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Miley Cyrus Pantsless of the Day

I don’t think a Miley Cyrus showing off her panties is really that interesting to look at…she’s over-exposed, garners too much attention, has publicly done drugs too many times, is constantly naked, sometimes masturbating for fashion, because she’s a hipster tumblr star – even though she’s really just a soulless product of Disney, confused into […]




Miley Cyrus Talking About Her Pig’s Butt of the Day

Here’s Miley sounding half retarded, planning Bacon…when she’s done with “Big Pig”…but I assume that Miley Cyrus is high as fuck, trying to show her fans that she makes as banal observations when high…just like them and in this case…it’s the shine of her pig butt…. I guess to think Miley was the only money […]




The Miley Cyrus Avoids a Banned MAC Ad for Publicity of the Day

Here’s Miley Eating her Panties to talk about how Miley was named spokesperson for some Mac Campaign over a year ago…meaning these pics came out over a year ago…and now the ad is being talked about again…because it was almost banned in the UK, which sounds like a strategy to squeeze all they can out […]




Miley Cyrus Fights BC Wolf Cull of the Day

Miley Cyrus is lovely…a lot of fun…probably the only fun in pop music…and she was in British Columbia Canada, because she is fighting the Wolf Cull, which is killing wild wolves, sad to all animal lovers, because they are out of control….all because a politician said that the uneducated, high school drop out, who shouldn’t […]




Miley Cyrus Instagram Pic of the DAy

Miley Cyrus is so hip…so cool…so tumblr fresh…even though any real hipster knows that having a tumblr is so mainstream, and being on instagram is so mainstream, it makes you look like your trying….way too hard…. It’s safe to say that Miley Cyrus….is a fucking phoney created by Disney…puppet of the media…But she’s naked…or naked […]




Miley Cyrus is Broken – X-Ray Porn of the Day

OMG! OMG! Miley is injured, I sure hope she recovers from this most terrible thing that could possibly happen to a girl who is high all the time, and who probably fell down the stairs or some shit… I guess it could also be a like, and she’s just implying that she’s injured, by posting […]




Miley Cyrus Eats With her Inbred Mouth Open of the Day

Miley is not really inbred, she’s just cut from the white trash cloth, of Achy Breaky Billy Ray, who was probably inbred, as his name would statistically suggest, I mean I think less than 5% of people naked Billy Ray are not inbred….while her mom was just some stripper or cocktail waitress who through a […]




Edgy Hipster Miley Cyrus Instagram Analysis of the Day

Miley Cyrus as you know is an “Edgy” hipster…even though hipsters don’t really exist, and she’s just part of this drugged up, don’t give a fuck because we put everything on the internet, just being ourselves, sometimes shocking, often times with lots of colors, and genitals, and nipples…because it’s fun to be weird…in this internet […]




Miley Cyrus Cake Picture of the Day

Miley Cyrus was celebrating her birthday, or her friend’s birthday, or knowing Miley, one of her attempts at a high concept, porny, Tumblr selfie shoot, as part of her “performance” art and branding, that makes people like me think, “At least she’s not Taylor Swift”….while playing the media in what I call “Just being Miley”… […]




Miley Cyrus is Sick in Bed on Labor Day of the Day

Miley Cyrus is sick in bed today, so everyone send your thoughts and prayers to her and hope the sucking dirty dick and pussy, smoking weed and drinking, staying up all night dancing like a retard….while her family celebrates her voice being turned off for a few days, thinking how bad they would love to […]