I'll Make You Famous…




Emma Stern has is the Future of All Things of the Day


Howard Stern’s daughter Emma, has an amazing upper lip…

She also goes by the name Emma Stern Nielsen….you know trying to avoid being accused of nepotism and I follow her on instagram….because we may live in a world where so many of these girls, I’m talking anyone who is a 7 or up, is doing photoshoots on the internet and thinking they are hot, talented or matter…


An actual amazing looking model breaks out of the noise, and reminds you that some models deserve to be models, are models, and were born to be models – because they have hot fucking features, mainly lips, I mean this mouth is just absurd and she knows it…

So Emma Stern Nielsen is the kind of girl I want to see succeed, and who will probably succeed, because she’s just fucking awesome, get her in mainstream campaigns – make her a Victoria’s Secret Angel…let’s go…

I’d say that she’s the kind of girl Iould watch masturbate, but I will watch any girl masturbate, no matter how weird, disgusting, limbs they have… I’ll be front row, with or without popcorn, because watching girls masturbate is one of my most favorite things…

But I do think she’s amazing…the kind of girl you’d want to follow around the world with or without her knowing – or you could just find her home address to mail her cum soaked kleenex, girls say they don’t like that kind of interest in them, but they love it…


Posted in:Emma Stern Nielsen




British Presenter – Zoe Hardman – Shows Why Europe is Better of the DAy


I guess she’s pregnant and topless…

Her name is Zoe Hardman, she’s a British presenter, whatever the fuck that means, she’s topless in Ibiza where women get topless, it’s what they fucking do, this is what they consider a bathing suit in the Las Vegas / Miami beach of Europe…filled with trashy, busty, party people wasted in the beautiful setting, tits everywhere…even pregnant tits..and since I am not from the UK, I’ll say her boyfriend or husband or the reason she’s pregnant’s cameltoe with his shorts in the wind…

I am just using this as a free the nipple beacon of hope that one day people will follow my bikini top ban….in local parks for my masturbation.


Posted in:SFW|Zoe Hardman




Hilary Duff’s Jet Blue in Bed Erotica / Prostitution of the Day


I wonder how much Jet Blue paid Hilary Duff for this brilliant at that I know makes you want to fly Jet Blue, maybe even that New York / LA flight we can assume Hilary Duff got for free, or maybe she got 100,000 dollars for the post…or maybe more – because that’s how famous people work – they are puppets with an audience they promote their bullshit they get paid stupid money to do..when we know her fans are only into her to jerk off to the memories of her at 16…

In this case, it was zero effort, inflated lips, bright selfie…that has nothing to do with airplanes but has everything to do with making you want to cum on her big lips and wonder – why she wasn’t sucking on a banana – a little breakfast to make it fucking count…but her fans are only into her to jerk off to the memories of her at 16…


Maybe you’re not into her cash grab but more into her grabbing her friend’s tits…


Posted in:Hilary Duff|SFW




UK Whore Fame Whoring for the Paparazzi as UK Whores Do of the Day


Her name is – Megan Rees – it’s safe to say no one gives a fuck about her, but she managed to get into reality TV in the UK which is apparently pretty easy to pull off, maybe it’s a small island, maybe they have limited decent looking trash with all their teeth and breast implants, maybe they built a “culture” or “babe culture” on glamour models, making these stripper looking hookers the norm of baseline of what they think as a people as HOT…you know since accents like that scream everyone’s a faggot poofter fuck – and any closet case who is more into fucking his mate at the tennis club – or doing hooligan fights at the EURO in france…while finger banging each other’s assholes..would choose the most basic criteria of babe “big tits, shaved pussy, bald pussy, short skirt”..and these babes do the simpliest of simple get in the news hustle…no panties, clubs where the paparazzi is, get in the tabloids, matter…get a rich soccer playing husband…

So silly…everyone knows bush is back, get on it trash and show me some fucking bush..not stubble..



Posted in:Megan Rees




Naked Babe Dancing on the Table… and Other Videos of the Day

Meatloaf Collapse was due to Dehydration –

Granny VS Cops

Pop Top Tent Pops on Freeway

Steamroller Takes Out a Dude

Truck VS Bridge

Dude SELFIES his own Death

Ping Pong Fail

Fight – ends Bad

Guy on Motorcycle – Tries to Split Cars

Paint Falls 100 Feet

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




I am – Morning Hangover Dump of the Day


The more I talk to girls…the more they trust me with personal information because they don’t sexualize me – even though I sexualize them – and treat me like a BFF Girlfriend – they open up to with information I masturbate but pretend I’m casual about. It’s an art.

