even cuz of the broken HOLMES issues that Suri is gonna be dealing with through adolescence leading to opportunity to have sex with her…..I don’t care about any of […]




stepLINKS of the Day

I’ve been into adventures lately, you know going out there and meeting sluts, convincing them to take nudes with me, or take nudes on me….but I haven’t actually bothered going on any….I have facebook for that….I’m equally unsuccessful from the comfort of my own disgusting, miserable, hell I call home… Here are some stepLINKS…. Russell […]




stepLINKS of the Day

The paparazzi hate me…and all I want is to just be friends with them….It hurts my feelings….I think I’ll have to go cut myself, cry, drink heavy and fuck two hookers….and while I do that…Here are the stepLINKS…. Octomom in her Bikini GO Spice Girls Reunion Complete With Posh’s Cunt Face…Ughhhh GO Athletes and WAGS […]




Morning Hangover Dump of the Day

The weekend stepLINKS never published, so I’m gonna re-post them here. I have this thing where I don’t move on weekends at all. I don’t turn on the computer. I don’t leave my couch. I blame chronic fatigue syndrome, but it could just be boredom, depression, being uninspired, diabetes, getting older, my fat wife stealing […]