I'll Make You Famous…




Kylie Jenner Naked for Dwindling Titty Mag of the Day

Kylie Jenner Naked

Kylie Jenner is apparently in the latest issue of Playboy, which is trying to appeal to the soft millennial idiots on social media, who don’t give a fuck about magazines, they get their nudes on the gram bro…

If you ever needed a reminder that the playboy brand is pretty fucking dead, this is it, a nude spread with Kylie and her baby daddy, like shut the fuck up, no one fucking needs that.

They have totally alienated their core audience the last 5 years and obviously still exist, but from HEF selling the rights off to Pornhub who do hardcore porn and brought quality and integrity of the mag to zero, to their attempt at removing nudity to be ad friendly, in a prime example of how you shouldn’t run after money, you should run after content that makes you so relevant ads need to come to you, and now it’s run by 20 year old girls and a gay dude, who I heard in interview say something about a nude image of a girl in water representing the FLUIDITY of GENDER….totally what the PLAYBOY reader wants to see.

Fucking garbage, the world is filled with idiots, and the idiots breed more idiots, and the people in power get less and less talented, innovative, or interesting.

When Playboy broke, it was groundbreaking, advertisers paid premiums to be on a titty mag, and now it’s just some fucking pile of shit dragging it’s feed in the mud trying to get idiot kids into what they do, using Kylie Jenner cuz she can manipulate them in….instead of doing what they should be doing…which is GOOD….not perpetuating this EVIL.

Garbage. Garbage. Garbage.
Kylie Jenner Naked

More boring kylie..


Posted in:Kylie Jenner|SFW




Ariel Winter Lingerie of the Day

Ariel Winter Lingerie Big Tits

Ariel Winter got her titties out in a shirt that you can see her nipples in…

I know it’s not all that exciting since every girl under 25 wears shirts you can see their nipples in…provided you leave the house you’d know.

I know it’s also not that exciting because she’s Ariel Winter and that word is interchangeable with NECKLESS TROLL in the THESAURUS that is my mind…

She’s a fuck of a lot skinnier, something she says is thanks to changing Anti-Depressant meds, on some new cocktail cuz she’s a broken bitch in this over prescribed “mental health” bandaid world we live in and that I do not have any fucking respect for…so bitch shouldn’t be encouraging people to be weak victims who have a built in excuse for all things wrong in their life…but at least she’s skinnier….and this time it’s not from cutting off her F-cup tit and making it a D-Cup….WHICH IS still huge tit…only now a better shaped tit…with an anchor scar..cuz her tits are really what make her troll face tolerable….thanks reverse IMPLANTS…

Ariel Winter Big Tits


Posted in:Ariel Winter|SFW




Alina Boyko Topless of the Day

Alina Boyko Topless

Alina Boyko is some Russian model because during communism, Russia killed off all the uglies that were brining down their perfectly designed communist ideals…cuz no community with uglies will prosper…

So this new take on Russia or Russia’s new strategy of world dominance using internet marketing tactics you don’t need to be too smart to pull off, proven by Instagram sluts, which I guess is one level of the Russian Spammers rigging elections department we can all jack off to…


Posted in:Alina Boyko




Slutty Athlete of the Day

yulia ushakova Slutty Athlete

Some slutty Russian Athlete.

I don’t know what sport she’s known for. I am going to assume it is HOCKEY, but I do know that spread ass Hockey pad pose is hilarious and amazing. It is like a UK Glamour model photoshoot from 10 years ago….perfect balance of trashy and cheesy and hot….

Since she’s actually a star player, it almost seems like she’s not shameless whoring for attention, because she’s got that Hockey thing, it is just her being fun and playful….since her real marketable skill is the HOCKEY…despite being shameless…

I don’t know if she’s an actual star player, but since she’s Russian and since they put so much importance on being good at sport through doping. They used to pull young kids out of school and ship them to sport specific schools if they excelled at that sport at a young age. Meaning they take it seriously and I guess so does this girl….but not too seriously to keep her bands on…

yulia ushakova Slutty Athlete

yulia ushakova Slutty Athlete


Posted in:Athlete|SFW




Lucy Hale Fitness Erotica of the Day

Lucy Hale Fitness Erotica

Lucy Hale spreading her ass in leggings …

I have never seen the Pretty Little Liars show, so I have no real opinion of Lucy Hale, her acting abilities, her fame or any of that bullshit…