Today in lessons from the pussy – I learned that 2 girls I talk to have cum from working out, doing their abs, and everytime they hit the gym they “destroy” their panties, which is probably a good thing for people like me who don’t really like the gym, who’s fitness regime isn’t actually working out in a gym to have stronger orgasm, but rather who’s fitness is more jerking off trying to cum with a limp dick for hours…

I guess what I am trying to say is that – the gym, a more magical place that I originally thought it was, and I already thought it was a magical place…because skimpy tight clothes, poses, and girls showering and naked together – is legendary…not legendary enough to get me to sign up…and not as legendary as these links…

Here are some stepLINKS in the morning…

Lady Gaga May be in a Movie

Drinking a Cup of Water in a Jet

Vanessa Hudgens – Slutty

Dog Sneeze of the Day

Everything Wrong with JAWS

X-Factor Rejection Goes Well

Slutty Redhead of the DAy

Alessandra AMbrosio – Yoga

Sara Underwood – Ass

The Tupac Movie Trailer….

Instagram Model – Getting Coverage

Vegas in Infared

Posted in:stepLINKS




Justin Bieber Falls Through a Trap Door On Stage of the Da

Justin Biber was in Canada performing for a group of obsessed fans, because despite everyone hating the motherfucker, they seem to really love the motherfucker…hits songs, sold out shows, he’s not the child star you’d want him to be, you know killing himself in his hotel room forgotten….we can blame social media for that.

But we can thank social media for Justin almost dying on stage, you know someone got beat up by him and his angry little brat fists, because no body tries to kill a BIEB, especailly not a staffer who you know did it on purpose…

I like to think of this as a demonstration on what his dick did to Selena’s Big Pussy, or maybe Selena is behind this…or maybe it’s just a way to get the sympathy of the people, who would really prefer if it involved a head injury – since dude needs a reset…

I guess what I am saying is there’s something magical about someone walking with this kind of attempted swagger…trip and fall is masterful..organic…authentic and real….unlike everything else about the motherfucker….

Posted in:Justin Bieber|SFW




Hometown Hotty Anais Pouliot of the Day


Anais Pouliot is a French Canadian from a suburb 20 minutes out of Montreal, the city I live in for legal reasons…

She didn’t spend that much time working in montreal, or hanging out in montreal, or being my friend in montreal calling me to grab a salad for lunch, or maybe hit a model fitness class, like Pilates or Hot Yoga…but she still came out of this place…and her french trash family still lives in this place…and just because she’s gone to New York and done one or two shoots for Victoria’s Secret….doesn’t mean she’s not that above ground pool, Poutine eating, stripper who got away…and just because she kind of made it in America…I know, at her core, she’s still french trash and has erratic anal sex on the first encounter as French girls do…

I assume she’s at the tail end of her career but still has those french legs and unlike most French Canadians with hard bodies I know, doesn’t have that hard smokers face by 30 – because she escaped that fate for Luxury…

I also find local whores who make it in the world lost opportunity I’ll never get back – because there was a window in their career where I could have manipulated them into sex…because in case you didn’t know …Paula Abdul follows me on Twitter – along with 13,000 people, like we’re our own small down…touched by the leader, out god…the illustrious medicated choreographer pop tart in her 90s…

Here she is in a magazine for some local content, even though she probably has her green card like an islamic radical…you Americans just hand them out.

Posted in:Anais Pouliot|SFW




Woman Finds Out Boyfriend Has HIV – Runs Him The Fuck Over of the Day

Here’s a brilliant story about a man tells a woman he is HIV positive….and she runs him the fuck over…

A beautiful angelic woman – at least based on her mug shot – who drives a nice classy red Mustang, you know American Muscle…that even Meth looking motherfuckers who fuck dudes with HIV can use to run that motherfucker over….

I like that she’s claiming she was upset and didn’t realize she hit anyone…when she lines the fucking target up and guns it towards mr HIV..

Life Lesson – don’t tell a bitch you have HIV…

Or maybe that’s not the life lesson at all…and maybe the life lessoon is that America is doomed.

Let’s Ask Catheter Cowboy what he thinks?

Posted in:stepNEWS|Videos




Meatloaf Out – Of the Day

Ballad Rock Opera master with the voice of an over dramatic angel – straight from the Rocky Horror Picture show – to the 90s collapsed on stage in what is probably the most appropriate song to die to – at least more theatrical way to die…

The master of 80s of rock and emotional breakdowns on the Apprentice with your leader Donald Trump was performing in Edmonton Canada, at 68 yeras of age, despite being a fat, asthmatic, who should probably just have taken it easy in his later years than running city to city to sing intensely….I’m not 68 and can’t even fuck a 21 year old on my back without heart injury….

I like how the audience prove they are just spectators at the circus as they scream for him as motherfucker is dying…

Let’s hope he pulls through – we need more bats out of hell – not in hell…

Sidenote – what the fuck did this bitch shoot this on, a Closed Circuit security video camera on VHS?

This happened yesterday. What the fuck…

Posted in:Meatloaf|SFW