I just know that she’s got millions of followers from being on a hit show and that she doesn’t really need to put too much effort or concept into her marketing of herself, not that any of these whores, but I guess those who aren’t at LUCY HALE level are out there trying to figure out how to break through, while Lucy Hale just needs to maintain what she’s already got…and all that requires is fitness erotica. Some fitness workout in slutty outfits showing off her body / ass. That is all it takes to keep people remembering her so that she can get instagram deals…or other TV show deals under the illusion she’s relevant…when really we only care cuz it’s a ass we are told is important doing fitness…

Lucy Hale Fitness Erotica


Posted in:Lucy Hale|SFW




That Dude Lea Michele Tits of the Day

Lea Michele TIts Bikini

Hey Bro…I’m talking to you LEA MICHELE because I know your real name is LIAM…..

I am all about misgendering people, because the fact that people want their own designated pronoun, making it an issue for all of us to keep track of your shit, and everyone else’s shit, when we ultimately only care about ourselves>.

I don’t know my own birthday, how old I am, how to pay my bills but I am going to know the STARBUCKS dyke trans weirdo 18 year old goes by “it” or “They” or “that” or “thing” or “shut the fuck up keep your genitals and feelings about you genitals to yourself”…

But I do know that Lea Michele is pretty manly, even with the titties out.


Posted in:Lea Michele|SFW




Inka Williams Slutty of the Day

Ikna Williams slutty

Inka Williams, who we saw topless HERE last week, back again being slutty in her bikini…

She is an IMG model, which doesn’t mean much because these modeling agencies sign anyone. It’s also possibly that she got signed after pushing numbers on social media for being hot, making her an instagram model with an infrastructure that backs her…but the good news is that she’s hot, skinny and with no real ailment so her content isn’t about her being fat and proud, ethnic and proud, rocking small ears and proud or any of that…it’s just lean skinny model chick in a bikini HOW WE LIKE THEM….save the fatties for the girls we have no choice but to fuck….and keep the hotties as the girls we want to fuck.



Posted in:Inka Williams|SFW




Charli XCX Wet for GayTimes of the Day

Charli XCX Gay Times See Through Wet

Charli XCX has her tits out for GAYTIMES because tits are what she’s known for, at least what I know her for, because I can’t name one of her songs, and if I was to go to the local mall and ask 1000 people what their favorite CHARLI XCX song is, I imagine only 1 person (if that) will know one. She’s that level of barely famous but the media wants to sell her to us…even though we aren’t shopping.

SO, her in Gaytimes, is really a whatever situation, other than me finding it offensive that she’ll take any opportunity to pull her tits out, even willing to exploit her tits to the gay crowd, since they are probably the only people paying attention to her because they mistook her for a drag queen and they love drag queens…

The fact that gay dudes don’t like tits, doesn’t mean she shouldn’t show off her tits, especially if it’s all she’s got…but it is pretty shameless, like take every chance se can to show the tits off, and despite being perfectly fine with that cuz I am a pervert, I think it’s selling herself short, pornifying herself in the worst way….like go big or go home this skirting around the issue is fucking dumb…


Posted in:Charli XCX|SFW




Anastasiya Scheglova Erotica of the Day

Anastasiya Scheglova Erotica

Anastasiya Scheglova is an actress, known for Kak ya stal.. Pro lyubov. Tolko dlya vzroslykh and Olesya and other COLD WAR inspired communist hits…

Straight from the mean streets of Eastern Europe / Russia…with that hot Russian sex worker look, and that Communist work camp work ethic, these girls are out there putting in work. Smarter, faster, better than lazy Westerners who don’t remember waiting in line for toilet paper only to find out they were out for the week and it was a week of creative ass wiping…not that this one remembers that, she’s too young…but her family raised her with that deep rooted in their souls….which is probably this one is making that HALF NAKED escape to greener richer pastures…


Posted in:Anastasiya Scheglova|SFW




TikTOK of the Day

Just a girl strapping vibrators to her feet to give you the weirdest video to jack off to…of the day.

Posted in:Videos